Really? I (and most of the people I know) got the vaccine almost a year ago. How come we haven't experienced any negative side effects or dropped dead yet?
When you got your "vaccine", did you sign a form regarding your "volunteer informed consent" and were given a batch number of the vaccine to report to VAERS if you had any adverse reactions?
Here is why I ask; outside of "adverse-affects" there is the legal need for "informed consent" in the trial phase of three mrna gene-theropies under EUA. If you did not get the waiver, the people administering either fucked up big time, or you are part of the control study.
If you got the waiver, you would have a batch number to the vaccine you were given. Feel lucky you did not get one of over 300 batches, that have been found so far, that failed storage or were contaminated, but still used.
If you got a waiver and there is no batch number, there are two possibilities; you didn't get the vaccine you were told you were getting, or you got saline(the control study: Study group 6 - males 16 to 54, mrna-unvaccinated).
Which is under "Emergency Authorized Use". So in accordance with Federal Law, all EAU vaccines must have a waiver signed by the volunteer recipient regarding "informed consent". If you didn't get that, you either were injected with saline, or someone fucked up big-time.
But hey, it's your life. If you feel that you want to give yourself up to the state as a ward of the State, that is on you.
If you don't mind, which state did you get the vaccine in, in case you live in the USA? I'm asking because the "clean" lots were sent to only 12 or fewer states (see link).
I don't mind sharing details at all. I got a J&J vaccine while my wife and I were vacationing in upstate New York. Our friends in Los Angeles (where we live) got a variety of different brands. My parents --one lives in New Jersey, one lives in Pennsylvania-- both got Pfizer. No one I know had any negative side effects let alone died.
“Wolverine’s healing ability can’t save me from COVID”
Uhhh, you were acting as a character. You were never really Wolverine, dumbass. a role and then think they’re a doctor, or even just someone smart. Oops.
The one for Anthony Hopkins was laughable. Nurse literally squirts it out and pretends she injected him. It's on video. I can't believe people are so fucking gullible they will believe an actor telling them to inject themselves, but here we are.
It didn't look that way to me. And WHY would they do it that way? If you could just inject him with saline and no one would know the difference, why "squirt" it and risk giving it away. Use your head. WHY would they do that? It makes zero sense.
you literally could not have watched the video I'm talking about. The nurse clearly did not inject Anthony Hopkins. She literally pulled the syringe away and emptied on the floor.
If you're going to argue, and try to claim common sense and "use your head" make sure you use yours first.
Look at the photo. When you get a shot, aren't you instructed to let your arm down and keep it loose, rather than flex it? So did he get the shot, or was the person injecting incompetent?
Covid is the greatest thing to happen to these fags. Not only do they get to virtue signal getting the jab, they get to virtue signal about getting covid at the same time!
Did anyone else notice that in the last several Wolverine appearances, they kept finding excuses for him not to be able to fight? Snake lady stole his healing, he's old now, "don't get too excited or the time travel will break", etc.
He was on board with all of this shit that completely sidestepped the point of Wolverine. Give us 2 hours of turning bad guys into pulp like Dredd and stop showing off how perfectly trimmed your stubble is.
I don't care what Hugh Jackman does one way or another. I don't pay attention to celebrities. The amount of vitriol and homophobic remarks, the sheer sensitivity with which you guys are triggered over baby shit like this, it just makes me wonder if everyone on this forum is a teenager or just plain fucking stupid.
Complete with FagHag wife
What a knob.
Really? I (and most of the people I know) got the vaccine almost a year ago. How come we haven't experienced any negative side effects or dropped dead yet?
Because the virus is relatively harmless to people in good health? I'm not debating that.
When you got your "vaccine", did you sign a form regarding your "volunteer informed consent" and were given a batch number of the vaccine to report to VAERS if you had any adverse reactions?
Here is why I ask; outside of "adverse-affects" there is the legal need for "informed consent" in the trial phase of three mrna gene-theropies under EUA. If you did not get the waiver, the people administering either fucked up big time, or you are part of the control study.
If you got the waiver, you would have a batch number to the vaccine you were given. Feel lucky you did not get one of over 300 batches, that have been found so far, that failed storage or were contaminated, but still used.
If you got a waiver and there is no batch number, there are two possibilities; you didn't get the vaccine you were told you were getting, or you got saline(the control study: Study group 6 - males 16 to 54, mrna-unvaccinated).
Happy New Year!
I didn't get the mRNA vaccine, I got the J&J one-shot.
Blood clots incoming in 3..2..
You previously admitted the virus was relatively harmless to people in your age group.
So why did you get it?
Which is under "Emergency Authorized Use". So in accordance with Federal Law, all EAU vaccines must have a waiver signed by the volunteer recipient regarding "informed consent". If you didn't get that, you either were injected with saline, or someone fucked up big-time.
But hey, it's your life. If you feel that you want to give yourself up to the state as a ward of the State, that is on you.
Lucky you.make sure to take all the boosters.
It's not luck, but thanks.
Karma train coming... Choo choo cough
Probably because you're lying or lucky. Don't worry, it can still happen anytime.
Oops, you caught me in a lie. I'm actually dead.
Have you coerced your parents into getting it?
I see you ignored the part where I said or lucky. Have fun with that lifestyle.
Most of the adverse reactions were from a few lots. I guess you didn't get one from the dirty lots:
If you don't mind, which state did you get the vaccine in, in case you live in the USA? I'm asking because the "clean" lots were sent to only 12 or fewer states (see link).
Can you check your link? It didn't work for me.
I don't mind sharing details at all. I got a J&J vaccine while my wife and I were vacationing in upstate New York. Our friends in Los Angeles (where we live) got a variety of different brands. My parents --one lives in New Jersey, one lives in Pennsylvania-- both got Pfizer. No one I know had any negative side effects let alone died.
Link works for me, try using a web proxy to get to it (eg: copy-paste link in
Interesting that all jabs were in traditionally blue states. Thanks for the info.
If the link is correct, then most people who get the vaccine won't get adverse effects. Here's a theory as to why:
I didn't downvote you btw.
“Wolverine’s healing ability can’t save me from COVID” Uhhh, you were acting as a character. You were never really Wolverine, dumbass. a role and then think they’re a doctor, or even just someone smart. Oops.
Huge Jackoff for a reason!
The one for Anthony Hopkins was laughable. Nurse literally squirts it out and pretends she injected him. It's on video. I can't believe people are so fucking gullible they will believe an actor telling them to inject themselves, but here we are.
It didn't look that way to me. And WHY would they do it that way? If you could just inject him with saline and no one would know the difference, why "squirt" it and risk giving it away. Use your head. WHY would they do that? It makes zero sense.
you literally could not have watched the video I'm talking about. The nurse clearly did not inject Anthony Hopkins. She literally pulled the syringe away and emptied on the floor.
If you're going to argue, and try to claim common sense and "use your head" make sure you use yours first.
Look at the photo. When you get a shot, aren't you instructed to let your arm down and keep it loose, rather than flex it? So did he get the shot, or was the person injecting incompetent?
Hugh They injected you with really bad shit. You failed your lesson young grasshopper.
Covid is the greatest thing to happen to these fags. Not only do they get to virtue signal getting the jab, they get to virtue signal about getting covid at the same time!
Wolverine is a niggerfaggot.
Do your parents know you're using their computer?
Good luck with the Clots, mate!
Good luck with the clots, carditis, autoimmune diseases, cancers and immune system crashing, mate!
Who the fuck cares. (Well apparently people living in mainstreamistan do.)
If i want to watch a movie, i stream it illegaly. If i want to listen to music, i download it illegaly. If i like artwork, i download it.
de'fuck these people think they are, lmao. Shadap jester, go clown around in front of the soul catcher device.
They'll never learn.
Did anyone else notice that in the last several Wolverine appearances, they kept finding excuses for him not to be able to fight? Snake lady stole his healing, he's old now, "don't get too excited or the time travel will break", etc.
He was on board with all of this shit that completely sidestepped the point of Wolverine. Give us 2 hours of turning bad guys into pulp like Dredd and stop showing off how perfectly trimmed your stubble is.
More like Huge Jackass, amirite?
What a fag they picked to play wolverine
Huge Jackass
It's a tranny on roids anyways.
Wow, you guys are sad. The responses in here are insane.
Why? Do you think Hugh Jackman is a cool guy for telling you to take stupid shot that doesn't work?
More than half the people in this country got it, yet the United States is breaking new records with the amount of cases it's recording.
Maybe you still think vaccinating everyone is the way out of this, LOL.
I don't care what Hugh Jackman does one way or another. I don't pay attention to celebrities. The amount of vitriol and homophobic remarks, the sheer sensitivity with which you guys are triggered over baby shit like this, it just makes me wonder if everyone on this forum is a teenager or just plain fucking stupid.