Aka reasoning (logy) over artificial (techno) by utilizing ones weapon of choice (consent).
herded very easily thanks to modern pollution (amenities)
AME'NITY, noun (Latin amanitas; amanus) - "agreeableness of situation" aka ones consent given to whatever others situate as suggestion "into" one.
expanding outward with the promise of
a) Nature doesn't promise those within outward expansion...it generates center (life) within surrounding (inception towards death) aka inwards (loss) expansion (growth).
b) ones consent to suggested promises implies PROM'ISSORY, adjective - "binding declaration of something to be done". Consenting implies by ones "free" will of choice, which one then binds to a chosen one, when consenting to suggested.
Now you in the good spirit of power and wealth believe...
Why would those within power and wealth need to believe in anything? BELIE'VE, verb - "to credit upon the authority or testimony of another".
Consent implies testimonial creed of many AND authorized credit of few.
Now imagine you are a lineaged oligarch
a) government by few (oligarchy) implies consent by many to permit few to govern their minds with suggested information.
b) there can be only one line (inception towards death) for each life drawn within.
Aka EN (in) PERE (production) aka being within (life) production (inception towards death).
Being implies temporary EM within ongoing PIRE, and sustaining temporary within ongoing implies yisra'el - "he that striveth with God".
all empires follow the same methodology
a) EM (difference) PIRE (sameness)...one can be tempted with suggestions to ignore self for following others, hence ignoring to express differently for being suppressed in the same manner.
b) methodlogy aka META (between) HODOS (way), which implies being (life) in-between way (inception towards death)...suggested LOGY (logic; reasoning over suggested) tempts one to ignore that.
Only within strong (inception towards death) can weak (life) grow stronger, while simultaneously succumbing.
Aka reasoning (logy) over artificial (techno) by utilizing ones weapon of choice (consent).
AME'NITY, noun (Latin amanitas; amanus) - "agreeableness of situation" aka ones consent given to whatever others situate as suggestion "into" one.
a) Nature doesn't promise those within outward expansion...it generates center (life) within surrounding (inception towards death) aka inwards (loss) expansion (growth).
b) ones consent to suggested promises implies PROM'ISSORY, adjective - "binding declaration of something to be done". Consenting implies by ones "free" will of choice, which one then binds to a chosen one, when consenting to suggested.
Why would those within power and wealth need to believe in anything? BELIE'VE, verb - "to credit upon the authority or testimony of another".
Consent implies testimonial creed of many AND authorized credit of few.
a) government by few (oligarchy) implies consent by many to permit few to govern their minds with suggested information.
b) there can be only one line (inception towards death) for each life drawn within.
Aka EN (in) PERE (production) aka being within (life) production (inception towards death).
Being implies temporary EM within ongoing PIRE, and sustaining temporary within ongoing implies yisra'el - "he that striveth with God".
a) EM (difference) PIRE (sameness)...one can be tempted with suggestions to ignore self for following others, hence ignoring to express differently for being suppressed in the same manner.
b) methodlogy aka META (between) HODOS (way), which implies being (life) in-between way (inception towards death)...suggested LOGY (logic; reasoning over suggested) tempts one to ignore that.
Only within strong (inception towards death) can weak (life) grow stronger, while simultaneously succumbing.