Entropick 6 points ago +6 / -0

You need to pony up rock solid evidence for 40 beheaded babies or just stfu around here; where do you get your arrogance?

Entropick 5 points ago +5 / -0

This will be happening to all of us eventually, inevitably, hence my extreme concern and interest in this situation. I don't see how this isn't going to happen at some point, it is right there in their religious material, everyone is chattel but them. This will never stop until either they or we are gone. I mean.....right?

Entropick 3 points ago +3 / -0

oy vey alert oy very alert shalom shalom shalom oy oy vey shalom MAZEL TOV MAZEL TOV

Entropick 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a jew?! I never would have guessed? I'm just looking for these 40 beheaded babies that might or might not have been baked in an oven. I didn't bother to read the rest of your bleating.

Entropick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't there a metzitzah b'peh you need to perform on 40 beheaded babies?

Entropick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mostly to make myself feel better; I quit regular work, no more "career", no regular paycheck, NO TAXES. I have no part in this murderous catastrophe, give them no money and do all possible to interdict these constant tragedies.

Entropick 4 points ago +5 / -1

Real brave, real strong; stab your friends in the back on a random Tuesday morning, no warning, no hint. Sucker punches are real brave.

Entropick 2 points ago +2 / -0

40 beheaded babies.


Entropick 2 points ago +2 / -0


When the skies light up with an alien invasion – that will be Satan and 1/3 of the ex-arch–angels of heaven falling (materializing) on earth. They will meet with the Illuminati Brotherhood for a Harmonic Convergence. The man-made police state hovercraft will come out of their secret underground bunkers and will hunt the majority of you down with these so-called non-lethal microwave weapons. The television may call it the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Rapture or something to that equivalent. Whether it is God’s Tribulation Period or just another man-made Armageddon instigated by cruel lying utopianists, take my advice: do not go outside and try to….. "Catch A Falling Star!"

Entropick 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, good timing on this question, I had been looking for years for a concise explanation, which is difficult to round up. The best so far:


Description Ezekiel 38-39 prophesies that in the last days, Gog, demonic ruler of the land of Magog, shall come against Israel, which is brought forth out of the nations. He shall come like a storm and shall conquer this land of unwalled villages, and take them hostage. This conquest by Gog and his army will eventually spiral into a bloody global war so catastrophic that God, Himself, will finally put an end to it. Who is Gog? Where is the land of Magog? Now, with new and astonishing archeological and genetic discoveries, we have amazing evidence that, in fact, Magog is situated in Southern Russia, in the Caucusus, and Gog is the name of the great ruler of the Kingdom of Khazaria. Khazaria is the land of the non-Semitic, Turkic peoples who falsely claim to be Jews. From Khazaria, in the eighth century, these pagan peoples, having converted to Judaism, fled to Europe to escape invading Russian warriors. In 1948, the Khazarians went on to Palestine, where they conquered the peaceful Palestinians and set up a pretentious, new "Kingdom of Isreal." The Khazarians, claiming to be "Jews," are from Magog. Led by Satan's Gog, in the last days they are destined to plunge the entire world into bloodshed, chaos, and war. Ezekiel 38-39 is fulfilled in front of our eyes!...

Entropick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep! I did this a few weeks ago to a (recently former) local school board member whos district had a 16-yr old girl collapse at a football game, dead from myocarditis. I just wanted to point out the likely cause of this myocarditis. Turns out, the girl is the daughter of this mans best friend. I almost got punched, it was close there for a few..BUT....fuck these chickenshits, TELL EM.

Entropick 2 points ago +3 / -1

Where's the 40 beheaded babies, you got more info on that by now for sure.

Entropick 2 points ago +2 / -0

No wonder they hate DMT and the psychedelics so much.

Entropick 4 points ago +4 / -0

You get one guess as to the employer and ethnicity of these two individuals.

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