Still Falling For RFK?
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RFK schmoozes infamous Jewish pedophile Shmuley Boteach. Shmuley Boteach sells with his daughter butt plugs!
But don't be disheartened! RFK is just playing 13.5D chess!
The sad reality is that no one is able to make it in American politics without bowing before (Jewish) interests. America has become a colony, or vassal state, of Israel.
If RFK wants to continue his battle against Pharmaceutical interests, and make America healthy - he must bow before the interests that control America. I view this as picking/choosing battles - his battle space is the pharmaceutical complex NOT (Israeli) control of American Politics.
There's is a limit to bending over and strategizing. Someone like Shmuley is well beyond that limit and no mildly decent person should ever associate with him.
From the looks of it, RFK's true battle is just gaining a position and making money. Taking on the pharmaceutical complex is just his brand and marketing ploy. He's not against vaccines. He just wants them to be "safe".
Time will tell; however, I see RFK as a force for good. He was one of the few that stood up against the vaccine mandates. I've personally changed my diet and eating habits based upon information he has provided so I'm grateful to him. His attack of Fauci was invaluable - against standing up when many others caved.
I'm not against vaccines either - vaccines could be a valuable tool but not in the way they are administered now and certainly not by the group that is administering them. Conceptually, I would never write off the idea of a vaccine but instead I write them off in the way they are administered/managed.
Vaccines are a foundation of modern medicine. It would be a good thing to throw them away as all chemicals are poison when ingested and can only do harm to the body. Without vaccines, all pharmaceuticals will be thrown away.
Guess who controls pharmaceuticals.
I view RFK was a force for good within the space he is fighting (anti-pharmaceutical complex and making people healthy).
Always was...
Notice that the British flag represents a double cross aka "to betray or swindle (a colleague); to promise (a collaborator) one thing and to treacherously do another, to the detriment of the collaborator".
Aka COL (collecting together) ONY (ones apart), hence e pluribus unum (out of many; one)...
I want to believe RFK is a good guy, but my gut feeling (beyond the fact that real good guys can't exist at that level, even if you're born into prominence) is this:
His role is to create a testing and validation framework for vaccines that people will then accept. And then, if you've been paying attention, you've got Del Bigtree/ICAN working to get these laws passed in every state that no vaccines can be mandatory unless they have been adequately tested. Put the two together and that's how you move the anti-vax crew back into accepting mandates.
This. No one will get the spot light like RFK or Del Bigtree unless they are kosher/approved.
literal Epstein associate as well
I knew he was a shill but I didn't know that one. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.
The pattern we see over and over is sowing distrust among public figures of the political opposition. I don't think real people are all about doing it every day.
When the guy in the trench next to you is shooting in the right direction, let him keep shooting.
Yes keep him shooting but keep an eye on him because if he is an infiltrator spy he might shoot you next. Or the bullets he is shooting might be all blanks after all!