a) true vs false reasoning represents ones mind arguing over the suggestions of others.
b) the versus in-between the suggested (true or false) represents the FAL'LACY, noun - "that which misleads the mind".
c) consenting to suggested soph-ism tempts one into this fallacy, hence into true vs false; want vs not want; belief vs disbelief reasoning.
What comes first...ones mind or input for ones mind? If enacting input comes before reacting mind, then a mind can only reuse while being used.
BUT (except; besides; unless)...what exists except; besides or unless reality? Why would those within perceivable reality suggest "but" to one another?
It doesn't have "thought".
It doesn't even have baseline consciousness, not to mention awareness of its own consciousness.
It just just a Large Language Model generative algo, giving out syntactically correct sentences that mimic the content it was trained on.
There's zero INTELLIGENCE there.
It's just doing parsing and pattern matching and generation.
Granted, that seems to be the extent most humans are capable of these days, but that's beside the point.
What's the difference in conscious-awareness between hearing ones own thoughts and being within everything audible?
Guided Random Word Generator generates random words.
RAN'DOM, noun - "motion without direction"...how could motion generate without direction?
How could anything within motion not be guided by motion?
Soph·is·try [ˈsɒfɪstri] NOUN
the use of clever but false arguments
a) true vs false reasoning represents ones mind arguing over the suggestions of others.
b) the versus in-between the suggested (true or false) represents the FAL'LACY, noun - "that which misleads the mind".
c) consenting to suggested soph-ism tempts one into this fallacy, hence into true vs false; want vs not want; belief vs disbelief reasoning.
What comes first...ones mind or input for ones mind? If enacting input comes before reacting mind, then a mind can only reuse while being used.
BUT (except; besides; unless)...what exists except; besides or unless reality? Why would those within perceivable reality suggest "but" to one another?
Well, if you bury someone, isn't that kind of controlling blood sugar?
AI is for the naturally stupid.
50% have below 100iq.
Theyre vaxed. Sterile. Brain damaged from too little oxygen. Unable to think.
it's already too late, unfortunately. AI will dominate our online life. and will filter down into our offline lives as well.
dont be surprised if you are assessed by an AI manager in the future