Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Absolutely. He's just an ass. It appeals to his gamer, cosplay, buy more loot boxes, bitcoin, and skins fan base. Nothing else. Of course it looks like a comic book. Where he probably thought Iron-man but went Goth or Roman instead, and just looks lame and gay.

The devil is a bitch apparently, a shape-shifting troon. Seriously. The modern connotation of Satan is a Troon. A funta, succubus. Always was with the goats feet, and the shape-shifting serpent.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are an idiot. The dumbest idiot to have graced this forum. You haven't said fact. Where? You're a fucking dumb bot. Literally you type the same shit. Haven't studied anything, or watched anything else. But you keep saying how wrong I am.

Yes they use normal people to coerce and contact and make networks. Whatever. Are these nazis?

But the focus of the Coldwar was? Spying. Defection. Eventually it became propagation when there was a bigger advantage by the West, and the wall started cracking. At what point was that in the Ukraine? Ukraine hosting Nukes. Conscription into the Red Army. Not until the EU had other Russian satellites, not simply breakaway Eastern European countries. Once those cracks have created opportunity then there is manoeuvring. Trade like the gas. Media. Movement.

Stop being absurd.

I am sure they could've, but to claim 70 years of bullshit. Literal autism. What could they offer nazis. Think don't stink.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

I don't smoke crack. First thing in the morning. I read it wrong. It's the way you typed I don't dislike. It had a bad smell dumbass makes. Hahaha.

Besides I didn't call you dumbass. I have now. Read what I wrote. It was a generalisation at the loss of revenue. But there you were taking offense.

Of course I am at that. But I am not talking to them about it. I am posting a conspiracy. It is.

I am genuinely concerned today why we keep paying hyperinflation to these disasters. At what point aren't they taking a big pay cut and the banks stop lending. It will sooner increase premiums. But what have we bought.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

I haven't insulted you. You did that by saying you dislike my post. I had to explain it to a dumb ass. You are a dumb ass.

I gave you an opportunity not to be a dumbass. I asked you to explain. But you went and proved it, by taking offense.

I am critiquing whatever that is. It's like dosing my eyes in bleach. It hurts to watch.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

It is a conspiracy. We are in this big recession, globally. How is that making money?

Lord of the rings, tanked. Same with most Blockbusters and so many series these past 2 years. The more woke the more broke.

At what point are they getting loans, while everybody else pays hyperinflation?

What fan is watching that? Tell me, explain? If you're killing your fans how are you marketing?

That makes no marketable sense. None at all. Are you edging to see it? Who is?

They're stealing taxes obviously. Declaring net loss undoubtedly. Using collateral of the Witcher's past sucess. Now what happens to your premium? It will increase. Tell me how many stop paying it?

Bravo. Dumbass.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

All the way up until I saw the trailer.

At what point today does an executive go, we're gonna make some money on this? At what point in the middle of Planetary recession does an executive think they're gonna sell that?

At what point. The goalposts have literally been graffiting Hitler moustaches on all the artwork. They can shift them post civilization. Pre civilization what went wrong.

At what point today is that considered marketable?

Just die already. I mean seriously what bank lends that? Somebody answer me. Everybody else pays mortgages and things they have to have something worth value. At what point?

Pre civilization there was these races giving us kingdoms and countries. So unless you had a tribe of black elves, you have bigger problems with elves. The same with a bunch of integrated humans pre civilization. Post civilization okay the planet, war, fallout, space, etc. The goalposts can shift. But when you're shitting all over a book. It has descriptions. At no point did it describe that. At all. Now who is watching. You killed your fan base. Who are you marketing it too?

Can a bank please tell me how it loaned? Taxes? What, how?

2022 another woke disaster. Make your own music. Stop trashing everybody else.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't know why anybody would look at amateur porn? And a bunch of dick pictures. Because he's famous? Talk to the next guy. I mean seriously is it enough to impeach a sitting president? I didn't think hypocrisy is. Sadly degeneracy today is as bad as the fall of Rome. But legally it's nothing more than a fetish of the absurd. Unless it can prove something more than an addict.

It also looks like it had that extension OP. Not much going on there.

There is a conspiracy on the extension OP it bloats it. But like a floppy sock or wet noodle it struggles to find much strength. Hardness. It also costs to have zipper dick, or mcfloppy noodle. Big but try making it stand. It doesn't last forever, and when it goes back to around its normal size, as the compound fades, it drains that strengthening more and more. Some of that medicine might have improved. Literally inflating it at 10-25k a pop, lasting around 2-3 years? As the best treatment. Some of this has improved with stem cells. Because if you ain't born with it. It's that other guy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


Ironically billions of people use the Swastika.

Ironically all the known planet used the Swastika at one point.

In fact I am sure Israel has historic buildings with Byzantine architecture where it is on floors and masonry.

It has nought to do with the symbol. It is the association behind it. I am sure twitter isn't banning Hindus and Buddhists.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again the pineal gland helps sleep, the body's source of melatonin. How is sleep the source of unlocking your brain's superpowers? We still sleep anyway. Some with a lot more disorders. Others who don't dream. Many who don't understand their dreams. Some have dreams that actually occur. But it isn't the pineal gland doing this.

I am wondering where that urban myth came from. The third eye, is what whacky horror called a giant dickhead because it provided the fantasy and serotonin. Increased melatonin levels have been linked to sexual desires. So that third eye was you know.

I agree our brains are subject to increasing toxicity and today it has been increasing the more technology has advanced. Parkinson's, Dementia, Tumors, headaches, other neurological disorders and diseases increasing rapidly since the TV, PC, Cellphone.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Um no. It is. What provides your sleep. Melatonin. If you take melatonin. Look at those side affects. But okay the Sandman. No. 3rd eye, no. People are either perceptive or they're not.

Have you seen the horror on it. Forget that name. On the pineal gland. Basically that whacky 70s or 80s shit. It was like this giant dickhead. Hilariously.

The obvious conspiracy has abounded from Adreno cannibals to ancient Summarians califying it. Blocking our brains from its usuage and full potential.

Today they're blaming the flouride.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Like the urban myth of myths.

What exactly does it do. Produce melatonin? What happens on Melatonin imbalance. I do wonder?

Why aren't you screaming decalify your appendix, or your tonsils, or your spleen.

Because you think it causes the ESP? Mythology.

So Africans have the least calcified pineal glands on the Planet. But we have yet to see how that works? I am sure there are probably some who dreamwalk. But these pineal glands haven't done much outside of the cannibalism.

All of a sudden people are gonna become the Sandman. Because you think it creates this other superpower. Yawn.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn, you watched a dumb video. It isn't certified either. You need a clout to open your fuck dumb brain. You are absurd.

Again real simple you idiot.

The Ratlines. Look it up. It was all over Cinema, it was all over literature, it was in every conspiracy.

Did it occur. Absolutely. America granted status to ranking nazis. Many were involved in science. NASA. The bomb. Etc.

Outside of this what assets did they empower. The usual partisan, possible nazis, not as likely. The hated America then if they were stuck in Russia. What could they offer the Third Reich. So they recruited spies and they weren't nazis if they're in Russian establishment.

So when did they start funding partisan rebellion topically the Ukraine. Dumbass

Now go back to bullshit videos.

Comparison, how do these things occur. They are funded often by. Think. Opportunity foremost. You can sew some seeds. But until opportunity creates an advantage what are you planting. Not much. If often fizzles. Then the stasi rounds up the loose ends and like that snuffed out. Look at this shit with Apple, China, Iran currently. It will play out for longer. Until what? Either the above or it creates intervention. Causing an advantage. No advantage until Soviet break up. Then you can really propagate right? They seize on the advantage. From the opportunity. Otherwise they're funding spies planting a few seeds, or doing whatever, but until it generates a cause what is the effect. Nazis didn't break up the Ukraine. Its people did. What, caused by nazis. Hahaha. A sub layer. What, funded for 70 years, nope.

Factually what could they offer. The ratlines. Defection. But they're trying to propagate. So they watch the next episode of the nazi hunters. And what went wrong chuck. I mean when do you create an advantage?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I am not. Look up the conspiracy on the Ratlines.

It happened where America pinched a lot of Nazis on surrender. The former head of Nasa. The bomb. In fact it was a huge source of fiction and literature for decades after the WW.

As far as Hitler's remains on show in Russia went. Google it. Russia also did the same.

Where there is the conspiracy on Hitler. Did he escape to South America.

What are you fermenting. An agency established after the WW was that hand. Not at all.

Did they sponsor a few nazis for 70 years. You're living in fiction. Those nazis were already there, living alongside Russia in Eastern Europe as well. Sure there was the purges and Gulags. No worse than what the Allies did on victory. Okay did they pass funding to any assets which happened to have a partisan background. Not unbelievable. Nothing like today where it was after Soviet break up, they moved in there, an undoubtedly stoked resistance. Absolutely. A sub layer.

But you're suggesting they instilled the Third Reich for the last 70 years because all of a sudden today they were going to war with the Soviets. Hahaha.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is digital fascism.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

All Gov does and it's not exclusive. Most Gov sues social media for unlawful content despite controlling and policing their domains.

As far as kill switches turning off content. They obviously can.


Canada Trucker Funding.

New Zealand a few times Covid, and prior terrorism.

UK does aswell.

France riots.

Europe a few places protest related.

Outside of the West frequently.

India Kashmir. Far more places.

I find it ironic there's this other backdoor into it. Because it was always there.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

EVs do this

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

America did

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Release the clones

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're like a little retarded monkey where you keep repeating to me crap. Your brain is deficient. It watches video believes video. I didn't. For the CIA to have sponsored Nazis for the last 70 years, means what? Have a guess.

The Ratlines, yes the CIA, no, it was America that helped smuggle Nazis out and relocate them. Hilariously their Nazi scientists are better than our Nazi scientists. Where Russia did the same.

As far as Hitler went, his remains displayed were a cat right?

There was a huge partisan resistance holed up in Odessa catacombs. And in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. But dumbass they weren't our Nazis. Did Nazis tear down the Berlin Wall. Absurdly not. Are Nazis the Third Reich fighting Russia. No. But Ukraine and the CIA are. Who propagated their resistance. Nothing to do with Nazis. They were alive, in the Ukraine, now they're getting killed again. But don't worry, guys, charge.

They are a sub layer. It didn't forment from 70 years ago. Imagine that popcorn headline. The Nazis today beat Russia. Literally peak autism.

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