Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Both, killed far more than Pol Pot who is largely a conspiracy. The Americans practically killed more than Pol Pot in the Vietnam War, completely immolating swathes of the country of Cambodia.

As far as murderers go even Julius Caesar killed more than Pol Pot.

You never understood why he was put in. What he covered up.

Instead like every other dumbo spewing the greatest genocidalist the planet has not seen is clearly missing the obvious. You're missing something there.

Yea he was a cunt. He did because he liked it. Others did it because they're heroes. Didn't South America have some cunt, what about Africa. Not quite to the effect Pol Pot. Again most of these cunts have another point. The killing is a background.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It happened loads in history. So many times in history. Pol pot who was he, seriously, he wasn't even significant to history. History still changed and moved forwards.

Pol pot was a nothing burger in history an insignificant blimp. People dumb people keep referencing this guy. So utterly tedious. There were far worse. Including Mao. Mao killed x5-10 more but everybody says he is a winner. Perception.

The problem is at this rate, many are going to be the victims of history. But it will still change regardless.

You cannot stop it either. Cannot change it. It's on a path. Think about it. You cannot change history but you might survive it, and if not, you lived it.

Mouthing to this forum changes nothing. It's remarkable how little it changes. But you see these people today. They think if they source the person saying it. They can ignore it more. This civilization is almost the dumbest it has been in history. When you said shit 3 decades ago more people believed it. It didn't change anything then. It makes no difference. What do these people even say. It's a conspiracy. Hindsight after it's occurred. Hahaha.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It became a political symbol. Until now it reads of climate change. A group of retards in Switzerland set it?

As we can both note it has nothing to do with current events. The time hasn't moved.

A second nuclear power has entered larger regional conflict. The current count on Islamic population wanting to war with it is in the hundreds of million to 1.

The other conflict set the time, Ukraine. Although even it hasn't been adjusted after its escalation. Fair enough, there's no immediate plans by Russia to use nukes, is not to suggest any conflict is now involving more and more, China, and North Korea are involved when they weren't when it was set.

The climate has also officially increased to 1.5c. A danger which away from conflict is massively affecting the global food supply, as oil on the barrel is at its highest and most volatile. Recession and inflation are a global trend.

I don't think those metaphoric retards do much, apart from slap themselves stupid for creating metaphors. The potential risks for a nuclear weapon to occur was the foundation of its thesis, later any nuclear exchange became evolved into its evolution as more of the globe became armed with nukes.

The only forestall in setting it further could cascade. However it's faster a redundant notion if escalation has occurred. As its free thinkers idle. Obviously it changes nothing but instead provokes another narrative.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +3 / -6

Peppa pig hasn't confirmed anything.

It's on no other credible News source. It has gossiped. Somebody said something they claimed.

The Israeli airforce targeted Gaza while events were unfolding. In Urban areas it cannot target its own populace. Terrorists had blended into the civilian pop.

7 hour stand down order is speculation that any irregular activity wasn't acted on immediately in the prior Intel brief. Then the attack occurred at dawn where the terrorists used electronic jammers to further breach the sensors? The army hadn't been dispatched in numbers to Gaza when there had been a lot of terrorism inside of Israel, build up in Syria, African conflict, and supplying Ukraine. A number of army had just been striking alongside its civilian populace, including 1000 pilots.

I give up on bullshit. This other notion of omnipotency. It could forsee away from the best diplomatic relationship with Islam since becoming a nation, alienating agreement.

Yawn. It is what it is. What happened was an error but an inevitable one. If not then tomorrow. It was a risk, it would've occurred. Arms had gotten into Gaza with increasing frequency. At what point don't they get out? The same way they'd gotten in.

This year had seen April, as hostages inside Israel were being taken weekly. Terrorist incidents inside Israel occurring daily. Following years had seen increasing rockets being fired from Gaza. Even a war with Gaza. As build up on its borders increased and international events collided.

Is it possible Gaza was thought to be contained? Quiet, away from the current politics and other occurrences.

I laugh at recycled information being bombarded to gossiping blowhards, located everywhere else. It doesn't change anything. It always surfaces on hindsight. Hindsight accuses instead of it whistleblowing prior.

Peppa Pig best News ever. It means it's confirmed, because it's on X. The Best guys. Swear. Follow the gossip. Peppa knows.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are they the 700 odd million wanting to charge off to Gaza?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No oil, no agriculture. At this rate there's no oil. A bad harvest is going to affect billions. Irony is dawning. Moths to the flame.

It's gonna get sick. Tick tock

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Garden tools on foreign worker.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

It doesn't. The MAD doctrine supposedly says there will be nobody left. It never said anything about first strike.

Where is that strike? Is everybody getting hit? Or only its mutated zealots?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

He has too. Literally has too. Publicly for his population.

To be fair. It was always a case of this. Two sides to every coin. But it also creates another anchor, against Iran, picking it up all up. Where would Islam turn. Had too. Otherwise it would spread throughout. Publicly has to oppose.

Somebody tried to presume I jumped the gun suggesting it, as it hit.

What it means is not quite this topic, and who knows how it all goes. Except there's a lot of chatter, gaining in its opposition. That is a worry and will lead to more conflict and drama.

To suggest no petrodollar is almost no agriculture. Look at that, it goes off. It goes off almost on the barrel now. Put another kink in it. Or even the weather.

Far more drama coming.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Absolutely and it's shocking, and not called for. It's the opposite of intelligence. We learn through trial and error. We learn through communication. Importantly debate. By cancelling the script, removing it, impeding it. It gains nothing only opposition.

It is what it is with our Babel. It has become our biggest divide, and worse today.

It certain circumstances and undoubtedly, but not on adult social media. Who cares anymore. They won't learn. Don't care.

It has become insanity. Such insanity.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They are deleting down votes now have been for awhile. They go off the page quick. They also block chain down votes, gang stalk, prevent submission. If you amassed karma.

It's a horrible place to have an opinion.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I understand. I thought you meant, the Strip. Sorry.

They are combatants in a way. Depends on the coverage. Also freedom of journalism can effectively be spies. Not saying it is. But it provides cover like other avenues.

Regardless common protocol in conflict and mobilisation is access and permissions.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cannot imagine the people making them. I can paid shills.

The hobby subbreddits are better.

But its entire construct is group stink. It's either 90% pro the topic or 90% against it. Everything else has been removed. There is almost no human discourse on it.

We don't agree and most who enter a topic simply want to argue their method, idea, viewpoint. Not on stinksofit. Only arsekissers or else. Next to no debate. No intelligence. It shuns almost everybody else. Closes them down. The only people worth reading are the downvotes. It is becoming a trend everywhere. Unless it's just curses.

It fell fast. Now it's pointless.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am not willing to read it. The comments are the dumbest arse kisses ever conceived. Ever.

I'll occasionally glance at its index. About the extent of it. Simply because it sorts something sometimes.

The comments are pointless, they amount to lick the topic or else.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Access to a cloud. No thank you. That stinks.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

So incomprehensible. I know. I didn't think Skil was a word. No fucking wonder. Then the stereotypical deflection; I am a bot. Wrong try again. It's amazing.

Did you want to talk about why you felt small? Blames the bot. Or. Yea? How did you get to be skilled at it? Concepts are obviously redundant. Expecially communication, what went in, faster came out; You feel smaller, because the Jew was taller? I don't know about those skills? But reading you in every topic. It seems like you've got a complex. Never a skil.

No wonder the comparison was lost. How can you justify it. The fact is what. There's a divide you're propagating, because you'll never accept it. It gone removes that notion. On that basis how can you justify it? The fact is you're blood curdling mad. There is Israel it isn't Palestine.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It always was a surveillance platform.

Prior to Musk it wanted your access. Literally couldn't read other comments, or navigate it, without signing up. You got some crosslinked searches, via links, and browser searches. It started long before Musk. It wanted your details as it created more and more bots. Then as you signed up, it wanted to tell you what to say.

Musk provided a little more freedom of speech than its past assholes. But it's a confined illusion subjected to its rules and they amount to telling you want to say, collecting your details and otherwise surveillance of you, and your opinion. Of course Musk wants to profit off it. Subscriptions provide which advertisers and fees for businesses etc.

This is what media has become. It has become a larger joke.

The rest of your speculation is nothing else. Naive. Redundant. No public. No X. It was becoming such prior to Musk buying it. Less and less, people, bombarded by bots unless they praised the advertising in undying worship. It was banning everybody else, attacking them for everything they said. As it manipulated some of the most obnoxious narratives this Planet has seen. It amounted to pointless gossip.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand a word of that.

Why aren't they under escort? They're in a war zone. It needs permits. Where are they trying to film. Why aren't they using Israeli coverage. Politically correct.

You threw around a term superficially. Non combatant. Hamas are the government in Gaza. It weaponised the population. Who are weapons. It uses them as resource for conflict. Or tell the World why hasn't Gaza made the greatest mosque on the Planet? They could've constructed a Pyramid. No chance. They just made rockets. All they did. Tunnels for rockets, more people to build rockets, for more rocket people.

I give up. Conflict sells because conflict is our nature. Worship demands sacrifice not love. There will always be the oppressed because another is the oppressor.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're the chat bot. Then you wrote in Chinese, or Alien, or Palestinian. As you muddled the concept and shit it right out of your asshole. Goes in and what comes out is autism.

It's because you're? A cannibal sympathiser. Because the Joo is your oppressor. An aneurism occurred. Free the cannibal. Not happening.

They didn't build anything else except more rockets. But they expect my sympathy? Ummm it's so unfair. Brain hemorrhaging.

What is their function. Tell me. To cause Israel to cease. How can you justify it by sympathy? So why do I care if Israel eliminates. It hasn't there are Arabs and Islam and religion in Jerusalem. What there aren't is this other notion of your bullshit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It would be wrong to cause. Right now there's only cause and affect. It's bad today and worse today.

I said it on here once. Prior to this shit happening. A few months ago. Then it occurred. It was speculation. It really isn't. What does Israel cause. If it can be accepted, the globe gets a long within reasons, at least religiously.

The problem is, it cannot be. There are other influences such as governance by ideology affecting any religions.

Nobody intelligent has commented on the conspiracy I just posted on the Doomsday clock. Why its metaphor hasn't changed. It should be. The counter was in probability of a nuclear weapon being deployed, not complete doomsday, that evolved as more armament occurred. Until now it's also the climate. In regards to the metaphorical religious doomsday what's that count? What is the factor of a nuclear weapon? What are the factors of a larger war?

Stuck on 90 seconds since Ukraine and supposedly the temperature increase. I suppose those boffins in Switzerland or wherever haven't gathered the data yet.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

Palestinians aren't my friends. How can you justify them either?

Wahaaaa. What do mean free Palestine? You're literally having an aneurism.

So what like, go to war against Israel? Not happening. They are allied. The other is a rocket man.

It's turned all lefty in here. Cannibal sympathisers, free the cannibals. They just want to eat the Jews. Why shouldn't they be allowed too. It's so unfair that they can't.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Because wahaaa.

You don't understand the stakes. At all. I am not going to explain them. It would speculation. But regardless all you've got is a tantrum. So it's unfair?

Inevitability knocks. It can only become what is the causation of its alliance. There won't be another narrative. If there is, it's stripped of station. Because that alliance is protocol.

They are prior to your dysfunction an allied partner to the extent of defense and all of its measures. The same with a number of other alliances.

But why? Such dumbasses on here.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

You're a idiot. Look at the muzzle flash. At what point have you missed it.

What you missed on the wobbly camera is the impact. It's travelling at speed. No zoom.

Tell me why the guy ducked in the back nearest corner. Fake gun. Umm duck? He fires at the police car muzzle flash. In the upper corner shot at balcony. Duck. The idiot in the side. Never seen such bullshit. Where does his gun go. He drops it. The recoil. He seemingly injured himself. Maybe reload. But look his head is down as everybody else is alighting into combat.

Gun in front window muzzle flash but angle is wrong on camera zoom.

At what fucking point have you lost your brains.

But yeah spuds. How many fit in car. Then they crossfire, practically shooting themselves.

I expected a nigger to reply. I got one. I got another dumb topic. You attacked me. Like the rest on here, gangstalking, posting nothing but bullshit. Clean it up. It's not me. You're attacking the user. I responded to your jibes.

There are a few movies with similarity but there are muzzle flashes. Camera zoom is focused on the back. Police car is at speed. No audio. Not making an account. It could easily verify more. Language. Sound of fire. Impact.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Such sweet lil cannibals holding their own children hostage.

What's wrong with that picture. The kids aren't mommy, I want my mommy. Some can speak none are crying tantrums beyond belief. Strange men are holding them away from their usual parents and carers.

Obviously their own, or bonded not in hours, but lineage.

Piss off fake. It doesn't happen. No alternative women there. Get bent.

Try it, be a babysitter, even for your own kin. As soon as the parent is gone. Hell breaks loose. No matter how much you try to bribe, cuddle, or soothe. A tantrum happens until that kid falls to sleep. Trust takes time. Takes days. Even with pets. Like Dogs.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Watch again. It is possible it's a movie a few things bug me.

But you can see the flash from the guns in the back. You can see the muzzle flash. Also perhaps the front window gun. Camera angle is wobbling to fully catch it all.

The idiot in the side is too busy shouting. Emerging possibly. He's waving his gun about. What happened to it? Not even holding it properly. Not firing properly. Pointing it. By the look of it. No audio not logging in.

They don't alight in a firing formation. Until afterwards. But he the back also fires at the balcony window. Almost hitting his own man opposite who ducked.

The biggest problem is what are the police doing. Without the entire street view it's hard to say. Driving past, no, it's a ram, or halt. But they saw it late.

The amount in the vehicle checks. The lack of combat training checks. Who really cares what it is. They look like spuds.

Why make a dumb topic?

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