Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

There are more actors in there. Than the topic. Haven't watch it yet. But it would be easy if it were just those guys.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. You're a 🐙. Leftist leftistism, two faced, correct the narrative, woke, triggered, fake, gay, ridiculously absurd, hypocrite.

You have zero conversation. I proposed a hypothetical that is becoming all too significant. It is war. A war that is only escalating. It will only cause and affect.

There you are retreating, while propagating nothing but my suggestion. Nothing but my suggestion. What have you spewed every chance granted on this forum? You have blamed and accused and incited. You are guilty.

I have simply said engage. He who dares wins.

Sick to death of the nuance, that it can fix what's broken, and what keeps causing and reacting. Sick of it today. Isn't the globe?

Here what happens. It goes away because you're blaming somebody else for it? No, it stops when it's done. When that's? Do it. All I've said.

Back to the hypothesis of you choose. Pick a target. If you don't, go home. It will target anyway.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're dumber than give a shit. Fuck off. Gave you an opportunity twice. Instead you're another dumb squid, not an adult.

You think there this other world, squidworld.

Why can't it all be married. They are, look. But you've got no backbone. A billion, please?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You don't talk like an adult. You're a squid. You live in fantasy.

I asked you to run some scenarios here. Adults. Yes. Which target.

There will be a target. Come on. Otherwise captain shits his pants, stinks.

Which one? You have all that hardware. Pick one.

The region is fucking mental anyway. Next time it's Iraq bases. Then etc and etc.

Instead you've mouthed squids. All you fucking leftist snowflakes have done on here. You fool no one.

Damascus would be so easy. It's in war already. Others provoke larger war already occurring. But if you hit hard enough. It stops and thinks. Nope. Big fucking leftist squid debate. Then they attack anyway. Or escalates.

Sure the Russians. Or whatever whatever regardless regardlessly. Hitting squid brigades, nope, they split into more squids or some kind of squid powers.

Which one? It has to be one. You choose. Lebanon another, it will only get hit. What you're trying to contain is the region already, armed, and marching. Not by leftistism. Oh no. It's beyond any squid narrative now. No more free billions of bullshit squid recruitment. Do you flake. You would I mean read your comment. Aw it didn't hurt yet. Next time, promise, guys.

Whatever occurs will regardless, is the paradigm. It's not a matter of if anymore. The problem with Iran is obvious. It will likely flank. Problem with any are more squids.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Simply saying that you fucking dumb retard proves you're in retreat. You've turned into captain shits his pants on air. Hang on. Need senate approval. Instead of a right hook. Mine when I am saying it to you. Read what you wrote. Wahaaa. Ep0ch, wahaaa, guys, Ep0ch, wahaa. Squids coming out your turtle.

You needed to be another leftist. Another fucking hypocrite. Another gerry hatrick. Another need to correct the record. Another fucking two faced cunt.

See while I can see and hear and read what that interview shows you're imagining squidworld. It's no fucking wonder today. None at all.

Except I'm no fool like your username fucks turtles.

You're imaging those squids didn't state. It's one nation and it's not Israel. Every person interviewed idolised Hamas, their eyes fluttered prayers and support unwavering.

So while I turn on the news and there's this fucking Hamas being interviewed alongside them shooting at kids. What is that last night? Another u-turn. Watch what it airs tomorrow. Come on. Why the fuck is that live? The dumbest nuance in history. Swing first. Today no it's not that Embassy that one they sent them in, made history. Until what went wrong. No negotiation, turned into crisis mismanagement. A billion to you and to you and you and you. And wahaaa constantly.

What the bullshit. Umm umm dunno guys. No, it's snow fucking flakes. A society with no backbone.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

So Palestinians Support Hamas, almost wholeheartedly, and some disagree with certain techniques used, but most think they're fair to use them.

There are some huge anomalies with Islam. Iran as it turned Islamic Republic, now with an Islamic Supreme, the ayatollah, blessed martyrs, it caused waves of suicide bombers. Specifically the Iran/Iraq war. This wasn't there prior. Although the concept of marytrs has been around longer. But the suicide bomber perceived as martyr arose with the Islamic Republic. Innocents, children, women being killed is in the Quran anyway.

That interview was in the 90s? Or when?

Palestinians have sent their children to attack Israel constantly.

As Palestinians have said it's one nation. It's not Israel.

Practically autism. Literal autism. But thanks for proving why I fundamentally can never support Palestine.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yea good luck with that.

They dine not on blood but on death. If there's life it comes from blood. But blood letting is simply the power over it. Or its struggle to live.

Old magik simply used blood magic to invoke the supposed power over death. I can't tell you how that work. I can only imagine how they killed and killed and sacrificed and ate. But they also sooner died. Death comes for all.

There are plenty of cannibals but no Vamps not in the immortal sense. Yes hahaha they obviously need a transfusion, transplant, or some blood as they die, obviously, they wanted their youth.

You wanted to summon a flesheater, or death? Because of immortality. A childish fable.

What causes blood to be spilled, the hearts of men, mankind. Our nature, our blood.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The region has always had blood like others such as Mexico, parts of America, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other places of the World have always known the ground to be spilled with it. If there are those drink it. That's some shit. Deep. But that's bullshit.

The sacrifice for any coven of was a Larp. There's only conflicting ideology. There is harvest perhaps spilled by its creeds. Those hemispheres are at odds. An archaic battle perhaps brought on by conjunction and alignment. No, nonsense.

A cycle occurs none the less perhaps it's perprated by those feast. Haha. No.

The cycle occurs where population expands into its differences and there is no solution to its conflicts. There is only nature. The facts of survival. The balance of its adjustment to its struggles. Then it finds peace for a time and repeats its constructs. Over and over again. There is only ignorance and it wouldn't matter if we agreed for 5 planetary minutes. In the next 5, there would be war.

Right now it probably needs to war so it can balance, or it balances regardless.

We are not immortal, we live in conflict. To escape it, you'd find some other way. Those that have, it's still all around them. Waiting, causing, affecting, threatening. Even if we were immortal would we ever tire of it? Hahaha never. It's in our blood.

Surely you are pontificating. Pointlessly.

Any mistake here needs correcting. That mistake was thinking it was married. No it's another nation and it only agrees when one nation presides over it fully. Or it will never find peace. It probably won't anyway, it hasn't for Eons. But for any peace for at least those next minutes. It means war.

Not the pissing BBC. What the fuck are they interviewing Hamas?

How the fuck is a designated terrorist organisation giving interviews? There is so much bullshit today. It isn't fact. How could it presume to be. It's causing the same divisions. Like it did then. There you have an answer to your conflict. The spectator drinks it.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Remove one block, it's jenga. Any jenga kept adding blocks and then removing them as it profits. It never corrected it, then. That's that and it's not that. Always a problem it used for agenda and profit. Today it still assumes a magic trick, like a squid out of a hat, guys. It's okay there's a squid. You will buy the climate change, and rights for robots. It's magic. Nope it's jenga.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

No. It's the fucking region. A powder keg. Cut oil. Cut crop. Whoosh. Meanwhile arms are flowing like gravvy. Because there's competition. And there's resources.

There's a population exploding, multi millions, doubling, tripling, spilling out, easily propagated into opposition. Or some other assumption like Profit.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

No. It really doesn't, you don't understand the stakes.

You don't understand the war. The region. What was coming. What was arming.

It simply thought to dust it under the rug. It made narratives instead. Where it assumed the squidworld. Until it's a fog of war where it's still rolling those dice.

It was far too delayed in its actions. Deals, profit, narratives. It then reacts late in that game. That game was at for longer, arming, training, and reacting.

It would take a lot to explain far more is speculation. But it's a pattern. Easy to unravel.

Right now I wish it were simple, like the climate change, guys, okay there's the climate, and there needs to be cuts. Some little coven somewhere, agreed. Rats first. Squids next.

But this is war. War I support. It needs to make them heel and retreat. Instead of any other nuances.

You're caught up in the nuance. Leftists act. All they do. They deflect. While the other side don't. They wave their flag.

Who cares, is it contained. No. It's fire after fire. Engage. There's going to be a lot of shit. There was anyway to someday. It's caught up. Just hope nukes are limited to none.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Yes I understand you. However historically. When war occurs, the flag of allegiance is waved to show solidarity. If that action is warfare or the grounds for it. This is why that occurs.

It has been grossly usurped. The stadium, competing nations. Until it became mass protest. Finally this puking rainbow bullshit or such. While it hypocritically removed the likes of the confederate. Get rid of the fucking lot. Apart from on or within any individual premises. Fly the nation you are its citizen. You are its citizen, you're paying tax and have a passport. Or don't fly another flag. Not in protest or support. That's claiming some other affiliation. When you are a citizen.

It has lacked common sense for so long. Part of that was a misinterpretation of the constitution. Until it is nonsense.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

How you mean. Israeli flags. I agree with showing unity. Possibly flying their flag in support. When support is sanctioned as towards an action of war or alliance. I also do not agree with other flags in the current nation.

Sick to death of other flags flown. Rainbow. Palestinian. Confederate. Israeli. Ukrainian. Etc. Or in mass protest to the current national flag. I agree individually. Why not. Same as buildings hosting other nation's flags, etc. Sometimes we are citizens of various backgrounds. But we are a nation of citizens.

There should be that distinction. If it does merge then distinguish, unless special forces.

Here it is what it was and what it will be.

God damn turned on the bullshit news for updates. These assholes are freaking nuanced leftists again containing citizens projecting the fog of war. I hate this World.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

It is war. It has supported Israel. Unanimously. But as a support role. It has sent a number of military to the region.

It was about to send more and more funding.

It has just been attacked.

War it is. Because war it was.

Which targets, current, or response.

Response there's escalation. But there was already. Current causes response. Current are the incessant fire by militias advancing. Response is the home of those militias or their backers.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -7 points ago +2 / -9

I wish you'd use your Melon fucking head.

I wish we could then speak like adults because you've used your head.

What happens now? No, it's not USA war interests.

But there will be hard targets as a result. I'd expect. Without questions. Or we have very bad politics indeed.

Whose interests. Syria are factually a combination of other interests. None are particularly American. A buffer. That's just been attacked.

Sure you can presume conspiracy. But it is not. It's been attacked. Numerously now. Not to the extent of its presence there.

It can only respond. This time it must bring that fight forward, and roll the fucking dice. Which targets?

If it doesn't it get attacked everywhere else. It's soft.

I'd suggest blitz Damascus completely. Gone. Why not. It doesn't affect much. Another pawn. That board would have to consider, its next move.

If not I'd hit Iran's Coast. Or Lebanon.

It's not me

In either event there's the next move. But it will have to play this, it has consequences. Otherwise why are we citizens?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6

It cannot go unanswered. It won't go unanswered.

That's hard targets. Not sand dervishes.

What's that probability? Significant. Correct

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

I can't read X, not signed up. Was browsing as it occurred. I looked about, and found some stuff. Why it wasn't the WC. It would be easy if it was that easy. But it's not.

There's possibly other actors in there.

As a discussion. Weren't they supposedly getting recalled under Trump in Syria, until this admin propped them back up?

Since they've been targeted quite a few times under this Admin? Obviously not to this affect, now, if that's what's occurred.

What's occurred is war.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

3 or 4 USA bases just got attacked by militias in Syria.

The same base that was attacked a few days ago and 2 others, possibly a 4th.

Possible groups linked to Iran

It would be easier if it was the WC. When has that happened in a press statement? Situation. Bad form unless significant.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

I don't think so. I think there's a lot of supposed experts. Do they change anything? No. It is what it is, and what it will always be.

Significance of it being anything else. No.

Run some scenarios.

Let's talk like adults.

They win nothing. Nothing. The seriousness of a proxy war going hot, nukes is high. Iran launch. It's a nuclear response by Israel. If it has an arsenal. If it doesn't they will fire for absolute collateral on it, simply to grind it into oblivion targeting the population and military. It's a weaponised regime, that is also targeting for the same rationality. Again if Hezbollah get involved, Beruit is levelled, collateral. If more join in it gets very serious. Because it causes a global war. Where nobody wins. If Jihadists manage to damage Israel, it's potentially a global war. More and more get drawn in. Any notion of rights or humanity sooner turn into a very big war.

I don't think anybody sane has comprehended that in that World. To be honest. It's Hamas being removed and at this rate Hezbollah. Not the globe. Not some insane Holy War. Just terrorists.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

A Gorgon is a Bull. A legendary bull. A stone bull, that breathes fire or something. Like the Minotaur. Not the nonsense Baal.

The Gorgon's were witches. Something I am not looking it up. What evil bitches they were and if they got turned into the Pleiades for fucking Minotaurs. That knot got chopped and Tyre was destroyed.

Gordian Knot. Gorgon's knot. Don't care how it all combines but it probably all does in Hades.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What drugs are you on? Your brain is fucking autistic.

If you don't want to be a soldier, fine. Stop making up bullshit.

Why do humans do anything. Why do they do anything at all. It's all dangerous and it can kill them. But they do it because they choose too. Or they have a duty to the services they provide.

Not nonsense.

Stop inserting racism. You're supporting terrorists. You have zero morality. Just autism.


Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a retard. I provided the description. And as I said you're autistic. I type a bunch of stuff explaining, and explaining, it was metaphor, not a Google. But you don't read.

So blocked.

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