AnimalsOverHumans 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least 50-100 years more advanced techno than that available to the public.

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow hard proof!! NOT... Bet you want me to believe this without a video or other cross-reference?

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you realise that you are "forum sliding" with 100 similar posts? Post one of 2 and downvote all posts who are meant to slide content.

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only burgertards didnt know this. We in Europe knew this shit since at least 2014 when the CIA that most burgertards support pushed for the coup d'etat.

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 6 points ago +6 / -0

9/11 the new Pearl Harbor from Massimo Mazzucco


Behind the Smoke Curtain - What Happened at the Pentagon on 9-11 and What Didn't - 2013 Documentary

2 of the best and most eloquent and most detailed presentations on 9/11. The docu from Mazzucco is a comprehensive explanation of all "attacks", while the second focuses only on the Pentagon "attack".

Don't even bother searching on YT. Go directly at Odysee.com

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +2 / -1

They probably sent a rocket/missile there, from the top... All that dust could have easily concealed the missile. Apparently there was some sort of safe with v important documents there in the basement.

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 4 points ago +4 / -0

pkvi, you post decent threads and don't seem crazy or a glow nigger.

You understand that all this info you dig and post here, will get lost if you dont make it easily findable or searchable for other ppl?

What I mean, it would be nice if someone with the know how could find a way to create a database similar to https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Main_Page or even put this info into an article there for easy reference (they have very strict rules for new contributors).

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans 2 points ago +3 / -1


Jake Tapper's parents tried tax evasion but to be fair it was a noble effort, citing they didn't want to help the US pay for the bullshit Vietnam war crimes https://is2.4chan.org/pol/1665031864107990.png

Taylor Lorenz's parents own the Way Back Machine I think Taylor Lorenz fits this as well: she came from a rich family that sent her to private schools and unis, and she's been the gay lobby's pit bull at the Washington Post.

Anderson Coppoer = Anderson Vanderbilt

Matt Yglesias people knew about. Fareed Zakaria, whose parents are effectively foreign royalty.

I looked into German Journalists recently. Turns out the main propaganda outlet for Ukraine BILD has reporters assigned that are either Gay or Jewish. I dom‘t make this up. Look up Rinzheimer & Piatov. These two assholes cry non-stop for more war and more money sunk with these clowns

Tbf Tucker Carlson is a billionaire in waiting due to his stepmother's fortune, and Hannity makes $50m a year as thanks for promoting the War on Terror robbery and Saddam narrative, now he coasts on blooper reels.


But these poltards, miss one big self evident example. Mika Brzezinski of Morning Joe, is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski. His other 2 sons are diplomats and deep statists.

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +2 / -3

How is that a bad thing.

If you had some animals and not enough space and food for them. You obviously would sell and kill some of them. Thats what the elites are doing with humans...

AnimalsOverHumans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Land. But the problem with it is that you need to have the tools to defend it, from governments first and foremost. The biggest land grabber in history is governments. So its a lose lose situation.

AnimalsOverHumans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Btw, I already edited the epub of the book I found online, in A5 format so I could print it for myself.

If you want to print this in A5 format (if you can do basic book binding for yourself) I can send it to you. No problem.

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apparently Iran has huge amounts of gold, oil, and pearls.

ah, burgertard american waked up to the reason why his JewSA criminal government wants to invade Iran, but also is still stupid or evil to push the msg that the government of Iran is illegitimate.


AnimalsOverHumans 5 points ago +7 / -2

Anyone else interested in the angle that the Nazis were funded purposefully by Wall Street/USA... for long term effects, and not just the usual business of money making?

Antony Sutton also has a book on it. Maybe we could all read it together. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we posted fragments here daily to read and comment together...

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure. But You don't really understand human nature... imo. Humans are animals, they follow the strong leader and abandon all civility when it suits their survival.

Take the current Ukraine, Russia war. Things are not that bad for the ppl who criticize the west, just censorship, defamation, sometimes losing their job etc.. But it could go worse, they could get hunted. You think this is outside the real of possibilities. I think it is very possible.

Humans also make use of scapegoats. How difficult would it be for western normies to blame Russia for the next economic crisis? Very easy. That's the US and western strategy. They can't declare war on Russia immediately because most young males in the west are apathetic. One strategy is to cyclically change the war-making Party from R to D. The Rep are used and abused and their memory of the Bush admin lying to them is fresh. Hence the party pushing for war now is the Dem party. If you have knowledge of US politics you know this is true.

AnimalsOverHumans 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think the internet is already infested with gpl3 bots or whatever they are called.

The main function of these bots, is to regurgitate, enhance and spread governmental propaganda.

The secondary function, but not less important , is to dilute the genuine human to human interaction and exchange of ideas.

AnimalsOverHumans 2 points ago +2 / -0

btw, never heard of this guy...

And where is the list? the suicide note or whatever? i want to keep a reference for the futuere. I cant cite a picture written in comic sans.

AnimalsOverHumans 8 points ago +8 / -0

Jones is a CIA asset. Bill Cooper knew it and never liked Jones.

AnimalsOverHumans 3 points ago +3 / -0


Also, evolution doesn't mean progress. Theoretically something that was evolved for a certain environment some times ago, and is now extinct, could theoretically be the best fit for a future environment (say toxic environment with high CO2).

The analogue situation is also true, that it might come a situation when some trait in the human species, deemed pathological or maladaptive - say Aspergers, Autism etc - will become so favorable that all the normies who are the dominant neurotype will get almost exctinct.

And another though experiment. Evolution not only doesnt mean progress, but it might well mean further evolution of deception, lying, cunning, predation, and self delusion. These are some of the most overlooked human characteristics, and are also dominant in most other animals... These atributes in human terms are described as evil, so if there is progress, its towards more evil.

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +1 / -1

She might be a good person, but she is still a woman. And imo, considering the amount of makeup she uses, not that type of woman you expect to be brave and go against social pressure.

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably some sort of seizure. Before jumping to supernatural explanations, you should try and track at least one of those persons and investigate if he/she had any epilepsy or other such condition.

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