a) true vs false reasoning represents ones mind arguing over the suggestions of others.
b) the versus in-between the suggested (true or false) represents the FAL'LACY, noun - "that which misleads the mind".
c) consenting to suggested soph-ism tempts one into this fallacy, hence into true vs false; want vs not want; belief vs disbelief reasoning.
What comes first...ones mind or input for ones mind? If enacting input comes before reacting mind, then a mind can only reuse while being used.
BUT (except; besides; unless)...what exists except; besides or unless reality? Why would those within perceivable reality suggest "but" to one another?
RAN'DOM, noun - "motion without direction"...how could motion generate without direction?
How could anything within motion not be guided by motion?
Soph·is·try [ˈsɒfɪstri] NOUN
the use of clever but false arguments
a) true vs false reasoning represents ones mind arguing over the suggestions of others.
b) the versus in-between the suggested (true or false) represents the FAL'LACY, noun - "that which misleads the mind".
c) consenting to suggested soph-ism tempts one into this fallacy, hence into true vs false; want vs not want; belief vs disbelief reasoning.
What comes first...ones mind or input for ones mind? If enacting input comes before reacting mind, then a mind can only reuse while being used.
BUT (except; besides; unless)...what exists except; besides or unless reality? Why would those within perceivable reality suggest "but" to one another?