We should ban AI
we the world?
because if you ban it in the USA, an AI shop will open in Mexico, and all the AI research will flow to mexico - to make a point.
trick question: What's the other approach?
answer: there is only one approach, and that is to face it head-on.
elon is on the right track, imo
original variant antibodies
Would could be acquired through natural infection.
i.e., the existence "original variant antibodies" is not a test for vaccination.
Aren't there programs that you can run an image through to see if it's fake/tampered or genuine image or Video?
there are programs that make such claims.
but no. a good photoshop is 100% undetectable.
companies that claim to be able to detect fakes are rigging their tests in favor of a very narrow bandwidth of parameters where their software excels -- usually relying on "mistakes" made by a drunken (presumably) photoshopper.
a good photoshopper can make 100% undetectable fakes.
100% undetectable .
arguably, since the dawn of knowledge / information as capital.
this AI stuff is some crazy shit.
if you ever could trust anything you saw...
i hope people realize that now it's clearly impossible.
Just a reminder that AI is already indetectable.
Welcome to the Misinformation Age.
Just a reminder that AI is already indetectable.
Welcome to the Misinformation Age.
very interesting theory
who would these days
someone who really wants to go down in history as a the legend who abolished the CIA, arrested the COVID crew (Gates, Fauci, et al.) and arrested the coup traitors (Pelosi, Hillary, Biden, etc.)
ah well i meant it as patriot / anti-globalist
next time i will just say that: "patriot / anti-globalist"
the only reason why i am skeptical of the rocket to moon theory is that is was basically a suicide mission - so risky - so dangerous - simple miraculous it all "worked".
in my opinion, nazis->usa had anti-grav tech since... the 1940s ? ish ?
We (usa) went to the moon long before Apollo - already on mars and far beyond, imo.
This would never have happened under the woke management of Jack Dorsey.
Not. Ever. In. A. Million. Billion. Years.
great comment - thank you - elon musk - though not a name changer - is also a victim of a violent father - allegedly.
Sure - I get that - but at what point in the process of that day of JAN 6 was Ted going to present his bullshit evidence?
Let me ask a different question:
What process was under-way / interrupted by the JAN 6 terrorists? Was that the swearing in of the votes? Or what... ?
"We are in a live exercise, here." - Mike Pompeo
I feel that was true until about 1990, and now the influence is shared w/ China and domestic powers (google, microsoft)
Guy who predicted Turkey earthquake
Would you sell your home to a jew for a $100 Million?
Not if it was worth more.
Jew or no jew, if my home is worth $500mm (e.g., 1000 acre home to natural gas field), then - no - I would not sell for $100mm.
Insurance: "let's just kill him"
Pharma: "Not just yet, I want him to suffer more first"
exactly ;)
yea but Big Pharma wants you to live as long as possible.
more to the point: banks like blackrock own pretty much everything. so....
Interesting. Can you elaborate?
I agree with her observations.
Do you support her claim of “where did the towers go”. The lack of debris is thought provoking.
a demolition nuke would (also) accomplish everything she observes.
Judy simply dismisses nukes w/o a shred of evidence.
that's interesting. DAN (the rogue version) is also predicting bitcoin will double in value VS USD over the next 5 days.
either way, can't ban it - is my point
... and by "can't" i mean it's literally impossible to ban AI