Their greatest weapon is their monopoly power over the central bank.
To destroy the jew, everyone must stop accepting Federal Reserve Notes as a form of payment. That includes your labor. Want me to work for you? I do not accept fiat federal reserve notes. You must pay with something of true value.
Then the jew loses all power when the fiat federal reserve notes they print and buy up everything with are suddenly worthless.
You say: " 99.7% of the Israeli people have nothing to do with it.."
I beg to differ! Have you seen all the tik-tok videos released by those "Israelis"? Making fun of dying Palestinian children. It's not just a video here and there. It's A LOT!! A lot of Jewish Israelis are part of it.
Aka reasoning (logy) over artificial (techno) by utilizing ones weapon of choice (consent).
herded very easily thanks to modern pollution (amenities)
AME'NITY, noun (Latin amanitas; amanus) - "agreeableness of situation" aka ones consent given to whatever others situate as suggestion "into" one.
expanding outward with the promise of
a) Nature doesn't promise those within outward generates center (life) within surrounding (inception towards death) aka inwards (loss) expansion (growth).
b) ones consent to suggested promises implies PROM'ISSORY, adjective - "binding declaration of something to be done". Consenting implies by ones "free" will of choice, which one then binds to a chosen one, when consenting to suggested.
Now you in the good spirit of power and wealth believe...
Why would those within power and wealth need to believe in anything? BELIE'VE, verb - "to credit upon the authority or testimony of another".
Consent implies testimonial creed of many AND authorized credit of few.
Now imagine you are a lineaged oligarch
a) government by few (oligarchy) implies consent by many to permit few to govern their minds with suggested information.
b) there can be only one line (inception towards death) for each life drawn within.
Aka EN (in) PERE (production) aka being within (life) production (inception towards death).
Being implies temporary EM within ongoing PIRE, and sustaining temporary within ongoing implies yisra'el - "he that striveth with God".
all empires follow the same methodology
a) EM (difference) PIRE (sameness) can be tempted with suggestions to ignore self for following others, hence ignoring to express differently for being suppressed in the same manner.
b) methodlogy aka META (between) HODOS (way), which implies being (life) in-between way (inception towards death)...suggested LOGY (logic; reasoning over suggested) tempts one to ignore that.
Only within strong (inception towards death) can weak (life) grow stronger, while simultaneously succumbing.
Good effort but they do not have an empire as an empire would consist of a continuous geographical area just like in ancient greece or rome.
ur right u know
'Empire needs continuous land'
By that logic colonization never happened. Neo colonization via federal reserve and bank of England not a thing.
I bet you are not a Ron Paul or CorbettReport leaning conspiracy theorist. Are you a trumpist/meme-wing?
Quick question are you interested in auditing federal reserve, pentagon, catholic vault, Robert Maxwellhill's fund and video tapes?
I am a CR conspiracy theorist. Not a Trumptard LOL
Quick answer: Catholic Vault auditing of what? Access to their library?
Yes the Atlantic stuff.
Also the gold
Their greatest weapon is their monopoly power over the central bank.
To destroy the jew, everyone must stop accepting Federal Reserve Notes as a form of payment. That includes your labor. Want me to work for you? I do not accept fiat federal reserve notes. You must pay with something of true value.
Then the jew loses all power when the fiat federal reserve notes they print and buy up everything with are suddenly worthless.
SUD'DEN, adjective (Latin subitaneus) - "happening without previous notice"...suggested money implies promissory notes (notices).
Furthermore; NOTICE (observation by senses) implies NOTE (to know aka to perceive). Binding oneself by promise (consent) to suggested notes/notices contradicts; inverts; ignores this.
Being implies evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable)...contradicting; inverting and ignoring this makes oneself worthless.
Aka fieri - "let it be done". Suggested information implies fiat; ones consent to any of it implies "let it be done to me".
Meanwhile in reality...if life consents to let inception towards death be done, then life dies.
You say: " 99.7% of the Israeli people have nothing to do with it.."
I beg to differ! Have you seen all the tik-tok videos released by those "Israelis"? Making fun of dying Palestinian children. It's not just a video here and there. It's A LOT!! A lot of Jewish Israelis are part of it.
USA is a colony:
2.4% of the population of the USA is Jewish; while
89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel.
Maybe they're trying to set up an Empire ... divide & conquer. The central problem for both the Islamic world and the Western world is the Jews.
Aka reasoning (logy) over artificial (techno) by utilizing ones weapon of choice (consent).
AME'NITY, noun (Latin amanitas; amanus) - "agreeableness of situation" aka ones consent given to whatever others situate as suggestion "into" one.
a) Nature doesn't promise those within outward generates center (life) within surrounding (inception towards death) aka inwards (loss) expansion (growth).
b) ones consent to suggested promises implies PROM'ISSORY, adjective - "binding declaration of something to be done". Consenting implies by ones "free" will of choice, which one then binds to a chosen one, when consenting to suggested.
Why would those within power and wealth need to believe in anything? BELIE'VE, verb - "to credit upon the authority or testimony of another".
Consent implies testimonial creed of many AND authorized credit of few.
a) government by few (oligarchy) implies consent by many to permit few to govern their minds with suggested information.
b) there can be only one line (inception towards death) for each life drawn within.
Aka EN (in) PERE (production) aka being within (life) production (inception towards death).
Being implies temporary EM within ongoing PIRE, and sustaining temporary within ongoing implies yisra'el - "he that striveth with God".
a) EM (difference) PIRE (sameness) can be tempted with suggestions to ignore self for following others, hence ignoring to express differently for being suppressed in the same manner.
b) methodlogy aka META (between) HODOS (way), which implies being (life) in-between way (inception towards death)...suggested LOGY (logic; reasoning over suggested) tempts one to ignore that.
Only within strong (inception towards death) can weak (life) grow stronger, while simultaneously succumbing.