Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bdsm teddies. It's laughable. If the children weren't involved. Nope, it's still hilarious. It's as bad as those clothes. Who would wear that crap?

I am not condoning bdsm teddies for children. Or children wearing that crap.

A teddy bear. What went wrong?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nope. The World knows the truth. They choose to believe lies.

Cambridge Analytica. Exposed it already. It simply got worse. Much worse.

It isn't unique to Twitter either. It's the entire script. It won't change either. It simply gets more dystopian.

We can even go back to the hacking scandals as these platforms were gaining status. Didn't anybody and their dog care. They used them more. As they have where are they at now? Same shit another day. Another day of their bullshit.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to the paradigm idiots built them. They banged on rocks bashing each other over the head entombing each other. What do you know. There's a pyramid. It was used as a mausoleum. Because it was the most significant thing in that society, preparing your burial chamber. They spent their entire lives banging rocks together bashing each other over the head and entombing each other. It was the pinnacle of their society, preparing for their deaths. These things took lifetimes where entire pyramids were built consuming their life, it was dedicated solely to their death. If they didn't build a pyramid, they'd never go into the afterlife, because they'd be judged unworthy. So they sooner started the sacrifices, mummifying everything they could think of. Children, slaves, dogs, cats, and the chickens. It was very important to think only about your death, while you are alive. Clearly as the paradigm would have it, idiots built the pyramids.

They were buried, because guess what. They're still buried.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You made no distinction. You said murder. But, war is war. There is no innocence in war, and not to those fighting it, because there is only warfare. Where the innocent can be caught up in it. They weren't aware, they weren't prepared, they need refuge. Cry me a river. Of course they are. They're also fighting or supporting it.

War is not murder, it is war. Self defense, offense, justice, gain, loss, victory, surrender.

You are under the assumption war is something else. You are trying to create an ideology for war. There is none. There is only victory, surrender, truce, or peace. Meanwhile in your hypocrisy you just supported war. As I strangely knew you would. You just said self defense. What is that, disagreeing with your enemy? Hahaha.

Yes, the innocent pay for their nations acting on it. But they're not innocent if they support the guilty. It doesn't mean kill them, I am sure it does, terms and conditions applied.

Am I condoning murder, no. I don't believe when there's peace people should be murdered unless they're guilty of murder, or such. But I am supporting war. It is a decider. A leveller. A judgment. A reaper. A service. A duty. Etc etc etc. Until any peace can come to agreeable terms and truce.

You seem to be under this other assumption you can decide what murder is? You're calling war, an attacker, a murderer. But innocently you're just the defender. Planet stupid. Hey guys I am gonna buy all these weapons to defend myself, but god forbid I get attacked with them. No, what? You just sat there while somebody else bought all those weapons to defend your home, and god forbid they get attacked because it's so unfair?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. Innocent I think not. War has no innocence. Live by the sword die by the sword. A job.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, soldiers are an integral part of society, and they have been religiously, and societally, since the dawn of civilizations.

You have turned them into robots instead of the courageous heroes they are. Doing a job protecting you. Or a job you won't. They serve a higher purpose one that acts for your nation. It isn't self interest. You're right. It's a common purpose.

It unfortunately is a job that questions their ideals and not everyone is suited to it. But everyone professes they will if it came to it, defense of their home. You would defend yourself and your home.

Your argument becomes ridiculous. It isn't murder if it's necessary. Stopping murders or providing justice by punishing those doing your nation wrong.

Whether you agree or not. You would defend yourself and your home if it came to it. It's not murder than is it. Obviously subjected to the laws of your nation.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2


This post is ridiculous.

Soldiering for ages, since the dawn of civilization used to be some of the most upstanding roles in society. You weren't a member of society unless you served your nation.

Today, no. Today, there's not that duty, or service. It creates wealth instead. These people aren't loyal to anything else.

Why are you denigrating people who serve their nation. You won't win there. It doesn't make you valued. They do a job you won't. It perhaps isn't in your interests or support. But it's a job none the less, a job serving more than themselves.

It's not murder if it's necessary. Have a think about what that actually means, before spouting spurious ideals. Your ideology imposes murder is a sin. What if it protects you from being murdered. There is no sin. Even if it doesn't persay because it is national interest. That reason is untenable to the job they perform.

Go back to where you've assumed your ideology and find since the creation of religion, it supported warfare. First Gods all had soldiers, or angels, or whatever. There were the gods of war and justice. Jesus never condemned soldiers if in revelations there are the armies of heaven. Religion has supported war, whether by the Heavens or on Earth.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Boring. Why are they so concern what goes up somebody else ass? I don't understand why they're making the Muslims gay? It's not going to happen. Not in this century.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have the metaverse for that

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aren't they recycling something from tech when they add fluoride. Something like aluminium or shit. There's a reason for adding it. It isn't because it makes your teeth clean if you drink the water. It isn't because it purifies the water. It's because it was doing another process, something to do with tech waste?



You vill eat your phones and be grateful

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It should never have been banned.

Not a matter of restoring it. A matter of it being banned in the first place.

On what grounds? Cut off presidential access. He was still the sitting president until actual inauguration. On what grounds have Twitter presumed authority. They aren't acting in any other capacity. I propose it is a crime. Restoring access doesn't cut it. A crime, twitter presumed they were national authority. It is treason.

But hell. Who cares right? Twitter have changed ownership now. They've restored access under a new owner. But regardless treason occurred. That platform committed treason.

Let's all do hypocrisy shall we. Incarnate the person presuming they were that national authority.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebody is. My stalker.

But away from that this sport stinks. Stinks bad today. It's political. It's about the flow of money and investment. These stupid SJW issues are just an excuse to wield narratives that often have other politics and agendas behind them. Tired of it. A clean game. No such thing when bigger business exploits and nations turn it political.

Those bookies and shares are tied into the economy. Banks loan bookies, they loan to the clubs signing. Until the only thing you buy is inflation and Timbuktu. Timbuktu are now hosting the World Cup. Gotta get the investors building the empty stadiums. Gotta sign the Timbuktu. Don't worry. No booze. Have a miserable event.

Next year they've added a tenth official. Headers are disallowed they cause concussion. And you'll have the gay presenters covering it. As bad as the women commentary in a Men's game. What do they know. Headers are an injury.

Sham. Sham. Sham.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Instead of down voting look at the corruption. Yesterday notice the bent referee. First decision was total bullshit. Notice the bent referees.

Today should be an inquiry. 15 minutes of stoppage time. Never. Why, the refs, "officials" disallowed the player back on the pitch. It only caused, every goal to be bullshit keeping. They subbed using an idiot. Real idiot. The refs often throw the games. It's criminal on a much bigger level. The fixtures. But the way a bunch of people, millions start betting on the sham. Were England convincing, no. Above. Aside their group is so piss. It would take a penalty shoot out fucking that up. It doesn't stop a bunch of cheerleaders shouting buy in and pay them. Until when they didn't pay out last year. 70% favourite it would've plunged the economy. It did in Italy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha, Jooish gays. Hahaha. It's a sin. Jooish gays.

So retarded today.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, they're for politics. Hypocrisy foremost. Footballers complaining about slave wages. Oxymoron. The dumbest. As they party every year in Dubai. Retarded. Worse footballers layed off almost all the stadium grounds staff to play to empty stadiums in COVID. Now because they've been such total bitches. Qatari went and banned the one thing bringing the fans together and causing change, beer at this World Cup. Small steps. No. It's about Opec alignment. Not what footballers are paid. It's about bullshit. They just look fake and gay and hypocritical. Get rid of the politics already. That game is corrupt no matter what.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sick of the politics in Sport. Why did it go there if you're gonna cry about it now. Because it's political. Opec rates or god knows.

Sick of the hypocrisy. They're complaining about worker wages while they party in Dubai every year. Full of bullshit. Dubai was built the same. No complaints there. They still run the Gran Prix there. No complaints.

At what fucking point are idiots, becoming political. It's a sport. The World links when it plays sport. Not when you wear bullshit. Not when you incite rubbish. When fans support their teams and have a pint. Not when stupid ass retards complain they aren't gay. Hypocritically inciting one and not the other.

Anybody back home boycotting it. Pathetically absurd. It's there. Not back in your shithole politics.

Hypocritical COVID. Those assholes sacked their workers. While footballers played to empty stadiums. Those groundsmen, cleaners, guards. But hypocrites got paid.

Wages are what assholes decide right or footballers wouldn't be paid what they are for kicking shit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I dunno.

But it's now that report looking like a pro hit. Not random.

Your guess is as good as anybody

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Still have a problem with the story. So does the press. Quite a few more questions on that link.

My problem is the Obvious. How do 4 people get murdered in their sleep. Try it, they wake up. Multiple stabbings it says so. What was their toxicology? Coroner. Likely maybe sleeping. Not the prior report of the walls were covered in spatter.

Entry I suppose was as easy as 4 people getting killed in their sleep with a knife. I am guessing at least 3 different rooms. 1 of them hadn't even entered REM, if they just posted on social media.

All of a stupid it's a serial killer, they kept the weapon, or a pro. 3 different rooms, not impossible, if you're a ninja.

The story stinks, but get your press reports in order. Should be a proper statement on this.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least it doesn't run on my Samsung.

Google Play has corrupted the market. It loopholed regulation, and made these games in China, and South East Asia, no regulation. It made Tencent, billions. Until they're not happy unless they're selling you lootboxes and skins. On phones it has been the Wildwest. No legislation. No regulation. Even on the basics, like charge cable length, on standardised plugs. Nevermind the crappy apps exploiting revenue. Many are such scams. Some are even viruses. Charge cable length, what kind of an idiot put that at a meter length. You cannot lift that shit answering, if it's charging. Now it's a broken phone or cable. Literal stupidity. Plug doesn't fit from one phone to the next on the same national standard. Same for every smartphone, the voltage. Buy more crap right. Total crap. Apps with viruses. Games charging billions.

But the phenomenon of bullshit in games had corrupted games for longer since the Xbox. Xbox brought avatars, buying crap, then the achievement forcing DLCs, until succumbing into peak sales of bullshit, skins and lootboxes.

Until smartphones went the whole damn hog. There really isn't a game in Playstore that isn't charging extra, and I mean everything it can to play its rigged bullshit. Skins, characters, builds, weapons, items, time. Anything, for thousands. No limits on purchase. Worse than gambling. Rigged, they use offices of shills, devs forcing investment, racketeering. They get free items playing from the development office, or offshore, manipulating investment on each server run and rigged. Cannot compete, buy more. They say this bullshit term Whale, people spending 70k on a game. Not unheard of. Or fraud.

Most of Playstore games, was designed by China paying a subsidiary to Google collecting the rent. Tencent became billionaires overnight.

Until it's all of them. Yes Blizzard had the problem in WOW, the gold farmers, those Chinese, nope Blizzard, but so illegal right, wrong look crap it added, then in Hearthstone it got real greedy, until fully exploiting Overwatch, lootboxes and skins, now Diablo that phone crap is beyond rationality. It's a crap game designed for one reason, milking it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha stop what. The country of the USA? It went and done that to itself. Until it's now called the United Corps of the Americas. American nope. Not anymore. Any other investor paying hegemony. Where if it ain't on the stock exchange being siphoned off to another place called fuck you, than you're not being taxed enough.

They're even calling it racist to be an American. Because they aren't a people just a globalist collective of immigrants.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

America isn't a country. It's a Corp.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

He hasn't got the power too. It would go to court. Seriously he'd be dragged infront of the Senate. The asset could be seized.

I'd dare him but it's a fools errand. In time who knows but those laws would just tighten immediately.

Alex Jones is also in court currently.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The only thing coming are more taxes. They pay for everybody else, except for your home. It is subjected to more laws than can even repair it. Today those taxes even buy the weather. It just rains shit on you. Your living costs paying for everybody else to invade and change your laws. Protest Iran, but don't you dare protest banning the burqa. Your infrastructure strained by the constant inflation and offshore services of debt driven investment and corporate ownership. Who makes your stuff nobody clever. Who owns your utilites. Energy. Trains. Mail. A bunch of idiots enriching themselves and sending it to Guatemala. All you get back is Guatemalans. No, what? I mean what. Today. They have done nothing clever. Suddenly after years of bullshit selling you out and up the river. They're going to take their finger out. No. They've shoved it right in there. Until you'll now pay Guatemala even more for the rain? If you don't pay them the weather taxes and the colonial reparations airing the Guatemalan history month then you're not being sufficiently taxed. And you'd better bow.

Wish there was a war. But it's pointless. Because Guatemala wants to breakaway from America?

You meant taking back your country? Nope it elects somebody else instead. Look at Brexit. Hahahaha. A bit glib. Ironic. No such thing as taking back your country. A bank owns it. If it doesn't than you're a banana Republic. It elects another idiot taxing you more for it.

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