It is a sad fact that it takes some Kardashian banging celebrity to finally reach people with this information. But a win is a win.
Even normies are talking about it and being like "hey he does have a point".
It is a sad fact that it takes some Kardashian banging celebrity to finally reach people with this information. But a win is a win.
Even normies are talking about it and being like "hey he does have a point".
Their lashing out at him is starting to have the Streisand effect.
Power is the wrong word, it is actually criminality 100%
It did force a conversation among the guys I work with. One of them started talking about the Kanye jews stuff and another one started to shut him down, so I pointed out how funny it is how when you say they control the banks and media and to show you how "wrong" you are they shut down your media and bank accounts.
Malcolm x was saying the same thing
And Michael Jackson
And Public Enemy
And Ice Cube
When a demoKKKrat Plantation Negro is first upset at Kanye, but then realizes he's right. Jews who run the demoKKKrat party don't give a shit about negroes.
Muh real racists
People need to stop with the "muh based blacks" naysaying on the man. Let him continue to do his work, as the OP says.
More like driven a wedge…
He’s not opening up anyone’s eyes. He can barely defend his viewpoints.
He’s a fucking moron…stumbling in the dark.
Oh look, retarded shill attempting to drop senseless garbage.
Who cares what you think scrub, you are about as useless as the other shills on this forum.
This is the wedge type needed to break out of the khazarian supremacy attempt. Because there are so many stupid people like you, that have yet to be informed.
I think these shills eat bagels if ya get mah drift.
No, they aren't.
Yes they are, just because all the khazarians in your circle are busy self touching to their own demise, does not mean the rest of the normal people are not paying attention.
Pound sand khazarian shill, you have no place here.
No normie is even talking about this anymore, and if they are it’s them just thinking Kanye is a weirdo nut screaming at clouds. This is why terminally online people suck at gauging public opinion. The only people who are seeing this in a positive light are the ones who already held similar beliefs, and even then I’m seeing some claim that Ye is a Mossad agent or something acting like a retard on purpose just to make anti-Zionist look crazy and silly.
You can REEEE at me all you want but that’s the reality of the situation.
You start like that, and expect people to take your statement seriously?
So somehow, you have this excellent purview of all that is 'normie' to make such broad declarations. And then you want to suggest that 'terminally online' people suck at determining public opinion.
Just curious here, did you gather your public opinion awareness from the bar? the mall? the bingo hall? just where is the public in your world?
your final reference, is that just there to reveal how your brain works? or what is the point of that? It appears as a leftist slogan used by the left to try to chip away at a reaction someone may have, I have not provided any reactions, just statements.
Yes, since I’m out in public and around a varying group of people from my family, to my friends, to my coworkers to my gfs family and friends, I gauge what they are all saying about various current events. Most people are able to do this, it’s not some super power. And from that observation, all normies have moved on from this. If they still even care, they just think Kanye is a nut and if anyone had a real reaction to it, it was some “I stand with Jews!” shit.
I do think terminally online people are so sheltered that they are unable to gauge this, and when they see any public figure even mention their weird online belief thing, they freak out with joy over the validation of it and then incorrectly interpret this as some great awakening of the masses, when it’s really just some flavor of the month distraction that will not really lead to anything.
Well, I propose instead that you are surrounded by a bunch of left minded people that choose to remain ignorant to the reality of the world around them.
There is no shortage of such people. At the end of the day, there is a statement being made and it is based in reality not some fantasy as you suggest, you pretend to suggest that your group is relevant but in reality, there is no question now, it is not.
Without question this is your view, just like rock and roll was just a fade. You can try to ignore that the injection of knowledge disappears but it does not. The result will be the same as it was in all the other attempts made to date. This time the scale is so large, it will perhaps be a new degree that is found. Yet to be determined.
Sure thing. What ever happened to the Alt Right movement? What happened to Richard Spencer, and Nick Fuentes? What have they accomplished in the 7 years since 2015?
What ever happened to logical comparisons?
Oh right, there are none.
I think you are simply attempting to minimize the effect of past changes. When in reality, you are just not capable of understanding all impacts and outcomes.
Paying attention in the sense of watching a train wreck live, out of curiosity more than anything.
Ye walked into a trap and did the one things those people want.
Criticize an entire religion instead of a handful of powerful satanists.
Real fucking stupid.
Stupid in what sense? He may have completely different standards to you in regards to what makes him successful/happy/accomplished. Also, they are not only a handful.
Can you be more clear on who you would include in naming? All jewish media (TV, radio, internet, tech) bosses and management with fake reporting and propaganda? That by itself would be thousands in the US alone. Surely politicians should be included. I know they themselves are mostly unaware of whats going on and not knowingly part of the conspiracy that's enslaving the world.
If I understand you correctly, you are saying that I shouldn't generalize for one (saying the jews) and also, I shouldn't think there is a master race (I don't).
In this logic, Ye sprung the trap and exposed it for the now millions of people who will also be springing these garbage traps.
The entire Jew religion is based on murdering and hating Jesus Christ and preying upon gentiles. Perversion usury deception eugenics and greed. Jewry is disgusting
Sounds like you’re ignorant as fuck, and acting out as a useful idiot, yourself.
You cannot refute a single point I made.
Call me names, then.
If you want to be a useful idiot that’s on you.
The names call themselves.
You don’t make points.
Here are my points:
Jew religion is based on murdering and hating Jesus Christ. Jews have an underlying hatred toward Christians, and laugh about how they murdered their Christ and how Jesus is supposedly in hell. They even refer to it in the Talmud and call Virgin Mary a whore.
Jews prey upon gentiles
Jews are perverted
Jews practice usury
Jews are deceptive and dishonest
Jews practice eugenics (Pfizer, Moderna, astra-zeneca, etc)
Jews are greedy and not good to do business with.
Wasn't Jesus "king of the jews" in that fantasy novel you christcuck retards drool over?
That's what hateful hand rubbing anti-Christ synagogue of satan pedophile Jews accused Him of when they cried to a white Roman to do their dirty work for them and crucify Him.
Several times in the Bible Jews picked up stones to murder Jesus Christ with, but were too pussy to murder Him themselves. This is like Jews today, who try to trick white Christian boys to sign up for the military and go murder Muslims instead of coward anti-Christ Jews doing it themselves. Everywhere the anti-Christ Jew travels he spreads debt, slavery, perversion, and death.
Lmao touch grass faggot
lol, nice talk coming from a retarded khazarian shill such as yourself.
Nice account you have, nice post history, you are clearly useless and should just delete your shill account, because you cannot seem to do anything right in this life at all.
hahaha sucks to be you.
Project harder pls I'm almost hard
lol, your gay script is as retarded as the garbage you spew.
You should just delete the account and go seek some training from your masters, the khazarians you support with your nose stuck up the ass of obvious criminals.
Everything you write is shit, typical of the leftist disease you khazarians all have.
Ok, one of my normie (unfortunately) vaxxed friends told me this today. But keep gaslighting
Boy I've seen some bullshit on here, but this takes the cake.