Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1



Factually is, dunno how they have kids if she was born with penis? Either fake news site or something is wrong. It also says she has no breasts. Guess her Husband is girl?

Wasn't she going to go to a Russian Men's prison prompting the exchange? Originally majority female.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Music is like from an instrument/s right. Today it's become digital. It doesn't sound the same as by being played on instruments, by a computer. It's off slightly. Unless it's an electronic instrument.

A song isn't music, because it has a bunch of words that somebody else is attempting their karaoke too, drowning out all the music. How can you hear the music, instruments, if somebody is singing. They don't stop singing throughout their song.

I hate singers, most aren't musical.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Are you retarded. Did you get dropped on your head.

Muslims a majority, 2.5 billion in the World today, also circumcise. Blacks the second largest Global demographic a majority, also circumcise. A number of Christians, also circumcise. Jews a smaller global demographic add to those numbers. Around half the planet practice circumcision.

It's a medical procedure. You either choose or not. It's an option on birth, and has been for decades. In a larger part of the Planet.

The only global statistics who don't are South East Asia and Hindus. Hindus do other stuff, some of their shaman try too, I won't even say it's really weird how they. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/naked-hindu-monk-pulls-van-11796357. https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-shiva-sadhu-holy-man-rolling-his-penis-on-a-wooden-stick-and-twisting-76169295.html. Meanwhile in China, nope not going there. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/balls-steel-watch-chinese-kung-4716904. They must have learned it from these guys https://expandpenis.com/tribal-penis-enlargement-techniques/

It factually has almost nothing to do with Jews. It was around before them. You read a dumb passage in the bible. You believe the Bible is real? Hahaha. Joos. Nope.

I find this topic obsessive. It's none of your business who does what or not. I am not even circumcised. That's the irony. But I have a lot less skin there. It isn't excessive. But is still attached. Dunno if it was natural. It probably is. Never thought to ask. I just don't care.

Why the fuck do you care? Obsession with penises. Seriously it's because you're that ignorant it's a jew thing. Nope, not statistically as a global percentage.




Study your topic before you think to debate it.

I really didn't. No obsession outside of questioning naturally why I have less skin. I find it ironic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have been tested recently by Russia creating accidents with their glide. Siberia went up in flames. They also contaminated the Barents sea on another failed test. Sniffer planes were deployed. North Korea seismology readings were present on their testing.

You speak to schizos on this topic.

Whether you have seen that evidence or not in order to believe doesn't make them unreal. I would have thought in this age and since development they would have figured something very deadly out.

The latest are drones that can travel 40,000 miles hypersonically in about an hour, virtually undetected, and put a multiple nuclear payload out at any trajectory. Think about that. Scare tactics nope.

Watch the new Topgun what's he testing in beginning. Stating it should be unmanned. He blew it up. That Mach reading went too. They are there at least 10 years ahead of that new film. Nukes have been about for much longer. Whether or not you believe they explode. Tedious.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

You're blaming Jews. Jews aren't to blame if Muslims Google it circumcise. There are approx 2.5 billion Muslims on the Planet currently. Now add Jews and blacks and quite a few Christians. What freaking figure have you got. About half the global population circumcise. Not all Muslims circumcise. Just the majority. Google it.

Go back to being stupid why don't you.

It's a medical procedure nothing more nothing less.

Where let's guess your average? Most penises are under 6 inch. Mine is much larger than that.

As far as sex retard. I've fucked more women than I can count. Can't even remember them all. You lose count after 200. It becomes pointless counting.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Dumbass. Islam circumcises. More Muslims the largest religious population on the planet circumsize. Jews do much smaller. And many Christians do. Many blacks do.

The only majority who don't are Chinese. And South East Asians. Hindus possibly not. But their shaman do other really weird things to their junk.

This topic is obsessive.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +5 / -2

Straight off the migrant boats. Glasgow by far is the best place for them.

1/2 a million refugees, most are crossing the channel, last year alone, is what the tories gifted the UK. 1/2 a million think about it.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes indeed. It's a conundrum. Where any events tend to shape the same. Until it becomes formulation. Ominously. But in reality has hardly differed. Of course they used mythology to obscure it. It gives it another layer of possibility when in fact it's simple repetition from where it was drafted. The destruction of Babylon among the countless after. Replayed throughout the battlefield until even on advancement becomes applied. As that sense of future engagement.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +4 / -3


The simplest stratagem of warfare repeated constantly as the precursor to warfare, the warfare engaged and the tactics. It's only because it keeps occurring that you assume it's something ominous. No not quite to the mythical fantasy used, but yes it can be applied. Despite that specific event has already happened. Over and over again.

Seige warfare occurs exactly how? In those days it was on horse and from central city states, it really hasn't change much as an ending either. The sequence and build up are constant, despite the mythology.

It was that obvious, it has had all the scribes puzzling over it, as some other futuristic foreboding. Because it happens in almost every war. Or can become loosely applied.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You aren't English and you don't speak English.

  1. Where are you from? It's not England. So you're not speaking English. It's whatever shithole you're assuming speaks like you. Read it. You sound like a drugged out mind and the byproduct of an infusion. It's irrational, and not English.

  2. We aren't speaking English. I'd further know why you speak like shit, because it's definitely not English. We are typing. It must be that because you're mindless, you've attacked those not speaking like you. What a dumbass. The dumbest, rationality.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nope. It's white people's fault.

At this point I think it's AI running amok. Literally causing it. Because dumb people have implemented it. Next it's all woke. Either that or it's China.

Yea it's white people's fault. Completely white people's fault. They've become this. Hypocrites. The world's biggest Hypocrites. Disgusting hypocrites.

Look at this football shit. Shut the fuck up and play. Leave your bullshit out of it. It had nothing to do with wages look what they're paid. It actually did ironically it's interrupted their own wages, out of season. They turned the Sport into wrestling look at that referee against Holland, but sure they were never gonna win penalties. Their keeper was shit, has been throughout. Wrestling it is staged. It had nothing to do with how they aren't gay that's private. Football is a sport. Not a political statement or an advert for anything else. Inclusively, but not Qatar. So inclusive look at those demographical statistics. No more white people.

Okay take Times women of the year. So why are they wearing burqas on the underground and everywhere else. It's a security risk. No intention of removing them and integrating over here. In fact it's racist to suggest they don't wear it, racist to suggest they make an attempt to integrate. So racist you get arrested for defending your home from people robbing it. So racist to ask where you're from. Yet all of sudden when hypocrites make the rules they're telling everybody else what to do, on everything.

Now everybody else is telling dumb white people what to do. Are they, or is their bot driven AI.

Dumb white people caused this. Been at it for along time. Until your borders are invaded, but they're calling you the terrorists. These same dumb white people, selling out all your industry, putting it up on the stock exchange until nothing works properly, and infrastructure is strained, hyperinflation is through the roof.

Magically these hypocrites have cared about anybody else? No, they don't care about the environment either. Look at that football. Eco friendly stadiums. Hahaha you dumbasses. Another means of profit feudalism and rent. Another hypocrite.

I actually think it's the dumbest. Nothing else. Deserved. Look what being hypocritical gets you. Hahaha. Look at those American children. Hahaha. Shame. Right. I mean hurray. No I don't. Just can't point out the obvious. Can't even have a conversation about it today. The AI will stop you.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. After an even larger impact. The Greenland crater. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.

Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until a paleontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in

Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousand years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.

The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.

But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkeys and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Haha. Nobody else recorded Christ because they didn't have the Iron. It meant they were dinos. Dinos are invented every time, every single time somebody else attempts to undermine the Roman recording.

Dinos are remarkably found when Human civilization vanished.

The strangest thing is a Skyscraper disappears in about 1000 years if left to ruin. Our metal bridges about 20k years total. Your dumb iPhone not even a hundred years, but half that. In 20k years the modern human is gone from this planet. Pyramid builders were much cleverer. But were they? Not according to the ironic patenting.

That's the strangest thing right? The dinos are still there millions and millions of years later. They were needed, because the mice needed to evolve into monkeys. Never any lizards. I mean how does that work. So you had dinos, now you have lizards, you had mice and you still have mice, except there's these elephants. But when the meteor hit. Younger dryas, Greenland crater, those elephants didn't die. Just the dinos.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yawn. What. It doesn't not work like that. What. My continent is on a rotating planet. It is not moving continents. Although rifts, earthquakes, and volcanoes occur. The crust moves, and when it does there are consequences, the tectonic plates smash together, and pull away. These are like ripples, affected by many factors. After the continental split occurred, those plates are moving and banging together. The planet is also on a tilt of about 23 degrees from past impact. True North also moves, and has been for a while, and is increasing recently possibly more as our magnetic shield weakens, and as we rotate. Any drift is from our crust and tectonic plates crumpling together and pulling as we rotate affected by the cosmos undoubtedly in Solar cycles, Planetary alignment at 23 degrees, during rotation, and gravitational pulls. Has our planet expanded. No, it's the same circumference regardless.

Expanding, sooner means massive crustal displacement. Where we'd sooner have an extinction cycle. We have crustal displacement anyway, but the Planetary circumference doesn't change, but the plates have moved and are constantly moving. What has changed is the size of our land masses. Example the African Rift happening right now. Where the gobal land mass is much less than it was in the last 100k years. It hasn't expanded. Evidence of this is all across our continental shelves where sea level is much higher than it was then.

Don't worry folks the planet is growing, like a tree. It just needs even more water to expand into space. Because it has all the Stardust.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Some episodes are better than others. It is an interesting presentation. There is an element of speculation. But there is proof catalysm occurred.

The problem is when and how. It was obvious in our distant past bigger events occurred. Undeniable. Many finds and dating go back past any assumptions. An assumption Rome patented all the Iron after Christ. Because everybody else had all the monkeys. It was literally like this. Because Rome made all the patents. Nobody else existed before Christ. If they did, it's because they didn't have any Iron recording it.

But as an example Minoan civilization could have reset from a heap of regional activity blighting the entire Mediterranean for millennia. Among other civilizations. While some is far older. Gobekli Tepe and Gunug Padang etc.

The thing that gets me are these alien hunters who claim Borobudur has the spaceships and it is not a earthquake, volcano monument. Look at those bells. Nope, suddenly they're the UFOs. They're those things the Nazis were flying and they learnt it from India. As bad as palaeontologists, I hate those guys. If modern human civilization would be gone in less than 20k years, WTF is a Dino? Rock art. They found the mammoths going back 2 million years. But the funniest thing about a big bang is the reptiles didn't evolve, because the mice did. I mean all those other lizards shrunk.

The series is worth the watch but it will take at least another 100 years before any text books even start to change. It seems whenever somebody suggests hang on, what happened to civilization 12k years ago, they produce another Dino. They been airing a bunch of controversy this decade. But don't touch the dinos, they caused the mice, becoming the monkeys. They've been inventing twice as many dinos to keep up with all the demand. The demand showing that civilization is even older than the Roman patents.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn. The pyramids measured it. If you believe Issac Newton who thought there was a Pyramid code. I think others came after who also believe this. Look it up.

If you don't believe in the pyramid code. And you don't believe GPS. Drive it. Your odometer is not a conspiracy unless you're reseting it. It measures a mile. Go and check it again a few decades later. What went wrong, nothing did. Your country hasn't grown land mass. If it has it's because it had a war and gained another country's territory, or because it's reclaimed some land from the sea.

Seriously. God damn it. The planet isn't expanding. If it was expanding, we'd all feel it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I haven't triggered dumbass. I hate people, a bandwagon of stupid telling me I cannot debate stuff and calling me names for doing so. I simply returned them.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Haha, are we made of cocaine. You crackhead.

We are made of carbon.

Is there anybody else so freaking gone. Literally gone on hippy new age drugs. Egomaniacs.

We are on a planet called Earth and it is not a Star. Stardust. We need the Sun to live, like everything does. But we don't contain Stardust.

That link is nothing but conjecture. It is hypothetical. Completely irate. If and if then if, makes speculation. Stardust sends sparkles everywhere. The Big Bang hasn't been proved either. It's hypothetical, and an assumption. There are plenty of other theories on it. I am quite sure when the Sun goes nova. It kills off life. Creating the wormholes. Life literally cannot sustain without the Sun. If that's your connection to it. But in a remarkable reverse, a big bang, all of a sudden out of the blue, you're full of sparkles. God damn it. It makes nonsense. One kills life. But the other nova caused it. Tedious. Hyperbole. No accuracy, and in another few millennia when they actually get there, they'll look back on their silly theories and laugh.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're dumb and gay.

You have no observation. You have no rational theory. You have no evidence.

Yet you're telling me when I produced the above 3 that I need your explanation.

No thank you. I refuse to become dumber. I refuse to get into an argument we fling insults back and forth because you think I am so wrong in debating it. You started flinging those names. I simply and in courtesy returned them.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Go get what? Tiger, what. Not dumb and gay. Tigers are gay. They're freaking stripey cats. They're Gay.

Who talks like that? Go get it tiger. Aw thanks, pussy. I mean girls do. But you're called.

God damn it. Go back to autistic school.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Growing. Planets don't grow. There is a technicality on Gaseous giants. They are potential stars.

Billions of years we have lost landmass. The once pangea of our planet has lost its land mass. It has more Ocean. Suddenly you're claiming it is growing.

What about our planetary core. How is that doing currently? Is it expanding? No, it isn't. Our magnetic shield is weakening.

Has the Moon grown. Has any moon grown? Since observing them. Our moon supposedly had volcanoes on it. Latest mission this year. But it doesn't any more. It isn't growing.

At what point has our planet grown. More dumb people absolutely. At what point since recording real simple had it gained land mass. Simplest question? Suddenly like a retard you're claiming bullshit.

No dumbass. You're autistic, and a fucking spastic. You have zero rational theory. Zero observation. Zero proof.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Your ignorance. You have said nothing. You have failed to rationally produce any actual argument. I did. You're just dumb. But everybody else is to blame because you're dumb. Yet you haven't said anything rational.

Read it. You dumb retard. Read what you wrote. It's peak autism. You make no argument, suddenly I am dumb? On what planet?

I will destroy your other post as well. It is as autistic. You don't understand simple geography.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They're so Hard-core. WTF.

Who arranges a room like that?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Are you off your coked up head? Star dust? What are you on. You're insane. The purpose of these videos are they appeal to dumb people. We aren't a star, the Sun. We are a planet.

We lost continents because our sea level is much higher today than when we were a Pangea. When all those continents fit together. We have lost land since recording it. We haven't gained land, unless we've reclaimed it from the sea. Okay even in the last ice-age or within the last 100k years New Zealand is much smaller. And others.

With the current rift in Africa the tectonic plates moving, that freaking basketball deflating, or whatever nonsense you're citing. When it breaks off, have we globally gained or lost land?

Look at the continental shelf. Have we gained or lost land?

God damn retards. Study something. Anything except this.

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