You raise an important point. If neither model can explain everything and beat the other clean it's because there is more to it and we have to go beyond 3d thinking. I thought about it and have made a little picture to illustrate my proposition.
It was done in 5 mns on basically paint and is just to convey an idea it is not meant to be accurate or precise nor take into account all the contention points, just the geography thing. We have to keep in mind that it's just a base and i don't consider the map correct either in shape, size or location of landmasses. The flight routes can also be misleading because of no flight zones we don't know of that prolong a trip unnecessarily.
So the issue here is that all the red distances are supposed to be more or less similar (12-14h). In yellow is a relocation of Australia that would solve the Chile flight problem but it would break stuff on the other side and is not plausible. My solution is not conventional, it postulates that the huge parts of the ocean that are empty actually don't exist and act as a portal instead where you relocate instantly in another area (illustrated by the orange arrows going through the black grids). Of course if you don't believe or are willing to contemplate the idea that we are living in a simulation you can stop right here and go back to whatever you believed until now.
So these areas being non populated means they don't have to be rendered and like in any computer game, areas nobody sees are not calculated to save ressources. It might be some Bermuda triangle thing on a larger scale, Dead Zones or could be part of the prison system we reside in to portal you from edge to edge seemlessly.
Anyway just sharing some ideas for whoever will find them interesting.
You are completely delusional. The only thing so far that you have posted that is useful and of any substance is a website with calculations that debunk the flat earth.
When it comes to proving flat earth, all you have is some shitty videos.
you play into their hands then. the whole point is to flood boards like this with crazy stupid conspiracy theories such as flat earth or reptile people so that the journalists can then say "that crazy nonsense post making accusations about the people who are paying me to write this article was slotted next to a post about flat earth and crop circles. obviously, dear reader, we don't need to entertain it"
By engaging with them on the obviously bullshit theory, you invite them to post more without it being spam. If you really wanted bad faith actors to go away, you would just downvote and ignore.
Surely IF the world is flat, then no flights that currently exist are impossible...
It’s a tautology.
I find some of the flight path analysis arguments slightly interesting, but fundamentally flawed in regards to determining the shape of the world in most every way - regardless of what shape it actually is.
Evidence is easy. There’s evidence available for almost anything, very much including things which are wrong/untrue. Just think about all the people who are wrongly convicted and sentenced for crimes they didn’t commit. Or virtually every scientific conclusion/belief of prior generations. Evidence abounds, but it doesn’t usually lead to truth (and often leads away from it).
You may disagree, or otherwise find fault with, their evidence - but they certainly have it (at least, as i said, ostensibly).
Present what? Have you not understood anything I’ve said?
Bots can’t understand what they read either :(
Do better if you can, and try responding to specific content!
You won't because you know that it doesn't exist.
I won’t because i don’t want to make you an even worse student than you already are. If you earnestly go looking for such evidence (of which there is, at least ostensibly, a lot) and fail then i’m happy to help you. Where have you tried looking? Or did you just assume and proclaim without doing any research at all ... :(
I'm more interested in what the flat earth groups uncover regarding things like the green-screened space station, bubbles on the iss, and one of my favorites, rockets are blimps. I'm convinced we are in a simulation, so the shape is irrelevant.
Los Angeles is practically in the middle between Sydney and Chile, which is why most flights between these cities stop at LAX or somewhere near that, SFO, LAS, whatever
I checked google flights.
Direct flight is 12 hours.
Flight via LAX is 36 hours.
What's the distance between Sydney and Santiago de Chile?
You’ve flooded the board with flat earth questions this morning, the only conceivable reason being an attempt to paint this board as “flat earth supporting” even though most of the faggots making those kinds of posts are just like you (disingenuous homosexuals on sockpuppet accounts)
You believe in airplanes? lol
Air travel is a conspiracy; anyone who claims to have flown on a plane is a reptilian.
You raise an important point. If neither model can explain everything and beat the other clean it's because there is more to it and we have to go beyond 3d thinking. I thought about it and have made a little picture to illustrate my proposition.
It was done in 5 mns on basically paint and is just to convey an idea it is not meant to be accurate or precise nor take into account all the contention points, just the geography thing. We have to keep in mind that it's just a base and i don't consider the map correct either in shape, size or location of landmasses. The flight routes can also be misleading because of no flight zones we don't know of that prolong a trip unnecessarily.
Now with that said here's the picture followed by the explanation :
So the issue here is that all the red distances are supposed to be more or less similar (12-14h). In yellow is a relocation of Australia that would solve the Chile flight problem but it would break stuff on the other side and is not plausible. My solution is not conventional, it postulates that the huge parts of the ocean that are empty actually don't exist and act as a portal instead where you relocate instantly in another area (illustrated by the orange arrows going through the black grids). Of course if you don't believe or are willing to contemplate the idea that we are living in a simulation you can stop right here and go back to whatever you believed until now. So these areas being non populated means they don't have to be rendered and like in any computer game, areas nobody sees are not calculated to save ressources. It might be some Bermuda triangle thing on a larger scale, Dead Zones or could be part of the prison system we reside in to portal you from edge to edge seemlessly. Anyway just sharing some ideas for whoever will find them interesting.
Fortunately, round earth model explains everything and flat earth explains nothing.
Here you go. Thanks for the link!
flat earthers who have not been dissuaded at this point are well poisoners or feds. do not entertain them
I find them entertaining.
You are completely delusional. The only thing so far that you have posted that is useful and of any substance is a website with calculations that debunk the flat earth.
When it comes to proving flat earth, all you have is some shitty videos.
you play into their hands then. the whole point is to flood boards like this with crazy stupid conspiracy theories such as flat earth or reptile people so that the journalists can then say "that crazy nonsense post making accusations about the people who are paying me to write this article was slotted next to a post about flat earth and crop circles. obviously, dear reader, we don't need to entertain it"
That’s why {eisenhorn}, who despite being here for 3 years has never once made a good faith post, has chosen to make 3 flat earth posts this morning
shut up fed
how do you figure?
blow it out your ass
You forgot to add "motorcycle man" to the end of #2
I’m quoting Duke Nukem who are you quoting lol?
Good thing then that I am not flooding this board with crazy conspiracy theories but actual refutations of Flat Earth.
In any case, how is flat earth any crazier than the other religious bullshit that gets spammed here every day?
By engaging with them on the obviously bullshit theory, you invite them to post more without it being spam. If you really wanted bad faith actors to go away, you would just downvote and ignore.
So you think that rape is funny?
That's called thinking. If you don't do it, you are just repeating things other people have said.
I did it right now, before replying to you.
Bingo. Try and get some concrete answers from them and what you get is "go watch this 5 hour youtube video".
Surely IF the world is flat, then no flights that currently exist are impossible...
It’s a tautology.
I find some of the flight path analysis arguments slightly interesting, but fundamentally flawed in regards to determining the shape of the world in most every way - regardless of what shape it actually is.
Flight paths and lengths are 100% what you'd expect on a globe earth.
What's the distance between Sydney and Santiago de Chile?
Show it in a map.
There are many who claim this is not the case and have ostensible evidence to support their claims.
However, you seem to have missed my point.
IF the world is flat, then obviously all flights happen over a flat earth.
The whole “flight paths prove” premise is essentially nonsense - regardless of the shape of the world they are claimed to prove.
They have claims but no evidence.
So you want to believe.
Evidence is easy. There’s evidence available for almost anything, very much including things which are wrong/untrue. Just think about all the people who are wrongly convicted and sentenced for crimes they didn’t commit. Or virtually every scientific conclusion/belief of prior generations. Evidence abounds, but it doesn’t usually lead to truth (and often leads away from it).
You may disagree, or otherwise find fault with, their evidence - but they certainly have it (at least, as i said, ostensibly).
Then present it.
You won't because you know that it doesn't exist.
Present what? Have you not understood anything I’ve said?
Bots can’t understand what they read either :(
Do better if you can, and try responding to specific content!
I won’t because i don’t want to make you an even worse student than you already are. If you earnestly go looking for such evidence (of which there is, at least ostensibly, a lot) and fail then i’m happy to help you. Where have you tried looking? Or did you just assume and proclaim without doing any research at all ... :(
The evidence that you claim exists.
You wrote it yourself:
So, show it. You won't because there is no such evidence no matter how often you claim it.
I have literally predicted in another post that flat earthers will not present evidence, only claims, because they do not have evidence.
All they will do is make claims and then go into long-winded explanations why they will not present actual evidence.
And here you are, demonstrating how right I was.
I'm more interested in what the flat earth groups uncover regarding things like the green-screened space station, bubbles on the iss, and one of my favorites, rockets are blimps. I'm convinced we are in a simulation, so the shape is irrelevant.
I checked google flights.
Direct flight is 12 hours.
Flight via LAX is 36 hours.
What's the distance between Sydney and Santiago de Chile?
Show it in a map.
You posted a link to a website that debunks the flat earth.
This is fucking hilarious.
A direct flight from Sydney to Santiago takes 12.5 hours
That means that the plane would have to fly at Mach 1.13 the whole time.
Please tell me which commercial planes are capable of doing that?
Flight QF 27 is currently en route flying 925 km/hr
Please explain how it can make your claimed distance in 12.5 hours.
Take it to c/FlatEarthResearch
No one here cares about your bad-faith attempts to slander the board
Seems like you don't know the meaning fo this word.
You’ve flooded the board with flat earth questions this morning, the only conceivable reason being an attempt to paint this board as “flat earth supporting” even though most of the faggots making those kinds of posts are just like you (disingenuous homosexuals on sockpuppet accounts)
This page is anything but flat earth supporting. There are a few flat earthers but most users but most others argue against it.
The mods even tried to shut down flat earth discussion at some point.
Why the fuck would my posts paint this page as flat earth supporting anyway when they are calling out flat earthers?
You are pathetically delusional.
So you admit that practically no genuine users here promulgate flat earth, yet you chose to make 3 posts on the topic this morning.
What does that tell us if not your status as a forum slider?
Take your meds btw
I have been having several conversations with the resident flat earthers lately so I am interested to find out what they have to say.
Your attempts at censoring me are very obvious.
You have made anti-flat earth posts in the past. Are you jealous or something?
Your attempts at flooding the board are yet more obvious
3 posts is flooding?
Funny how you don't apply the same standard to people who post 10 or more threads a day.
Why is that?
Would it tho? The exception that proves the rule
This makes absolutely no sense.
On a flat earth, Sydney and South America would be on opposite sides of the map.
LOL. I have no horse in this race. - horses can't fly. - nothing I say makes sense
Well that assumes a lot of stuff in it. I have seen many kinds of projections and not all are scaled like Mercator
Have you seen a flat earth map where it wasn't the case?