ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

It actually killed literally half of europe (give or take 10%), so no. The media treats covid like the black death, but covid is FAR less severe.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Requesting these get consolidated into a megathread?

by pkvi
ApparentlyImAHeretic 5 points ago +6 / -1

A vax for cancer makes no sense, as cancer is not a virus or bacteria. The rest stands, however.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Modern videogames are largely being made by people with game degrees from degree-mill schools. The results speak for themselves.

t. Game Degree Graduate from a degree-mill school

by pkvi
ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +2 / -1

this lines up with something I've been saying for a while, it's not "da joos" that are behind everything. The jews are the innermost meatshield for the elites. Elites hide behind historical jewish persecution to successfully gaslight the NPCs into believing the act of speaking against them is antisemitic. As a result, nobody questions the money and assets that elites move around, allowing them to operate unobstructed.

Make no mistake, when the walls close in, the elites will push all jews towards the meatgrinder while they hide away.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. At least not the current jabs.

Were I an evil mastermind with unlimited resources, I would create a swine-flu esq nothingburger and purposefully distort it in the media so that the NPCs believe it is the next black plague. I would then mass-distribute a vaccine that is horribly ineffective by vaccination standards so that the NPCs take them, but the dissidents don't. After enough NPCs took the shot, I would release an actual deadly plague that (plot twist) the aforementioned vaccines are actually effective against. I would also stop production of the shot at this point. Now the NPCs are all already safe, and most of the dissidents die off.

Depopulation: Achieved

Dissidents: holocausted

Blame: averted

Power: secured

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +3 / -1

I remember a similar cartoon back during Occupy Wallstreet. A large crowd of people just standing there with signs and all the cameras focused on the one dipshit breaking car windows. TV and monopoly control over Internet searches make it really easy to brand a movement as something its not.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

"enemy combatants" implies they must be shot on sight. If I were a fed poster, I too would post encouragement to shoot govt officials.

This post glows.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Joke's on you, I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've shot and eaten 100s of birds myself. Including pigeon.

by pkvi
ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

faking the thing would be harder than doing the thing

I bring that same argument up with flat earth. It holds water for that theory because the things needed to be faked involve faking things about the real world and millions of people keeping their mouth shut. It doesn't hold water for the moon landing because all they need to fake that are some studio broadcasts and some documents, as well as only a few hundred people to keep quiet.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not for the state, because that would imply they shill for the current president, which they did the opposite with trump. They are paid shills for the PARTY.

by pkvi
ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +4 / -1

Crypto is literal mass delusion. It's the agreement by a lot of people that something without mass has value, and will fluctuate based on how much value people assign to that nothing. Lots of people who are into investing treat stocks the same way, so its only natural they'd instinctually play the crypto market like the stock market.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Post an actual link faggot

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone got a link to the data being referenced?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not sure if anyone has or not, but you totally can. There are flights you can book yourself that will take you over the north or south pole. Book a series of flights that creates a ring around the world, traversing both poles, and voila.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

By debating in a thread you are creating misinformation.

Okay CNN

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +5 / -1

This explanation flies in the face of Newton's Laws, so I suspect you think those are fake as well.

Taking for granted that weight is a constant, does everything fall to earth at the same rate in a vaccume? If so, how much does the earth weigh, and why doesn't fall beneath our feet? Is there an infinite ground below us? Or some sort of bedrock like in Minecraft? If that's the case, how is it possible for one to traverse all continents and end up in the exact same place by heading in a single direction long enough?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0


Very interesting. This seems like a plausible explanation if not for 1 thing: airless chambers.

Should density explain the gravity-like forces in our world, then objects in an airless chamber should float. They don't.

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