xolotltlaloc 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't want to believe that every mass casualty event is pre-planed by psychopaths within our own government (#anotherinsidejob), but "coincidences" like this REAAALLLY does't help.


xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I asked Chat GPT: what rhymes with "Good one - burn!"

A: "Could stun, fern."


xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe them, don't you?

if they say they do then they would be taking a huge legal risk to do otherwise.

so yes, in this case, i do believe they would delete the image.

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for admitting it. So why did you get so angry at me instead of trying to learn something?

not angry bro... just trying to understand why you enjoy belittling people who are not as smart as you... does it make you feel like a big shot or something?

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Criminal investigations are initiated by law enforcement before any charges are brought.

Senators are not part of the law enforcement apparatus.

Right. Just like a normal person.

A normal person can report a crime, right?

I assume a member of Congress can report a crime, too.

Am I wrong?

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you know anything about how criminal investigations are conducted in the US?

Clearly I don't ... isn't it obvious or are you seriously dense?

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

So lying to Congress is illegal, but "who cares?!" ...because no one can do anything about it ... is what you are saying?

i.e., no one has ever been punished for lying to Congress??


xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

A senator cannot direct the DOJ to charge anyone with a crime.

OK, so what Rand Paul doing by referring Fauci to the DOJ for criminal charges?

What happens? Do you actually know, or do you just take pleasure in belittling people who are not as smart as you?

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

what do you mean ... "legal point of view" ?

it's a an action that directs the DOJ to charge Fauci for lying to congress.

am i wrong?

by DrLeaks
xolotltlaloc 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if that has anything to do with Rand Paul referring Fauci to top D.C. prosecutor for criminal charges for lying under oath about COVID origins.

If convicted, Fauci could face up to five years in prison.


Was this a warning to anyone who might be supporting Rand Paul ??

Me thinks, yes.

high stakes ya'll

xolotltlaloc 4 points ago +4 / -0

5 years??? Fauci would probably love a 5 year break in club fed.

Lying to congress is a 5 year penalty....

What about lying to the world??

I was thinking more like... life in prison? Minimum?

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0


more like frenemies.

anyone shaking bibi's hand better quickly wash with water (and prey)

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

clinical myocarditis, not this general term "myocardial injury"

noted with thanks

I'm not ruling out a large die off either,


I think that is the point of the poisoning.

i read somewhere (totally unconfirmed) but several places that the DoD? / Pentagon? has decided (internally) as policy to act to cap the global population at 8 billion. so yes, i feel like it killed to birds with one stone (poor choice of words), but...

  1. cull the herd - especially among the professional middle class, to leave a larger lower socioeconomic class to oversee.

  2. to human-trial mrna drugs† - according to bill gates, were a failure - he has since sold all of this pzizer/moderna related holdings, citing poor results.

† when i say mrna drugs, i mean... just an opportunity to mass-experiment on humans. per trials, it' snot uncommon for manufacturers to deliver a broad range of solutions to identify a best batch. but ultimately i feel like it was so poorly managed that very little global clinical data has been collected / sorted, which tells me it was less about the science, and more about the cull (aka the green agenda) #policy


ps. i have seen presentations of evidence of DNA (not mRNA) in some of the batches -- all within standards of trialing a totally new technology, I'm sure.

they literally redefined "vaccine" to make-way.

...blowing my mind

xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

a small weapons and ammo cache

a large cache of seeds

you can defend yourself, grow your own food, and trade for other goods and services.

by pkvi
xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all fun and games until your card declines while you're at Panera


  • "It's all fun and games until your card declines while you're at Panera cash is literally worthless because of hyperinflation / impossible national debt."

/sound familiar?

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes millions, and none are the right kind.

safe to say anyone crossing the border illegally is not a healthcare worker, teacher, CEO, computer programmer, PhD/scientist, pilot, etc.

so while we are killing-off ~5% of the skilled workforce, they are not being replaced illegally. (the skilled are being replaced legally - with those H-1B visas.)

by pkvi
xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

an anonymous complaint

that's the system killer right there.

best way to get revenge on someone is to call the police on them.

xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

10% of the most productive members of society too.

basically. the cities are fucked.

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