This is antisemitic and racist. Please delete it, or we'll censor you, deplatform you, debank you, get you fired, fined, arrested, and generally destroy your life. But, it's a conspiracy theory if you suggest we control everything.
That's the strange part about the Q psyop. It actually spread some truthful information, like Pizzagate type stuff, while poisoning the well with false information, making people erroneously believe that the good guys were in charge, which made the ground level good people feel safe, inactive, and non violent. Poisoning the well is probably a common tactic among globalists. However, it's easier done by using half truths to make it easier for people to swallow. Globalists use every means to lie, manipulate, weaken, and control people, in everything they do. I wouldn't doubt for a moment they'd use false conspiracies to sway normies against conspiracy theories in general.
Q is a psyop to control dissent. Division and in fighting is another means of controlling the populace. If you understand the intent and purpose, of who benefits and who loses, you can figure out who is responsible.
I've seen info on 4chan that shows babies' brains are permanently altered when they undergo a circumcision. The baby is subjected to the operation without anesthetic, and the intense pain permanently changes them. It's entirely probable that this change induces a brain state within men that's preferable to those in power. Maybe it makes men less likely to trust their parents (who didn't protect them), pushing men into the arms of the globalists and government, or makes men more docile, or makes men weaker.
In the Ancient Apocalypse show, they were discussing the possibility that the regular catastrophes on earth were caused by comet impacts. This was due to a massive comet which broke up, leaving smaller fragments (though still quite large) in a trail through the solar system, which the earth travels through every year. All of the meteor showers we see every year are due to these debris fields. The term "comet" describes any object made of dust and ice which formed in the Oort cloud and/or Kuiper belt of our solar system, beyond the orbit of Neptune. For example, Pluto is a comet. Although, astronomers have found comets larger than Pluto, and many of them have long elliptical orbits which take them close to the sun, and possibly a collision course with another planet.
However, due to predictable changes in orbit over time, the earth passes through denser parts of that debris field every 10,000 years or so, causing catastrophic impacts from the larger pieces of debris. It was the Orionid, Taurid, or Leonid meteor showers. I can't remember which, but they discuss it in the show. In any case, they used astronomy as a guide to study ancient sites, and found a lot of them pointed to specific parts of the sky, as if as a warning. It's not conclusive, but definitely intriguing.
From what I've heard Graham Hancock, in his earlier works said it was explicitly White/European peoples who were the teachers of civilization. Given his somewhat centrist, slight left leaning, libertarian political views, I doubt it was because he was a race realist. It was more because he was taking the ancient accounts of what these teachers of civilization looked like, according to the natives themselves. Again, from what I've heard, many of them explicitly say they were fair skinned, had blonde or red hair, had blue or green eyes, and had large beards. Apparently taking the natives at their word makes Hancock a "racist".
The globalists and the useful idiot left are so hell bent on making all the races equal, or more accurately, to paint White people as evil colonizing racist Nazis, that they can't accept any information contrary to that purpose. It's also why they ignore scientific evidence of ancient Europeans living in North America prior to Native Americans. For example, the White mummies found in Windover Bog in Florida, where they were able to test DNA. The scientific community has completely swept that under the rug, and try to claim no DNA tests were conducted, or that they didn't show the mummies to be White.
Mainstream everything has been taken over, and is being run by liars. The only reason alternative theories to mainstream anything are popping up, is because most of us have been censored off their platforms and out of their institutions, but there are so many of us, and the evidence for the truth is so abundant, that we're recongregating into our own spheres to discuss this stuff, without censorship, and our spheres are growing. The globalist control of information is slipping, even though they're redoubling their efforts to censor anyone that speaks the truth.
If you want another good Youtube channel about ancient civilizations, and proving the mainstream historical narrative wrong, there's one called Uncharted X.
It's run by an amateur, but he researches this stuff a lot, even goes to the sites quite a bit. He has both long and short form content, but all of it is great. He mostly focuses on Egypt, but discusses other areas as well, like central and south America. He has lots of really good evidence, in picture and video format, of saw marks, tube drills, massive lathes, scoops marks, and other advanced machinery which produced perfectly symmetrical and repeatable stone works, both massive and incredibly small and intricate, some of which is even impossible to reproduce with modern machinery (i.e. tube drill marks digging into stone much faster than we can).
He also discusses the debunks the absurdity of the mainstream historical account of how those ancient stone works were made. He also has interviews with Randall Carlson, discusses the Younger Dryas impacts, the evidence for worldwide floods, and delves into the clear possibilities of ancient civilizations. Great channel.
I've never heard of this. Great post.
The more I see, it seems that secrecy itself is fertile ground from which maliciousness can grow. Eventually, nothing good ever comes from secrecy, and it results in nothing but lying, stealing, cheating, and death.
If the blurriness of the moon was due to movement, then the solution would be really simple, to tilt or pan the camera to keep the moon focused while taking pictures, which is perfectly within the realm of our capabilities. The entire purpose of that camera is to take pictures of the moon. If we wanted clear crisp pictures of the side of the satellite, we could've just left it on the ground, hired a mildly competent photographer, and saved millions upon millions of dollars. Again, it strains credulity.
I also don't buy that explanation. Even though space travel is fast, the satellite's altitude above the moon would make the moon's apparent movement appear far slower, relatively speaking, and the shutter speed of the camera would be insanely quick, relatively speaking, given the brightness of the moon that close, which means those pictures should barely be blurry, if at all.
This is supported by pictures other satellites have taken of other moons and planets (including earth), which were travelling far faster, and using older cameras. The fastest consumer level digital cameras have shutter speeds of 1/8000th (of a second). According to the photography websites I read, people can use "slower" shutter speeds of 1/200th to produce pictures without blur. If motion blur made the moon that blurry in these images, then satellites orbiting earth wouldn't be able to take clear high res pictures of earth, and yet they can. This is, of course, assuming all the other satellite images are real.
I've noticed that these pictures are strange for digital cameras. The capsule (foreground) looks really high res, but the moon (background) looks really fuzzy and low res. It's as if they're trying to emulate old school film camera lenses with perspective shots like you see in movies, where the background is out of focus.
If you've ever listened to commentaries for TV shows around the time that HD digital cameras started being used (early and mid 2000s), you'll often hear the directors and producers lament the limitations of those HD cameras, that they couldn't emulate film cameras precisely (at the time), and that they made things appear unnatural, because everything, foreground and background, were all in perfect focus. We've had digital cameras for over 15 years which can focus everything in shot.
How a multi billion dollar government org can't manage to attach a 15 year old camera to a flying tin can strains credulity. The moon in these pics looks incredibly fake.
If it's run by Jews they do a terrible job at it. Yandex was literally the only search engine that showed me accurate results when searching for Pizzagate research and evidence a few months back, stuff I'd already seen before when researching it with everyone else back in 2016, but which now modern search engines don't show. It was also the only one that showed me results for Holocaust denial evidence. It was also the only one which showed me evidence for World War 2 revisionism. Those are 3 of probably the most censored topics, and Yandex didn't censor any of them.
While Brave is definitely better than Google and DuckDuckGo, it still won't yield good results on really bad wrong think, especially involving things like Pizzagate, World War 2, or Jews. There's a Russian based search engine, called Yandex, that will yield better results for verboten topics.
Use Yandex.
Sometimes I come across stuff like this and get a good laugh (the OP did this). Other times I can't help but feel rage. The modern world has become so insane that nothing about it makes sense. Fortunately, the blatant hypocrisy and lies help to wake more people up to the scale with which they've been propagandized, since childhood, from nearly every institution on the planet.
This gets into the "not all Jews" debate. Of course no population is monolithic in behavior. However, populations tend to act certain ways. Statistical population distributions always form bell curves, with the most population occuring in the middle (average behavior), and the population percentage dropping off away from that behavior. Jews are disproportionately involved in things which involve lying, greater than any other ethnicity.
It's something I discovered by myself in study of philosophy, before I even became knowledgeable about Jews. The umbrella term I still use, "globalists", all of them are antithetical to civilization, in everything they believe, say, and do. They're not just wrong, they're liars. They hurt and destroy everything they touch. Every tenet and philosophy. All of it is bad. It isn't just wrong, it's 100% the opposite of what's right, true, logical, good, and efficient. They're antithetical to truth. Theyre liars. It's their central philosophocal tenet.
This isn't new, either. Jesus called them the synagogue of Satan, that they are children of the devil, the father of lies, and they do as their father. Meaning, Jesus called them liars. This was over 2000 years ago, and they're still acting exactly the same.
Now, whether or not you think all Jews act this way, if you're a rational man, you must consider the pragmatic danger of letting them live with us. The same way I wouldn't want to let apex predators live among my neighbors and children, for fear of them being mauled and killed, I wouldn't want to let Jews live among me, my family, my neighbors, or my people. Why? Because I don't want them to be subverted, manipulated, lied to, controlled, hurt, and killed. Let Jews live among themselves, and do as they wish. I want nothing to do with them. If you believe what I said is hateful, you've been lied to, yet again. What I said is based on love of my own people. You don't lock your doors because you hate everyone outside those walls, but because you love those that dwell within.
Nice post. Disagree with the last statement though, that junk food and fast food would become healthy if they ditched vegetable oil and used butter. Most junk food also contains high fructose corn syrup, which is incredibly unhealthy, and made out of corn, which contains chemical sprays, like glyphosate. It also contains wheat, which also contains chemical sprays, like glyphosate. It also uses "flavoring" and food dyes which are unhealthy.
The real shitty part, is that even the animal products (meat, eggs, milk, fat, and butter) are contaminated too. Most livestock are fed grain only diets, grains which are heavily laden with chemical sprays, which end up in the products, are kept in pens, unable to graze their natural diet or even see sunlight, which reduces the vitamin content of their products, are injected with all manner of antibiotics and hormones because they're raised so poorly, which also end up in their products. You have to look for organic, naturally raised and grazed, hormone and antibiotic free animal products, which are more expensive.
Don't underestimate the war being waged against us.
Our enemy is lies. It always has been. Jesus called them the son of the devil, the father of lies, and they do as their father. Evil, simply put, is lies and those that speak them. Those that align with truth survive and persist. Those that speak lies are murderers and destroyers.
All forms of language and communication were first invented to convey information, to speak and spread truth, so we could better survive. That is the most crucial and central purpose of communication. To censor language, ideas, or people, is to impede upon that central purpose. Those that censor do so out of dishonest motives, because they fear the truth.
The only exception is when communities form to discuss specific topics. Those communities must censor anything outside the relevant topic for the community to stay focused on the mutual goal.
However, this exception doesn't suffice or excuse what's being done. Politics is all encompassing. Everything is and must be fair game, because it involves and affects every aspect of our lives. We see the hypocrisy in how the rules are levied unevenly. No other topics on those forums are censored. This means the mods understand the above idea, that politics is all encompassing. However, since they ban specific topics (jews), they're hypocrites and liars. Every other race, ethnicity, religion, demographic, and group can be discussed, dissected, explored, and historied, except jews. That means the mods are hypocrites and liars. Every other group can be criticized, except jews. That means the mods are hypocrites and liars.
Hypocrisy is just another form of lie. Sound logic is truth. Unsound logic and logical inconsistency is lies. If anyone tells you differently, they're lying. The mods of those communities are liars. They're hypocrites. They have ulterior motives. They fear the truth. They're trying to control us, what we're allowed to discuss with each other, and what information we're exposed to. They're trying to control people. Foolishness doesn't suffice for an excuse.
It's more than just flour, although flour is probably the largest culprit, given how many yhings contain flour. Glyphosate and other really bad chemical sprays are used on all manner of crops. You'd be hard pressed to even find a crop that isn't sprayed with one thing or another. It's one of the main reasons why GMO crops were introduced, so they could spray them with even more of that poison.
So be it. They've made their choice. It's time for us to cast judgment.
From what I've heard, you don't get enough iodine from iodized salt. If you're supplementing, it's better to use Lugol's or nascent iodine.
Interesting read. I lean more towards doubt, though. How could this anon's dad supposedly forget about everything he heard and experienced. That by itself makes the story sound like bullshit. If it were true, that stuff would be seered in his brain. There's lots of weird stuff with Antarctica, and I really enjoy these types of conspiracies, but I doubt this story.
4chan talked about Khazaria and Khazarians quite a bit when I started going there in 2016.
Absolutely. Also add in that all plastics act like estrogen in the human body, and mess up both men and women's natural hormone levels. The effects are staggering and numerous. In men it causes a massive drop in testosterone, low energy levels, increased obesity, low sperm count, low sperm motility, low fertility, ED, less muscle mass, feminized behavior and thinking, increased chance of cancer, and many more. In women it causes mood swings and emotional problems, increased obesity, increased chance of miscarriage, increased chance of infertility, increased chance of cancer, and many more. Since plastics are everywhere now, microplastics are leeching into all of our food and drinks, through our skin with cosmetics, lotions, and soaps which contain parabens and phthalates, and through 24/7 exposure with plastic clothing, plastic carpets, and plastic everything else. The Covid hysteria also caused people to inhale microplastics through constant mask usage. You'll notice that all modern countries (the ones most likely to use plastics) are the worst hit.
Loss of testosterone is also caused by decreased exercise (moving to office jobs rather than trades), increased obesity, bad diet (the Western diet is horrible, with lots of carbs and sugar, less protein, and lots of bad seed oils), and rampant masturbation (porn use).
This drop in testosterone in Western men has been happening for decades, and is increasingly feminizing men, resulting in degenerate and insane behavior, resulting in the increasing prevalence of LGBTQ. This is just another vector the globalists are using to weaken and control the population. If you can weaken men, make them incredibly unlikely to fight back, then the globalists can do almost anything to us.
Furthermore, feminism and other globalist philosophies have resulted in the push for LGBTQ.
Women are hard wired to be more empathetic and caring than men, which makes them better and more attentive mothers, which helps their offspring survive childhood. Pushing women into the workforce en masse is encroaching on a man's role: protector and provider. You'll also notice that this push for women to emulate/replace men is mirrored and encouraged in all institutions and media the globalists control, saying that women are equal or better than men, that men are stupid or evil, that women are empowered and "don't need no man", that women shouldn't have children, and so on. This is so women can be pushed into the workforce en masse, and replace men's role as a protector and provider. It also makes pair bonding a lot harder, due to women having less time due to their job to meet someone, or date, or have a family, and it also makes them more picky. All women are naturally hypergamous, meaning they look for a man that makes more money than them, which is a modern incarnation of a man's ability to protect and provide, not only for the woman but for her future children. If women are working en masse, and demanding equal pay (especially in conjunction with the false argument that they're being paid less), then women will naturally reduce their own dating pool, resulting in fewer couples and less children.
This problem is exacerbated due to all the economic policies globalists implement to keep people poor. Doubling the workforce (pushing women into the workforce en masse) without doubling the jobs reduces everyone's wages. Open borders and rampant immigration increases the labor pool further, depressing wages even more. Rampant and nonstop inflation and money printing devalues the dollar. This all results in the modern problem where both the husband and wife have to work to earn the same (or less) income that just the husband was able to earn by himself back in the 50, 60s, and 70s, to support the entire family and own a home. Both parents working means having children is harder. It also results in children being raised more by schools and media, both of which the globalists control. Less couples and fewer children means women increasingly rely on the government and globalist corporatism as the man in their life (protector and provider).
This is exacerbated further by the fact that women are naturally more empathetic and caring, and less logical than men. Women can be easily manipulated by globalists, who use lies and logical fallacies to control people. Women easily fall victim to appeals to authority, emotion, and popularity (just look at modern ads). Women can be convinced to pass their empathy onto the "other", programmed and brainwashed by globalists through media and social media. Rather than using their empathy for their own children, most modern women pass their empathy onto non-whites, LGBTQ, immigrants, other women, the climate, etc, all "disadvantaged" groups that globalists convince women that need to be taken care of. We can even see this from childless women who usually get lots of pets, and call them "fur babies". They're literally yearning for children to take care of, but have been brainwashed not to have children.
This results in women voting en masse for larger government, more welfare (which mostly goes to women and minorities), bigger police state, more taxes (mostly paid by men), and for all globalist policies which are destroying the West. The only demographic of women who don't vote like this are married (mostly white) women. Why would married women be less likely to vote for big government and globalist bullshit? Because they already have a man who is protecting them and providing for them. The stronger the man, the less a woman needs someone else to take care of them.
Add onto this the fact that non-whites are much more susceptible and supportive of globalist lies than whites (look at voting patterns by race), which explains why they want to implement the Kalergi plan (to replace white people in their own countries). Then look at globalist philosophies. The main relevant ones here are that they're antithetical to merit (they're incredibly nepotistic and pass policies like affirmative action, to push women and minorities into positions they don't deserve), feminism (explained above), and hedonism (sexual degeneracy, LGBTQ, the free sex movement, lots of premarital sex, abortion, etc.). Through affirmative action women and non-whites are getting jobs they don't deserve, and almost universally control HR and advertising departments, which are far more likely to push this globalist messaging.
Sorry for the long post, but all of this stuff is connected. Everything the globalists are doing makes sense. None of it is a coincidence, and is meant to achieve one end: weaken the people and make them easier to control.
According to the officials the kid had 58 fully loaded magazines. Assuming they're 30 rounders, the mags themselves would be several hundred dollars, and the ammo itself (assuming a cheap $0.50/round) would be over $800.
According to the officials, this kid apparently also had 58 fully loaded magazines, in addition to his new AR15s. Apparently this kid was rich, and ripped as fuck.
A fully loaded 30 round 5.56 mag weighs a little over a pound. 58 fully loaded mags is over 60 pounds. Carrying them all would be an experiment in stupidity. Even infantrymen only carry 7-9 fully loaded mags. This isn't even considering the cost of these purchases.
Nothing about this shooting makes sense. It's Las Vegas, New Zealand, and Sandy Hook all over again.
Self Sufficient Me is a great YouTube channel. He started as an amateur gardener, and through trial and error, he learned and improved. He's a wholesome dad joke Aussie.
I've heard that the chicken egg shortage is due mostly to a feed problem. One, or a few, chicken feeds are causing the chickens to not lay eggs. I saw a post on Gab yesterday that people are beginning to test the different feeds to determine which one(s) are causing it. No ETA on results. There's also the problem of mass swaths of chickens that were exterminated for fear of avian flu. Similar bullcrap was done to cattle at the start of Covid which increased the price of beef. The market manipulation by globalists toward "you will own nothing" Holodomor 2.0 is obvious.