Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, the stars, sun and moon appear to revolve around the earth at exactly the same rate.

Stating that the moon is slower than the sun is just silly. Any child with a watch can prove that they cross the sky from horizon to horizon at exactly the same rate.

Why you ask? Because they are moving very little relative to the earth spinning in space.

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

there is a 24 hour sun in the north pole, but its a lie that the sun shines for 24 hours in Antarctica.

Check out the webcams https://www.antarctica.gov.au/antarctic-operations/webcams/ and https://www.usap.gov/videoclipsandmaps/spwebcam.cfm

You can clearly see for yourself that for many months there is 24 hours of sunshine per day there.

It is interesting to note that solar panels are installed upside down there to collect the most solar insolation.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Revolution is your solution then? That is the Bankers solution too. It is playing right into their hands.

Trump has already started the disconnection from the Crown and taken back the Fed, the European Cabal is being destroyed (our owners) and the Deep State's funding has been cut off.

Open your eyes to see what is happening.

Bayesian 2 points ago +3 / -1

Biden mandated the kill shots not Trump.

Who's side are you on?

by DrLeaks
Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Telling people the truth. Not only NOT PLAYING THE BANKS' GAME, but even educating people on how to do that. How long will you last, after they eventually reach your house, when you ate popcorn while your neighbors were eradicated?

You aren't listening fren. I am teaching you how not to be a target to be eradicated by the Deep State.

Fighting the Deep State is a losing proposition, who is your target? There isn't one, that is the problem. On the other hand it is trivial for an IRS swat team with armored vehicles to take you out.

Be smart, be a drain on the system, be a grey rock. Without us supporting the system it will fail.

Do I need to teach you how to avoid paying taxes and get wealthy at the same time? Do I need to teach you how to use the system? I am willing to and have been doing it for a long time now.

by DrLeaks
Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The only way to beat the House, is not to play." If no one plays, the House goes away.

Banks only exist because there is a demand to borrow money. Don't borrow money and the Banks go away. The Government largely exists to steal from us, learn to cost the government more than it benefits from you and it will avoid you like the plague. When enough people learn to play the Governments game, the Government will go away.

by DrLeaks
Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The world is controlled from way before you were born - same as me. They control all finance, all land ownership (don't mention Lahaina), all media...

While all of that is true, it only becomes real in your life if you believe it.

It is entirely possible to say no and disengage from that dialectic. Millions of us understand and ridicule the media and government narrative. We don't depend on the Government for anything and know how to eat healthy, cure ourselves, take care of ourselves to the point that, big corps, media, the government are no longer important factors in our lives.

This seems like QAnon's strategy: "someone will get arrested, just stay on your ass and never do anything, because we got this handled..."

That is Q's strategy. Never interfere while the enemy is busy destroying themselves. The enemy wants to engage us in a fight, it is how they win.

Our strategy is to disengage and let them deal with the problems that they have created. The Blue cities and States are falling apart, while the Red States and cities are doing very well. The Uniparty's legal attacks on Trump are blowing up in their faces. While an impeachment of Biden will do nothing, but justify (in their minds) the attacks on Trump.

Rising interest rates are cutting off the Deep States money supply. The Supreme Court is consistently ruling against them all the time. They are losing on every front and their support is rapidly attriting away, politically, financially, foreign policy, even the war against Russia and The BRICS.

So yeah, now is the time to sit back with a big plate of bacon and enjoy the show.

Bayesian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anecdotally, I can say that Ivermectin and Fenben, helped or cured my prostate and a colon problem (cancer or parasite, I don't know which).

Best of all there doesn't seem to be any negatives or side effects for this treatment. It might be a good idea to try it prophylactically to catch problems early.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one trusts the US not to 'sanction' them and steal all their FOREX. The Saudi's no longer sell their oil only for dollars.

The dollar isn't dead, but its dominance is rapidly dissipating. The biggest loser is the EURO, which the blowing up of Nordstream didn't help.

by DrLeaks
Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is a failed arson attempt.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nuclear 'bombs' are real and their 'yields' are correct. They do convert mass into energy.

Almost 100% of the energy created is heat in the form of EM radiation. In many ways it is similar to lightening.

The shockwave is produced by superheating the air around the blast and the pressure produced by the explosion plummets at a rate of PSI = 1/radius^3. It will take very little distance from the center of the blast to have no appreciable force.

A nuclear explosion in the vacuum of space would simply be a ball of very bright light with no shock wave at all.

Expanding gasses make much better bombs, especially if they can be confined. Thermobaric bombs in buildings or valleys make extremely effective explosions.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

The sun light we observe always behaves like local light, as does the moon, showing a single hot spot reflection as you can replicate, and as photos by high altitude balloon confirm. The light from the sun is not as a uniform, parallel light wave, which is what would come from a sun that is 93 million miles away, and the moon, to a much lessor degree.

You need to define 'local light'.

But parallel light waves from the sun, hitting the moon, should result in a shadow that is 2,200 miles across. The size of the moon. This is because parallel light will not wrap and create a soft outer and darker center shadow.

You seem to be confusing laser light and wavelengths with parallel light. Start by defining local light please.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

▼ Glowies_love_me 1 point 9 hours ago +1 / -0 I have measured the 'speed' of the sun from different places and different times and it is always the same.

Really? Wow. I thought the sun would have to change speeds in order for it to work on the FE model.

Yes and that is why the FE model is falsified.

But, we still have the issue of the sun light not being parallel, so...it's not a paradox, it's just that the sun is not 93 million miles away. It's a few thousand miles away.

The Sun's light is parallel. If the sun was only a few thousand miles away it would be trivial with triangulation to determine its distance. So tell me exactly the Suns distance? You already said you can't and that the Sun might be a reflection, Make up your mind.

So, if you have sun tracking data, and you always measure the speed the same, how would you adjust the FE model to reflect what we observe?

It falsifies the FE model.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

How high is the sun? Well, it's not a star, 93 million miles away.

That's certain.

What's not exactly known yet is how high the sun is. Maybe its location is a reflection, who knows what the sun is. But we can observe it.

How can you be certain if you don't know where the sun is?

I think it goes higher at slower speed in June, lower when farthest away from the pole, but faster.

I have measured the 'speed' of the sun from different places and different times and it is always the same.

It's not that no flat earther has even been able to answer, it's just that you're too cog dis and ignorant to understand what I said above. Cog dis pushes new info away. You can't process. You have the wrong question anyway. Look at the earth, there is no curve. There's logic and observations that make it impossible for us to be on a globe

Ok, what is the logic and observations that make it impossible for us to be on a globe?

You can't see it because you are programmed, but it's fucking obvious. The earth is a huge containment facility, and we are the slaves, harvest, experiments, entertainment, whatever.

Yeah I watched the Matrix too. However, I have also spent much of my life exploring the world, sailing, flying, climbing. And while I haven't been all the way around the world I have been very far north and south and am a pretty good navigator. On a clear night, with nothing more than a good clock, I can tell you my latitude and longitude, within a degree or so.

All of that navigation skill requires and proves that the earths surface is curved. At the North pole the north star is directly overhead. At the equator the NothStar is on the Horizon. that is how I tell Latitude.

Please explain how I could tell Latitude using the north star if the Earth was flat?

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

This video is a few seconds long. See if you can handle what he says here. https://streamable.com/356zse Basically says you're a fool for thinking that the shadow sticks proves anything.

If the video is correct, how high is the Sun above the earth and how fast is it moving? None of the FE'ers can answer that question.

Here is how real scientists figured it out.


Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

the sun moves around 24 hours in a day, but at different speeds, depending on the if you are talking about June or December, but yes, always 24 hour days.

You are claiming the Sun moves slower in December than it does in June? That is false. The Sun's Arc across the sky is always exactly the same speed. The same with the Moon and the Stars.

globe does not explain how we can can see constellations like Taurus, Pise and Leo from as far north as 90 degrees north, all the way to 65 degrees south. FE model can explain why south stars appear to rotate opposite...

Actually the globe theory explains exactly why someone on the equator can see all of the constellations. Also the Southern stars rotate in the same direction falsifying your FE model.

i dont know how the sun and moon do what they do, i can only observe what they do. ive seen experiments where things that are super cold can levitate. and i have heard talks about the sun being a super cold fusion and the heat we feel is a result of induction of the molecules around us, which explains why its cold a high elevations and hot when you are below sea level.

At last some honesty that you don't know how the sun and the moon do what they do. The lapse rate describes why the temperature decreases as altitude increases.

once you find something that sparks your curiosity, follow it. do more research on that thing. dont go around shooting out a bunch of questions you arent really considering. stay on one thing. one proof, one concept.

I have consistently stayed on the topic of the motion of the heavenly bodies. You have admitted you don't know how they move, while I have explained how the Global model easily explains their 'motion' which is actually the earth spinning instead of them moving.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

"the sun and moon and stars all move a different rates across the sky, you should check it with your own eyes, a stop watch, a pen, and a notepad. think of how you can actually test this for sure. thats all FE is about, people thinking and observing for themselves, doing the math and thinking logically,"

All of our clocks are based on the Sun coming directly overhead every 24 hours, which it always does. The Star Constellations also appear directly overhead every 24 hours. The moon is the same except it is off by 1/28 of the circumference every day, because it is orbiting the earth every 28 days.

I can set (and have) a clock by the position of the Sun or Stars. It takes them both exactly 24 hours to return to their position directly above us.

However in the Arctic Circle, where I have observed this, the Sun makes a complete circle low along the horizon, while the north Star is motionless above my head and all the other stars are fixed in place with the sun rotating around the horizon in exactly 24 hours.

A spinning globe easily explains the motion of the Sun, Stars and Moon very precisely.

The Flat Earth model, doesn't provide any times and distances for the 'speed' of these objects. Or a coherent explanation of the direction of the Stars and why and how they are apparently orbiting both the North Star and the Southern Cross at the same time.

Yes it is true, I don't understand the FE explanation at all because it isn't explained anywhere.

That is why I asked you how far above the Earth those objects are and how fast they are moving? I am also curious what is the energy source for the Moon's doing circles above the earth? Doing circles is a constant acceleration and requires a lot of energy.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to the Warburg Effect Cancer feeds off of Carbohydrates any Carbohydrate. Cutting off the supply of Carbohydrates will slow, not cure cancers.

Highly processed food, including all seed oils, contribute immensely to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc. etc.

Plants contain toxins, pesticides, anti nutrients, literally thousands of chemical compounds designed to injure and kill us.

The only safe foods to eat are animal products, eggs, meat, fish, etc.

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think you mean arc, not curve. That has nothing to do with a flat earth, or are you saying that the moon curves towards the earth? And that if I travel to the point the Moon touches the Earth then what?

Yes I am a pilot and it is common to see mountains and other objects hundreds of miles away.

And yes, like I previously told you on a boat the furthest a person can be seen in the water is around 3 miles, using a telescope makes no difference because of the curvature of the ocean. On a flat earth I would be able to see them much further at least 30 miles or so.

Where can I find this Basic Flat Earth Truth? It needs to accurately explain the height of the Stars, Sun and Moon, their speeds and motions. That should be trivial right?

Oh and what is under the earth? Is it turtles all the way down?

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is the limit to the distance we can see horizontally on a flat earth? I can clearly see objects several hundred miles away on our spherical earth so certainly I could see objects much further on your flat earth.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's play with your numbers a little. If the moon is 3000 miles straight up above me moving 800 mph, then in 6 hours it would move 4800 miles off to the side. The moon will still be 60˚ high in the sky and highly visible.

Meanwhile in the real world the moon would have set and be invisible.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

When Flying I can see items hundreds of miles away with the naked eye. If I flew higher I could see further and that is over a curved earth.

How high is the Moon above the Earth?

Bayesian 3 points ago +3 / -0

How far from the Earth is the Moon and how fast is it traveling?

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we lived on a flat plane, we could see anyone anywhere with a telescope.

If you went to the top of a mountain you would be able to see across all the oceans and see all of the mountains and cities of the world.

Why don't you climb a tall mountain on a coastal area with a telescope and tell us what cities and mountains you see on the other side of the ocean? And don't say you can't see that far, you can see the Moon and the Sun and Stars can't you? (without a telescope)

So again, How high up are the Sun, the Moon and the Stars?

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live on a boat and have good vision, binoculars, radar and AIS.

In man overboard drills, we can see a person (a head) in the water up to around 3 miles out. Anything beyond that range is impossible even with Stabilized binoculars. We know where the person is because of AIS.

The same thing is true with a sailboat. It varies with the height of sails and radar. If there is a radar reflector high on the mast of the sailboat, radar can see it around 25 miles away. As the Sailboat approaches I can sometimes see the top of the sail in the 18 miles range and the top of the Sail boat itself in the ~9 mile range.

The above proves that the earths oceans surface is curved.

I have no idea where you have gotten your 'idea' that objects that have dropped below the horizon, can be seen simply by increasing the magnification. It isn't true.

Now answer my question, how high are the moon, Sun and Stars and how fast are they moving?

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