Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Khazars are 100% bullshit.

They were the Khanate known as Tartars. Former Scythians. Mongols later. Ottomans. Then Russians.

Slavs were largely Christians and Judaism also spread. Prior to Christianity Slavs had old gods, likely pantheons like any other tribes. Goths, Vikings, Celts etc.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What went wrong? Tell me. Look and read them.

A hoax has occurred spot it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are can you read? Let me link the Wiki. They were just made recently. Read it. Here look.


Now look at the Wiki it's attempting to replace


Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wahaaaa. You sound offended

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Khazars are a hoax. Stop spreading nonsense. I have no idea what you think a Khazar is except they were largely Islamic like a Chechen. A former Khanate. It had nothing to do with being Jewish.

I have no idea what a Caananite is either. It sounds like a Hittite. The Greeks destroyed Tyre and effectively founded Alexandria.

Is Chechyna a domicile?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Not quite, how were those Kinzhal downed? Why were its scientists charged with supposed treason? Not sure how that went. Or if it was a Kinzhal. But the freaking trajectory on a much faster missile. Come on.

There is an array of data from radar to defenses, a response to it, not simply the trajectory. Easier if there's a lock. What's the lock. What kind of signature? I really dunno. I am not an expert, just well read.

Not all match this. Surely. Hence there are various countermeasures or defenses to those threats.

Yes I agree, there are a lot of adverts and none are 100%. Those adverts are often we downed our own missiles.

The other way some work not by trajectory is simply flash bang detonating prior. It then explodes anything entering its blast radius or damages it enough to prevent larger impact.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Haha a poor people living in squalid peasantry constantly drafted into war by their domicile calling them into conflict against each other. While the Jews there obviously maintained a better class of gentry for any other pilgrims.

That's the problem. If they weren't a country, how can they claim it is Palestine? It wasn't a country.

What would Palestine be today? It would only be in civil war like its neighbours.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Wrong, they are selling it to a few places today. Think Ukraine fell through, dunno, but in Finland, and possibly others.

The main thing about it are, perhaps the coding, and signatures. These have taken an array of expertise and data.

Part of this UFO buzz. Signatures for missile defense.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

Possibly but it still stops a lot. None are 100%. They can be beaten, by tech. Such as Drones, balloons, more fire than any reload and sam stockpiles.

It's therefore not a hoax. As this topic suggests.

Yes for a lot of new threats emerging, lasers, as well as countined missiles.

There are a few others like perhaps decoys.

The problem also becomes, although the initial impact is shot down, any debris still damage density.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're an animal fucker. You know nothing about history.

Because Morocco was the dominating Empire there for 100s of years as Islam emerged, until around the 1800s. Prior to it there were others like Libya, the Romans. After it fell, the region divided into more wars, Libya, Egypt, Eritrea/Ethiopia, Algeria invasions and conquests.

Historically you know the Moors. Morocoo was set to invade Spain all over again. It literally rallied all of North Africa, it went all the way to Sudan at one point. Egypt was a rival.

It has a very rich history. Like others influenced by Islam. Except it was its own entity it fought to maintain its power. But it got crushed in a few wars then. Possibly the Barbary as well as competition and others.

What are we even debating. You're posing hypotheticals. Countries didn't exist until much later. There were kingdoms, and city states, domiciles, Sultanates. They fought as much among themselves as any other threat turning them into their perspective nations later. Countries emerged after the fall of Empires WW1, effectively, otherwise far more was provincial rule.

When we look at maps of the 1800s when a lot of Empires fell, most hadn't nationalise into countries until later. Huge regions either from colonisation, or competing kingdoms, and Empires. The map started getting smaller turning into its nations. After WW2 is when have our globe today. WW1 was the fall of Empires. Prior was a succession of wars and kingdoms.

You start talking about these countries today many are wrapped in conquest. Many shared Emperical rule, or were competing kingdoms, or provinces of other Empires. The map was vastly different not long ago.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

No, find it. And simply Google a million hits, time stamped. You're putting forward an argument missile defense is a hoax. Absurd. Literally ridiculous.

Everybody on this Planet knows it works. Hence it needs rearming, funding, and it sells like all other Global arms.

I honestly don't know why you'd suggest it.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

It really does. I dislike dumb conspiracies like this who are obvious shills, calling for its constant testing.

There was a video yesterday of it intercepting.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

There are loads of videos of interception. It does work, and very well. Possibly the best of its kind and it's had a lot of evolution. The problem is obviously the expense, all that funding, mainly patriots, and other munitions, keeping it operating. Hence laser alternatives are emerging, but are still largely prototypes.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dumbass peppa pig gossip follows on Instagram. Such facts.

Repeat the whole sentence I said. Because I didn't say that.

What can be expected from those Fantasies. Read your name. It suggests you think real happy thoughts about the Obama's. I mean why else would you call yourself it? Why. Your Penede. If it was their's, it's afterwards. You nigger. Singular, you.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. They faster descend on themselves unless they're fighting the globe. That's if somebody else strong enough bangs all their heads together first. Yea Israel keeps it localised. Irony I am sure.

Seriously I give up there. Israel is the nation anything else is hearsay.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Try again, studying history. Morocco was far bigger historically, at points, it went to the Sudan at one point, and although Islamic warred against Egypt and the Ottomans and Europe for its own power. Where it spanned North Africa, and also quite a lot of the Med.

Of course there has been succession of conflict providing our nations today.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I agree with you there 100%. Except it distracts from the concept. The concept is time is up. There are no more minutes left. A thermometer rises and lowers on the whims of its climate. A clock measures our lives to the seconds. Hence its metaphor.

The metaphor began because it thought it would causes a greater detonation. It didn't, they made it bigger. Then they armed the planet. Until it has evolve outside of weapons.

The clock can wind unwind and stop. It chimes its tolls. It always was significant of its historic cycles. Mayan, Egyptian, Summerian etc. A thermometer is a bit more fickle.

However you perceive its event, it is only theory.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not quite the danger is on the cascade provoking it by causing the next group of climate activists causing internal terrorism. In which case an opponent might gain causing it.

It should be raised in theory. We are nearing the last toll. I debate it isn't 90 seconds since Ukraine, raised it. Events have spiralled more since. Effectively meaning it needs adjusting.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Plus the insignia on it isn't his or there is a conspiracy regarding it. He wasn't buried in his tomb it was another's. His death where. Looks like regicide. Rather than combat.

There was even a conspiracy it isn't him.

He's a narrative

Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6

No fucks animals, Turtle, Bam. The poor tortoise. I am not emotional. You are.

Check Palestinian history. It was never a country. It was a domicile. Where any population outside of historic Jerusalem a religious city, were often the subjects of squalid peasantry, where it simply recruited them into war against their neighbours.

Palestine was never a country, it was a domicile. A territory of others. Today some have tried to make such claims. Only because of another country Israel present in such they've acclaimed.

Hence a huge divide by the World's biggest sponge absorbing everybody else into it claiming it's not Israel.

Until Israel has become another sacrifice. It provokes an entire religion who seek its destruction so they can return to warring against themselves.

I give up there I do. It is what is. Sides, divided by another notion it is not the other. But it has never been.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tutankhamen is a conspiracy. His burial. Death. Age. Nothing but bullshit regarding him. A freakish narrative due to his adornment. Who was this historically irrelevant person. A modern narrative.

I think there's a white elephant in the room regarding him but it is seeped in conjecture. What has emerged was Egypt was such and such.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think there are drugs and resources not being observed. It would be like empowering the Cartel. Specifically those assholes, stopped it, aligning, as it traded the fuck knows where.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +3 / -8

How about how Palestine was nothing else. Literally nothing but a poor population of a supposed people constantly taxed and subjugated by surrounding kingdoms, enslaving them, and sending them off to war, against themselves.

But as soon as it became Israel there was no end of what Palestine should've been. Somebody else tell the class what they think it should've been. It was irrelevant in history except for its constant conflict.

Until it is nothing but a divide and a sponge. The biggest sponge in the World causing a divide. The only other thing as dividing is the Troon. Palestinians are also zealots

Ep0ch -5 points ago +2 / -7


Synthesised Adrenochrome, Oxidised adrenaline, you don't get high from adrenal glands ask the French, they taste of shit, or eat a haggis. It is used to slow hemorrhaging. It really isn't as there are better agents.

If such a drug exists it isn't adrenochrome.

Look at the username posting this shit. Why on Earth? Ignorance is bemusing. Sick of this dumb conspiracy.

Right away I don't appeal to their dumb group stink. Quick ask Jesus posting drugs. How about you fuck off get crucified and ask your doctor.

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