Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You seem to have air about you. Like OmG don't comment. Take your advice pal. I reply in kind. I'll let you take a pop, sure. But expect the same back.

I am active and talk, the purpose of a forum. I reply when replied too. Talking, and learning. No I am not paid for this, it's an interest and hobby. Why not. It's knowledge.

I haven't made any mistakes. If I do I'd apologise, and have done for getting it wrong. More of conspiracy is theory. There are no wrong answers, unless you're a Flat Earth adreno cannibal.

You haven't specified any mistake. You've trolled bullshit to me. We haven't discussed the topic like reasonable conversationalists. Instead I've listened to a whiny little bitch spam crap.

You're also operating on another multiple account, faggot. A real dumbass.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's not deepstate. It's the ADL or some other likewise cunts. That office of trolls fucks you because they've got nothing better to do. Literally you're off, so they can make dumb comments. Until it's not normal people commeting, it's A.I and shills and cheerleaders and anybody else sucking on the state sponsored feces. It pays their wages, manipulating the advertising. If it doesn't, it cancels them or enforces censorship. Until it's a case of simple programming. If you don't agree with the advertising, you're censored. It has gone through their offices, or likewise, it has bulk collected your details, until your I.P pops up and anything practically everywhere on any domain, is faster shadowbanned across the larger net. Especially if it's any form of media/social media. The Daily Mail online what is that? Where is that going who is reading it? Any comments used to be able to say what they wanted. Any information is informative. Unless all you had to say is fuck them and fuck it. Who cared. Until today there are those cunts. They have to control everything. Every single comment.

You'll find these mod groups are being paid by your taxes. Plus any advertising. They have no accountability. The press and media are forced to comply. Who voted on this shit. Nobody did. But it's how the Internet has become.

It's the scale of it. We are back in the inquisition. Confess, or have your tongue removed.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, the Aliens are economic migrants, the USA is their obvious point of invasion and Europe. The Bugeater homeworld was going nova, and they obviously needed asylum. The USA granted it for any technology, it was primative, except for their travel, they said a different species helped save them, so it was reversed engineered into sewing machines and dishwashers, because their flight pods, crashed on the planet. The somewhat evolved species have no real skills outside of scavenging and labour. But at least they looked humanoid and can pass as human apart from their incredibly nauseating odors, language, culinary habits, clothing, and hostility. It causes crime, and degredation of infrastructure, turning it Alien. They have since learned about racism and rights. Where they demand to breed with humans otherwise it's racist.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're a retard. So retarded you cannot read. It was really simple. Type it into Google. It takes less time than you and me typing it.

You didn't read the Wiki either. Instead I have a retard arguing with me.

My claims, no. I didn't make the video or write up the 100s of hits you're far too stupid to find. So instead like an infant you drool and doodle at me, attacking me in ignorance. The Wiki says, supposing a crossover Hominid, Human caused an anomaly.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Said to have been debunked like the Starchild. But anomalies. Who is telling the truth. It's not all cut and dry. Especially with the elongated heads regionally there.

That problem is they're competing against the modern religion of evolution. It has an entire belief system. If it doesn't fit the evolutionary model, monkeys bound heads, because it's what monkeys do, they big banged them together, then it's a forgery and unscientific. They threw out hoards of giants due to their beliefs, because giants create a paradox, how can monkeys be evolutionary tall. So they invented Bigfoot and King Kong as cartoons. Now they've found the missing link of how monkeys made the pyramids. Apparently the evolutionary monkeys buried their dead monkeys. Sure enough after a few generations they came up with the pyramids.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Go and study it. I have provided the topic for you to research. Not whine your opinion at me. It is a skull there is no real accountability for. Hence the wiki and my topical question. Read what it says. Granted the video isn't the best hit. But it has information. Your first questions.

It's elongated but with different underlying features. Most elongated skulls are from head binding. There are concerns on others with seemingly natural sutures, as in the skull was supposedly birthed elongated. Then there's this topic. It is different.

I linked another skull completely different with horns in the Baphomet topic that the nazis had.

I can link other skulls with anomalies. There's a triangular skull. There is also a tiny humanoid skull. Etc etc etc.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Seen it. It that cryptid from the Ritual, is everywhere on Netflix and modern horror. Just watched another series, it had it in. Who is Erin Carter. It's European folklore. But what is the name of it. It's in other Spanish horror several in fact.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Haha, the polar shift ontop of the triangles. Nice theory for their magnetism.

But was happens to the Equator? For example Ethiopia was once supposedly completely blanketed in glaciers?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha, it almost certainly is a demon spawn.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

In a scenario of nuclear war. It's real simple and real obvious. There ain't an east if there's no west. There's no South if there's no North. The Globe has gone MAD. Those nukes are surfacing from everywhere and hitting everywhere. What isn't hit has fallout in the forms of planetary darkness. Nuclear winter blocking out our sun, radiation in the jetstreams, gulf streams, weather.

Of course it might just be limited to tactical strikes on the dumb piggy squealing for it. It begs for war. All it has done. Go on hit it. It's a dumb punchbag. Like that cartoon of the insane straitjacket, helmet banging their head into a wall. It doesn't hurt when it stops.

Why give them long range missiles? They aren't for anything else except testing Russian missile defense inside of Russia. It causes what? What is the conclusion here?

Banks, no. Individuals surely. Because banks are sooner useless in a scenario of nuclear war.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Bankers don't win in that scenario. Banks require a population indebted. Because all a bank does is lend you, credit, it profits off. Every transaction gives the banks revenue. It goes and prints more crap. They call this crap money or something.

In a scenario where the population has significantly lessened, because the population is under unrest to the extremes of disaster, banks are useless. No money in them. They've emptied out the accounts of crap, and fucked off to their next grab. There are only resources in that situation. Food, water, goods, fuel, and the actual raw materials. Money becomes an illusion. Of course human stupidity still relies on it. So somebody else can claim they have more. But it effectively is redundant.

The probability is they will be used inside of Russia. Ukraine have got nothing else. If they had something else, they wouldn't need long range missiles assuming they can't be hit. Because placing the missiles further away works. Not. What good are longer range missiles? Explain. An act of the desperate, who simply beg escalation. Because it raises the stakes. Those stakes are strikes inside Russia. When they're hit. What does it cause?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

It has been claimed they will be used to strike Russia by Ukraine. Unlike former assurances of they won't be. Hasn't it hit the press last week by Kiev.

It's an escalation into, it puts Ukraine into a target of tactical strikes. Does Russia attack outside of it. It becomes a question of how far the game of Russian roulette goes. If tactical strikes on Ukraine are made as retaliation for long range missiles hitting inside of Russia, does it cause full-blown nuclear war?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Read the wiki, watch the video. Nigeria. Elongated heads of otherwise and likewise have been found globally. Europe. South America. Africa. Asia, Indian subcontinent has something similar.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

How do you mean? I have a guess.

Yes mainstream. The link provided was on druids, I stated they'd adorn horns, I can link it, going back thousands of years before the cataclysm, 13,000 years ago, worshipping something.

I am trying to establish its name? Not a Wendigo. But possibly conceptually similar, malevolent evil, skinchanger. It takes various animal forms. Loosely represented as death, the type of fear to freeze you in place as it becomes the boogeyman. Folklore.

Druidic society, pagan, occult, obviously had representations of it. Thule society, WW2. Finding its origin is a skull with very questionable features. The features of a demon.

But we find it or otherwise globally as elongated skulls. Check the other topic I created. Or in the case of headhunters like the Naga tribes, of South East Asia, doing the same. Adorning horns on their skull.

When you nutters shout Bahopmet and breakdown blah blah the theology. It's not quite where this shit came from or what these people are doing. Mainstream for you, are mainstream names and demonic cartoon depictions. But that folklore and worship goes back, it had origins. When druids re-emerged, late 1700s, not that they went anywhere is when Baphomet re-enters and becomes the topic depiction, further accusing the Templar of the worship that they're causing. It was likely for the access, as any lodges become corrupted, and you sooner find druids in them or alongside. Not that the Mason's origin is particularly godly as the topic poster formerly posted about Solomon's Key is trying to establish that occult origin and symbolism.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1


Not a monkey but the crossover, interbreeding according to Wiki. No wonder why they started binding their heads?

You had these, things, they're all over the planet in Ancient burial sites. Debunked as head binding, except the above and many likewise prove otherwise.

I am waiting for somebody else to shout the Baphomet.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's a wendigo. Skinwalker. In Europe?

I mean the druids dressed like that. Not to the extents of saytrs with the goats legs, hooves. But in rituals of shamanism they adorned the antlers.

In WW2 and the entire conspiracy of the Nazi occultism. They had a skull of it. It came from ancient mounds in Bulgaria.


Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

What is a Baphomet symbol? I thought like with exorcism a product of the inquisition, demons need their proper names otherwise the exorcism doesn't work. Baphomet is a hoax. If it was sourced off the Akkadians by Alister Crowley, that wasn't it. It was also a reference to Muhammad by the Kinght's Templar.

Can anybody tell me what this is, it used to have a bunch of European folklore. I keep seeing it in modern horrors. It isn't a Wendigo in Europe, the American name. It was also a druidic costume, they adorned antlers. But the actual cryptid is called what in Europe?


Scroll down the link for variants. It's a hooded being located in deep forests, slim, tall with a skull of a deer on its head. Or it has that weird skull the nazis thought was an E.T from Bulgaria.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1


It was a press OP with Trump. He used it to deflect from Russia gate, showing that he was proactive in the war on terror. It came from the deep. No, it came from the CIA. Biden was using it likewise until Ukraine.

As far as where these factions are located is a conflicting tale of whatever jihadists they want to wipe out.

However where they're supposedly located as competing factions, because apparently they hate each other, ISIS and Al Queda. ISIS isn't as active getting clipped in Syria, and is still located in the Mid East. Al Queda is in Africa, Afghanistan, and others. So is ISIS to lesser extents or something.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

I cannot remember the explanation. But it could be a lump of ore in the Sea very deep off the continental shelf. Otherwise I can't remember what it was, need to look it up. But there was a natural explanation to the magnetism. It weren't Atlantis and the crab people.

There are Islands off Finland in the Baltic sea. They have had a huge iron deposit and again compasses supposedly go spinning near there. There are few other points and on land with it. Normally ore, sometimes other phenomenon of isolated valleys.

In those triangles they are the subjects of weather and it causes compasses and electronics to fritz in storms. Lightning, storms, etc. But regardless there is the phenomenon of those readings outside of storms being problematic. It's a contact point of the various currents streams warm, cold generating weather. Need to look it up fully.

The missing ships, and planes. Explained as a point of hurricanes, and in the South China sea, typhoons. Both are also the subjects of piracy for much much longer.

It isn't a wormhole where Indiana Jones goes back in time. Another conspiracy, apart from the crab people, is the polar flip, and shift. This is otherwise fantasy.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

They haven't gone away. I think your memory has.

How many top ISIS commanders did Trump kill. 1 every few months. It was that press OP. What about Biden, how many like 4 top ISIS, or Al Queda?

But the narrative is Ukraine.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

It looks so bad it should be arrested. It totally clashes. It looks fucking awful. Probably the worse I have seen anybody dress. It's enough to cause blindness. It must have been the dementia. Nobody else dresses like that, apart from the insane.

Big red nigger trainers, off-key clashing teal hawaiian shirt, black trousers. It must have been that other clown. Chuck, we need an impersonator. Dress like a parrot.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yawn. Stop flooding this forum with bullshit. You dumb schizo. One post was bad enough. Dancing Jews. Omg such conspiracy. 5 times. Are you fucking retarded?

You have just validated your multiple account. It's the same psycho going after TallestSkil. Look at the same pattern of posting. If you're making dumbass multiple accounts, you're that stalker as well. Look at this cucks choice of names. Same idiolect. It's the same Troon.

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