Someone explain
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There seems to have been some technology available until pretty recently at whose nature I could not even guess. Further, it seems to be beyond even the two most commonly advanced "fringe" proposals: advanced cutting tools and the liquefaction of stone.
The Veiled Virgin
18th-Century Sculpture Has a Delicate Net Carved Out of a Single Block of Marble
With those examples, suppose we gave a sculptor a scalpel like a light saber. Could such sculptures be created without a flaw showing a slip of the light scalpel? Hard to believe they could.
Even stranger is a marble sculpture of a little girl wearing a linen shift. (I don't have a link but it was shown in one of Sylvie Ivanowa's videos.) When you look very closely, the weave of the linen has been replicated. There's also a small flaw on her arm, and close inspection reveals it's not a defect in the marble, but replicates a tiny scar in her skin. Why would any sculptor do such a thing?
And I mean, fucking-A, it's not just that no one can create sculptures like these any more, and it's not just that no one tries, but no one even wants to fucking talk about it.
Almost like they scanned a girl and then used a laser based 3D printer?
Bizarrely, there is actually evidence of 3D scanning, or at least evidence very suggestive of such a thing. I found the original video and Sylvie talks about the statue starting at 8:55:
"Impossible" statues, "Impossible" ancient jewellery, Moscow nuked, (old version)
I highly recommend watching the entire video, and also any other of her work you can get your hands on. One of the very best researchers out there. You'll be left shaking your head at what has been lost (that is to say, stolen from us).
One of the "woo" theories is that they had a way of "liquifying" rock and casting it - hence the similarity in detail to modern metal-cast sculptures.
The working theory is they just had copper tools to cut and shape the stone. But copper isn't exactly a hard metal. My theory is they must have had diamond cutting bits. After all diamond, like gold exists in it's natural form, it doesn't need to be smelted or combined with other chemicals to extract it.
because it wasn't necessary.
Considering that many people have replicated shaping these types of rocks with copper and stone tools, why exactly do you think they would have needed diamond cutting bits?
I'd love to see someone replicate this with stone or copper tools.
There are many more of these experiments.
So, back to my question. Why exactly do you think they would have needed diamond cutting bits?
Thanks for these links. I learned something this morning.
So I'm deep in it but maybe this will give you a path to follow.
U.S. cities seen on maps from 1500. Top Kek
I watched the video and have heard of this mud flood theory. So people went to seattle to dig it up and when they realized the buildings go deeper they just destroyed them and the built on top of them for the new wave of people coming? Also did they find dead bodies throughout these mud flooded cities since this happened all over the world?
Not much talk of bodies maybe most were disposed of before hand or time got to them.
I think civilization has gone underground many times before.
Streets of Tartaria also goes to Utah and finds a lot.
Most of these grad oldworld buildings had no connected sidewalks and the pioneers just set up wooden boardwalks in the mud. There was an old world bath house on top of salt lake check it out lots of spires and they must have chose that lake for conductive purposes? They tore it down. Most govt bld's, old uni's, library's, or some have been transformed into museums and such, are old world.
Something I just started thinking about is that child labor. What were the adults doing? Why were there so many children working?
I think its the Mercator maps that show Chicago,Seattle,SanFran,Los Angles.
If I run across it ill upload it for you I have it.
I think these are reused city's of the old world.
I think most history pre 1800's is retellings of story's from a long forgotten past.
"ultrasonic cutting tool"
There are plenty of videos available showing how people replicate cutting and shaping extremely hard stones with very simple tools that would have been available to the ancient Egyptians.
These videos are just rubbish clickbait made by ignorant people.
Stone, copper, bronze tools for shaping and sandstone, quartz sand, and emery for polishing.
There is absolutely nothing mysterious about this.
Thats the mainstream explanation. And we see what the greeks were able to do with regular marble. But that is a 3 on the mohs scale.
Even then, all it takes is one chip and bloop the whole thing can crack. Doesnt really matter what your working with.
Im not saying its impossible, but if it was done by human hands it was by people who had amazing talent and skills. The part that gets me is there are so many of them.
The mainstream explanation is they used sand with silica quartz in it as a cutting/sanding lubricant basically. I could see them sticking it to bitumen and papyrus like sandpaper haha. But I just find it hard to believe they built the pyramid in 20 years using this technology. I dont care if they had 5 million people ^^ and it was supposedly done with 20,000-100,000 men. All master masonry workers? lol
Something doesnt add up about egypt, but we likely will never know the truth in our lifetimes. The government there and governments all over the world do a good job of cockblocking us from what really happened.
The pyramids weren't built from granite.
I really don't see what your point is. You say that you find it hard to believe and that "something doesn't add up but you cannot point out anything specific that you struggle with and why exactly.
There have been plenty of experiments showing that it's possible to shape granite with copper, abrasives, and stone in a relatively short amount of time so why is it that you cannot believe that people did the same thing thousand of years ago?