Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

All part of the plan. Keep the Eeeveees going. Make people pay for even more electricity. Just gotta charge them double.

But this is just a milk run. It doesn't cover the demand. Not even proportionately.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are a monkey, you are illiterate. Ancronyms aren't how anybody communicates. Proving beyond all reasonable doubt you're a nigger. Look at that name. You're a gimp.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Those poor mice, and they largely eat plants. If it's not even suitable for rats, it shouldn't be sold, because it's a biohazard. And vegans are, the worst shits on the planet. Look at those Indians.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't speak monkey. Don't acronym ignorance at me. Clearly you're illiterate.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never got off the ground those designs.


They patented them, same with the cars. Who knows if they have them, and they are being used to transport the aliens. But I doubt it.

It was like a 18 wheeler caterpillar truck for all terrain. Mainly, ice, tundra, swamp. Maybe they didn't. It was mentioned as a possibility. Nuclear powered, over the diesel. Who knows I am sure I saw it being toyed with as a possibility? It could have even been the yanks. Doubt it. There are other designs for it with the movement of big stuff. But don't think they are there yet, replacing the current methods. Not completely viable costs, efficency, maintenance, and risk.

by DojaDog
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. Odessa has the largest, or one of the largest catacomb systems on the planet.

It could become almost impossible to control. Not necessarily impossible to invade. But controlling it could take much much longer. The entire time resistance. They're not attacking it outside of the continued bombing of supply lines, supplying counter offensive towards Kherson, or its weapon dumps, still fortified against costal approach, but are wearing away at city defenses. However they're nowhere near to surrounding it. As far as controlling it, it will take far more numbers, numbers possibly under conscription now. But a long time away. Numbers that formerly never gained control of Kharkiv and now are being flanked in the North East.

Nope, a few bombs on Odessa is exactly what? Nothing else. Or send in the amphibians. Haha, Zday. Yea, no. Not yet. Russia tends to encircle stuff first.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha, simply turned on to enlist the patriotism. It simply changes method, upgrading the grid and tech, supply lines, often from national services. Or prepares for war. Why it's being bombarded as a narrative to flip it. Or did you really think they were serious. They combine it for patriotism. It serves both but causes a flip. Why are they flipping it. National control. Two fronts, systems this new tech, and possible prep for something worse.

Or did you really think it was because it's so much better? So much better listening to that crap. Come into a culture and pay for this great big turd all over it. Not that complete point. Get you used too change. Empowering them into positions of your mutal acceptance to certain extents and rationality. But for a swing. The swing sooner nationalises your vote towards. Today it is fundamentally becoming worse before significant change occurs and changes. It is due. But in what form. It seems it's pied piper.

Of course they're profiting on it as well. But under this other ridiculous rationality until it changes methods.

But it will never be those nazis either. That is not the logic. It's to cause change by playing with your support. Support causing what?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is energy independence in the form of solar but it's a joke. You can't fundamentally repair those parts or build those products and they break like the next shitty gimmick.

Nuclear power no. Never.

Energy independence was things you had control over. The old furnace like the AGA providing all your heating and some electrics, or your OIL tanks or propane gas storage. And the generator. Easily stored and bought on a number of distribution. Today becoming outlawed for the renewable gimmicks. Needs far more services, when it fails in the weather, or it breaks, you go cold until you're back to learning how to make fire again. But they want to ban your ability to make fire. These guys are telling us we need solar powered camp stoves today because of the emissions. Literally insanity.

Nuclear is not small enough to power automobiles, but you're right Russia was trying to fit onto that behemoth transporter it has got. A Nuclear powered truck of some sort. Dunno if they did? Watched it somewhere. Truck no much bigger. Supposedly trains, dunno how that went either? Don't think it called for it in the end.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They can get higher 1000, but yea about 250-500.

Welcome to renewables. A consumption con. They're called renew able. I honestly wonder why. You have to keep renewing them that's for sure, they enable even more consumption, you just keep renewing it. Need more power, more things being powered. How long do they last, don't worry about that they're Renew able. Just renew it with another one, but doesn't the cost, yes it's Renew able. So green, think of all that investment.

We are talking about replacing the grid. I am sure they'll figure it out. Just imagine a floatsam of reactors off Florida, with some Turbines and panels. Don't worry about it, because they change the weather. As they run some lines out to Arizona where they've set up all the solar farms. They'll figure out the Renew able.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bet you won't what? Thorium? Micros use thorium cooling as a precaution also for injecting the core.

Larger scale aren't really for what he discussed, enrichment. But aren't any newer Micros using enrichment, much higher quality Uranium?

But bet on what?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well go out and try to vote. If the GOP wins majority he cannot legislate, it should mean resignation, because he hasn't made much policy except larger inflation and complete economic downturn and mounting debt. Somehow I doubt the majority. What happens. It's historic. President with no representation. If there is it could be that final straw for a much larger collapse teetering. It kinda of has too. They can't keep patching it up, it's fiddlesticks. And there is another danger, war. But what happens. Collapse, emergency act. No resignation. War emergency act. He is in charge of it. If not when do Americans resign? Forced out sure. But. The future isn't bright ahead until it becomes significantly worse. How remains speculative, except another two years of this, is nothing but bullshit, hitting the fan and taxpayers.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not for the future they want. Everything running on electricity. It means more electricity. America is considering thorium again larger scale. Besides most of these Micros have thorium provisions emergency cooling and core. Russia isn't it called micro reactors. SMRs are different but similar. SMRs are going to be mobile units, almost parked up on trucks, no more static. Think Rolls Royce is largely behind their manufacturer. Newer. Micro reactors have been around a long time subs, aircraft carriers, etc, and those floating reactors popping up increasingly, normally in a chain of units. But a scam, with like a decade shelf life. But safer, wasting much less, and generate huge output for their sizes and don't supposedly emit. Tedious misuse of that concept. Need to buy more, and more. But hey.

They will be becoming more and more available, as opposed to huge powerstations as the grid changes into renewables etc.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are you babbling about?

No you aren't in a direct war, and the USA is always in conflict. Conflict is often defense, support, or clandestine roles.

But war is a declaration of it by the senate.

It isn't aiding training and arming another nation.

What you have is a fucking narrative. It is one of the most stupid on the planet. But because Ukraine not the EU is in War. OMG it's the end of Western economies. Fuck off. Just fuck off Ukraine. They simply used it for an agenda. An agenda of making everything more expensive. Things like food and electricity. Ukraine didn't make your food or electricity. But they'd have you believe Russia did? No they didn't either. So, what the fuck? Agenda to make you pay for it. What are we paying for, a football match. I mean seriously, it's so exclusive. It costs so much more. Apparently Russia supplied some gas and OMG whatever will they do. Except make you pay even more. It's called cutting taxes, and trickle down wealth. Rich people buy expensive things, there you have it. Cutting taxes just means inflation anyway. Because they only cut rich people's taxes. It means they go out and buy even more shares causing all the prices to rise.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They're likely going back to thorium. And newer tech, like SMRs. Or smaller powerful units. Micro nuclear reactors.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why aren't we in War. Every time I see this shit post. I swear even a monkey could figure it out. Why aren't we in war right now? Because of nukes.

Otherwise we would be. It would be easier for Nato to beat Russia inside Ukraine currently. Except there are nukes. Same reason China hasn't destroyed Taiwan.

Only after 80 years from the first bomb, they still haven't figure them out. What is wrong with these retards?

Limited and conventional war would be much simpler today if there weren't nukes. Especially in a combat zone like Ukraine. Nato would roll in make it Nato. Simple. Except nukes stop that. Russia rolls in makes it Russia. It's easier for it with all those nukes. Right there. Not quite that history, citizens, and territory are Russian. Nato could be an invader. Making it difficult but not impossible. Nukes prevent this completely happening. Instead there is a far longer conflict.

Or honestly they don't exist because nobody wants to win? Unwinable wars, simply slicing up geopolitical agendas that often lose or gain limited ground at greater costs? You dumbasses.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right beside heavily patrolled Nato waters? Remind me who owns those waters. In an active conflict don't they have increased sonar, and radar?

Who laid that section there, was it even Russia? Didn't both Germany and Denmark lay certain sections of it?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The elite went wrong.

Didn't hang on either. Was just a shit fuck. Looked pretty, model. But god damn it. Not nice at it. Why am I doing all that job. If I was, I had other ideas. Dark, kind, passionate. Whatever. Anything was better, sandpaper is better. Not quite. Another one off the bucket list. Moaning so pretty. Not nice. Something else. But hell. Can't complain. 3rd this week. Others were nicer, but not as pretty. Like I fucking care if it's just a fuck. Not even completely thinking about it, at first sure, you look great, nope. Fuck, has other chemistry. Because they were just greedy at it. Wanted it more.

No. Elites have found the next means and methods of their control. Nothing else. They get stupider and crazier, like junkies. They start inciting the mob to collapse it. It inserts the next method. The next method profits more. Or perhaps it'll be war and it all goes to hell. But levels of decadence bring decline. It always peaks in history before rapid change. Look at it. Cleopatra, Nero, then the later fall of Rome, Louie 16th, Nicolas III, Shah of Iran. On and on. Okay we aren't completely ruled like this today, but we have programming. It has simply and on cue catches up with change. Sometimes the elite also becomes ignorant to it, formerly, failing worse. Or simply enlists it for their own means.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's like a shit a fuck. A shit fuck. Looks pretty. But isn't nice. Just fucking moans at you. Hang on what went wrong. Looked pretty but just moaned at you. Didn't fuck you. You're fucking it. God damn. Let my nuts explode.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The UK government. How do we. Just don't say recession. It might put people off. We need to trickle down the wealth. Okay. Let's just make everything more expensive. If the pound plunges, it has grown. I swear. When you short change it, it creates value.

There are some mugs, I swear.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it wouldn't. If there was another continent to conqueror then the United States would break away from the United States and have a Declaration of Independence. All over again.

Waits until they colonise Mars

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That machine is the alternate dimension. Pure devilry. It simply enslaves. It rarely benefits outside of this. Look at its toll on the World.

But as far as it casting spells, you're under its spell. It doesn't cast any other.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

New sources. New Finds. New Tech. Deep sea drilling. But yea it's tapped out. Not nearly enough to supply European demands. However. Norway has more potentials, possibly into the Arctic, and who fully knows about Greenland? If they release Greenland, solved. But I think it would cause heads to explode. It isn't no where near to operations. Again I am speculating, but I believe it's there. A lot of activity, looking, then called off, because can't due to environmental concerns.

But yea it's a redundant comparison. Hypocritical if these pipelines are sabotaged it's an act of war.

Remind me where the pipeline was hit, and has leaks? Nothing is as obvious as it seems.

This however is mainly keeping businesses operating. And it's more expensive.

Shit my memory. Should've looked. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/life-style/money/greenland-gas-find-18240271

Yep look where that's going.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +7 / -0

That is ridiculous. AI can't summon something ethereal. If an alternate dimension exists perhaps AI could calculate a way to reach it. But summoning spells, it fundamentally cannot, it is bound by science. It is a machine.

Besides AI would just trick the human population into servitude, insering chips in their head, fucking their machines, and sending them into an alternate reality. Then the hellraisers, can step outside of the cube it has put them inside.

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