xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh noooo not my heckin crediterino

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's my anecdotal estimates for states that I've spent some time in:

California: 85% bean

Arizona: 75% bean

New Mexico: 95% bean

Colorado: 70% bean

Wyoming: 20% bean

Montana: 10% bean

Texas: 90% bean

Utah: 15% bean

Kansas: 15% bean

I've been pretty much everywhere in the US but those are the states that I've spent enough time in that I can confidently put percentages on.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

I worked in a jail a long time ago. Had a chick tie an extra bed sheet to the steel support for the top bunk, make a noose, and sit in a position that looked like she was reading a book. She was probably dead within minutes of setting that up. The CO was doing 15 minute checks on her and didn't figure it out until several hours later (got fired).

xxxxxxxxxxxx 4 points ago +4 / -0

Checking his reddit karma

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, yeah you can hang yourself from a doorknob. Inmates in jail and prison do it every day. Just put enough pressure in the right places to cut off blood and so when you slump it retains pressure on the nose.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Released 4 years later. Whoopsies the wrong guy was president for 4 years. And nobody will do shit about it.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

"My parents in their 30s"

Where's that second house now? That's the issue. Those boomer motherfuckers had it all and most didn't do a damn thing to give their offspring a fighting chance. I know people in their 60s that were millionaires when it meant something and they pissed it away for vacations and clothes. I have family members that owned second and third homes and instead of keeping them to pass on to their kids, they sold when the market was high (probably to black rock) and proceeded to spend that money on a new car for themselves or some other bullshit depreciating trash. Not that I need any help because I'm an old millennial and built my own success, but I fully expect to inherit just about fucking nothing when my parents die because they are the most selfish boomers ever.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Can we add that to the list of slurs for the usual suspects? "Democratic candidates"

xxxxxxxxxxxx 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pretty cut and dry even from this dickhead attorney's twitter or whatever he is. She drained some of the pot out to make it easier to throw, the cop caught her and drew down on her, she went to the floor and then went for the pot again, presumably to throw boiling water at the deputy. Nothing of value was lost.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 5 points ago +5 / -0

He got ratioed hard in those too. 74k up, 14k down on the Israeli one. I think the dislike button is still disabled for normies too, so those are just the people using Vanced that could dislike it. Most of his other videos with about the same amount of views have less than 100 dislikes.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 5 points ago +5 / -0

I still watch Garand Thumb but I lost a lot of respect for him after he brought in Israelis and Ukrainians to "share their experiences." That said I don't think he's purposely leaving out stuff. I have thermal, and the tips he gave in that video are legit. Obviously you're not going to be a SERE specialist after watching a few 45 min YouTube videos, but his becoming deadly in the mountains videos are pretty solid.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anybody who blindly accepts the globe earth just because that's what they were told in public school is retarded. No matter how high you go in elevation, you can't see the curvature. There's endless examples of being able to see way farther away than you're supposed to. Weather balloons pop at about 130k ft just because. There are no actual pictures of the earth from space that aren't CGI, and many of the official NASA fake pictures have landmasses that are far too large in relation to the size of the earth. Why are they lying to us? Why are the globe believers so militant about their beliefs? My guess is the lands beyond Antarctica are lush and green and not part of our current economic system. To elaborate, I think we could be on a slave "planet" and our slave masters live further south than we're allowed to go. Like, why are there not tons of paparazzi photos of politicians and the usual illuminati-type figures in public, doing normal things? How about first-hand claims to deliver stuff to the "leaders" houses? Because they're not in our slave containment zone other than to visit and placate us.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

That stuff would be immediately transmitted to whatever company is mining that data.

Nevermind it's not all that important. The whole thing is just a fuckin show anyway.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

My point is it's not just the FBI that has the ability to do this stuff.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you're on Android and want to see something scary, download BLE Scanner app, go to a busy intersection and see how quickly you'll have a lot of every device at that intersection (hundreds of them) in just a minute of scanning. Then go out to a rural country road with little traffic and wait for a car to drive by. You'll be able to pin point exactly which devices are in their car with individual mac addresses. Now imagine you're in the FBI and you have that ability and then also the ability to look up their license plate, or cameras in other places with Bluetooth logging capabilities, or facial recognition cameras, or, or, or. It would be super easy to identify a car, or person associated with each device. They've got us by the balls, there is no privacy with a cell phone.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude we've been losing our privacy at lightning speed. Let's say shooter downloaded a weather widget app. Innocuous enough, right? And it asks for Bluetooth permission to check if you have any weather station equipment, and you give it to it. It can now scan Bluetooth constantly and pick up nearby Mac addresses, device types and names, dates and times and distance from the user's cell phone and log all that info. Even if the weather app creator isn't part of the privacy invasion, they'll definitely sell that data to other companies. Now the shooters phone tracks it, and it's not unrealistic to expect a popular weather widget app could possibly be on another random person's phone in the area of an FBI building in downtown Washington DC, which would pick up the mystery cell phone user's Mac address and all the other info to add to the database. Now the third party privacy infringer has all the info they need to say the same person, or at least the same device was in those two places. Then it never pops up again? Burner phone, it's gone. I'd call that pretty solid evidence. I always vet my apps and don't give them unnecessary permissions, but this particular setup doesn't even need your participation in downloading the app, you're getting tracked by other idiots that aren't careful with permissions and the only way to avoid it is to lock down your connectivity settings so they're not broadcasting everywhere you go, which turns out to be a big inconvenience to do normal things with your phone.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whoa whoa whoa WHITESTOWN ROAD? Cool it with the racism.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would the government have to be the source? Do you turn off your Bluetooth, NFC and WiFi whenever you leave the house? All that shit is constantly broadcasting and searching for networks or paired devices, and thus the data can be scrapped from anywhere. They specifically mention ad data in this Twitter post, so I would assume he had an app on his phone that he gave access to scan Bluetooth or something and it harvested the data they're citing. 5g makes this concept even easier, which is why there's a 5g antenna on every third light pole in the city near me.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

The large city near me took away all physical ability testing after being sued by two dykes for discrimination because they refused to meet the lowered physical standards for women. And the standards weren't very high to begin with, even for the men. Like 15 min 1.5 mile run, 30 situps in 2 min and 30 push ups in 2 min. The SWAT guys are the only ones that have to meet any actual demanding physical standards.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depends on the type of crash I suppose. Worldwide depression? Crypto is going down too. Hyperinflation? If the crypto is primarily traded in USD, it's going to hyperinflate too. Govt shutdown and no money paid out or no new money put into the economy? The crypto might be a good spot. Any way you slice it, you aren't gonna be able to eat crypto, just sayin.

xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 points ago +3 / -3

Go to the ocean, stand on the shoreline with an island several miles away in the distance. Set up light pointed at the island, take a boat 10+ miles to island, observe light from the shoreline while standing on the beach. Globe earth, or at a minimum globe earth at the size that is claimed, debunked. That's using the equations that are presented as fact for how far you should be able to see. It's been done 100s of times on YouTube.

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