If God is all powerful, why does Satan exist?
What are you seeing there?
So, what happened when you distributed this in coffee shops?
Share some stories.
make sure to wear dirty old clothes, don't wash for a month beforehand and mutter incoherently while you do it.
do it!
film yourself doing it
post the results here
That´s not an infographic.
That´s evidence of a severe mental illness.
Here's the full interview you dumb fucks.
Exactly. This invalidates the whole point this weirdo is making.
Yeah, remember when 4chan was spreading Qtard shit and predicted that all the vaccinated would die within a year?
He cites the Thora and Quran as evidence for his claims.
Are you a Jew or Muslim? Logically, you have to be one of either to believe the "evidence".
Not even a week in and they are already moving the goalposts.
The source is "trust me bro, I totally didn´t make this up and I´m not even going to tell you who I asked".
Do you think that you have discovered something new? I literally learned this in school as a child.
this only looks like a circuit board if you have no fucking idea how a circuit board looks like
what´s the conspiracy here?
Is this a fucking joke?
That´s a serious question.
Did you look at these "survey results" and think "oh yeah, that´s good data"?
Have you found the data yet that supports OP´s claim?
You didn´t just lie about this, did you?
I couldn't find it.
Of course you couldn´t because OP just made this shit up. Literally disinfo, just like I said.
Next time, try to validate the information before attempting to ridicule those who call this bullshit out for what it is.
I hope you learned something today.
What kind of energy? Electric?
Show the testimonies of 83% of the embalmers.
Come one do it. I'm sure that number isn't made up, right?
I still don´t understand why you write posts in a way that implies that you are American and that anything happening in the US affects you personally.
show me the results of a properly documented research on these "clots".
show me actual data that proves that "83% of Embalmers Saw "Calamari Clots" in 2024"
You're not even American so why do you pretend that any of this affects you?
He didn't read whatever it is Joe Biden signed. Neither did I.
Of course not. It's so much easier to fall for rage bait than to actually inform yourself about the facts.
It's so fucking easy to manipulate retards with just a few headlines.
2 more weeks?