turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of it are fake: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dead-sea-scrolls-face-museum-of-the-bible-washington-artefacts-a8596636.html

Others falsely interpreted in a way to back the Jewish story AND most interestingly if you didn't know this. A lot of it actually changes the so called Jewish history and shows there are multiple texts that changed during time.

The Dead Sea scrolls forgery is actually a good example of how Jews operate. They hide some parts which are inconvenient, reinterpret others to fit their narrative and add some parts to fill their stories.

For example the book of Esther was never part of the dead sea scrolls so they just tried to add small patch here and there.

Anyhow, all dead sea scrolls content must be taken with great caution since Jewish militias stole the land they were found in after 1967 and could start making their own "discoveries" ehm "additions". Worthy to note that the Jordanian government also works for the Jews and the findings made during their rule also cannot be completely trusted.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice catch!

I feel all sides have been preparing for this war for a long time. I've been observing the military build up of Turkey for a while and I could see this one coming. The Jew is going to shuffle the cards.

If anyone wants the perspective of Turkish intelligence on things I think this YT channel is close to the mark: https://www.youtube.com/@GZT

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their power has peaked around the covid hoax and the mandates. Only downhill for them now although it's not going to be easy for everyone.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

XxxxRDTPRNxxX likes to erase his history so that people don't easily find out that he is Jewish and does nothing but be a mouth piece of Jewish Hasbara.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jews are so brainwashed they could never get over lies made up by crazed and demented rabbis over centuries.

Jewish scholars (and Christian Zionists) are known to fake findings and reinterpret findings of other civilizations and claim that it's theirs. As a matter of fact. Jews CONSTANTLY steal other things and claim that is "theirs" and from their so called "ancestry".

Take a light example, Jews took the standard foods of the middle east region and claimed that it's "Jewish" (Flafel, Homus and even so called Ben-Gurion rice which is really funny for anyone who knows the insides of their chutzpah but I suppose the Jewish brain is greatly affected by early circumcision by a Rabbi's mouth)

Jews basically literally make up stuff, take other stuff and reinterpret it etc.. (Thank you for the interaction, maybe later I will make a post and maybe a short video documentary on some of the instances Jews have been caught fabricating stuff. "Suleiman's stables" is quite a recurrent lie that they keep trying to pull off. Google and wikipedia really knows how to memory hole certain events) This practice is actually more common than you think.

Having Jewish lies match their "religious" textbooks is nothing really. As I said. This can be easily achieved by some forgery and some clever reinterpretation. Especially if Christians have been so cucked that they so badly want to believe God's chosen people myth.

AND on top of ALL the fake history they claim one must also consider that so called ancient "Jews" have nothing to do with current "Jews". So a Kaifeng Chinese Jew is coming back to his "ancestral homeland"? Or a "Falasha"? Or a khazar with unique genetic defects?

One would feel sorry for Jews for how they have been hoodwinked if they were not such psychopath criminals.

turtlebam 4 points ago +5 / -1

If internet forums and public perception didn't matter you wouldn't have people like Unit 8200 and MANY state actors investing a lot of money into controlling or steering it.

turtlebam 0 points ago +1 / -1

No need to rush anything. If we live thru the next few years we will get a chance to see how it all plays out.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Few clips are enough to show you how completely cucked all US politicians are. It's beyond lobbying at this point. US politicians sucked up to him harder than any lowly 3rd world dictatorship official would to his dictator king.

Not a minute without them standing up to clap for him and cheer him on. He broke all records with his speech. No American president ever did or ever will have this reception in congress.

Why should you care what Mileikowsky (Netanyahu) said? Because he is the president of the USA. Make no mistake. Trump works and will work for him.

turtlebam 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's not their ancestral homeland and even from there they are still going to steal American money just the same. But I like your new tactic you at least tried to put some thought into it.

Edit: Worthy to note that your "rationale" would work with any normal non-crazed Jewish state. For Jews (i.e. You), even those who wish them well are also targets simply because they are not Jewish. For Jews (i.e. You), all other non Jews are nothing more than slaves. It's like Jews are going to stay put in one little corner without attempting to enslave and subvert everyone and everything. Not gonna happen. Jews gonna Jew.

turtlebam 5 points ago +7 / -2

Not for disagreeing but for behaving and talking like a Jew and supporting the headquarters of Jewish militias in occupied Palestine (i.e. so called Israel). No one in his right mind would be on a conspiracy forum and still support Israel which controls the US.

What I don't get is that if you are Jewish you should not be embarrassed of the fact. You are always welcomed to leave your false doctrine.

turtlebam 0 points ago +3 / -3

Well, your posts indicates that perhaps it is you who are the shill? There is nothing wrong with systemgay's posts while you on the other hand tried pushing reptilians crap.

turtlebam -1 points ago +1 / -2

"Your" country? You did watch Netanyahu's speech in congress did you not?

turtlebam -1 points ago +1 / -2

You implied this by thinking that one man can save the day. I am quoting you here: "Trump is either our last hope as he says....".

If he is your last hope you think they will let him stay in power?

Others I talked to seem to think Trump is going to double cross the Jews and that he is really against them at heart. As if Jews are so stupid to not consider that if it was the case.

turtlebam 1 point ago +3 / -2

Well. The "savior" can surly make a statement denying he said that and that it was fabricated. This event and his statement is all over the place.

No worries. They will make Trump win. You will have your happy couple of days when you will think it's all going great. You might even still be happy after he enacts antisemitism laws and kicks out few Muslim immigrants here and there using them but it will be all downhill from there. People are going to weep for the good old days of Biden.

turtlebam 1 point ago +3 / -2

So you are implying that the same Jews who pulled the covid hoax world wide and September 11th are unable to properly assassinate one man? This one man who truly worships money is somehow going to save the world?

Here is a hint, they are going to place Trump either way AND due to his popularity he is going to enact unimaginable changes for the worst that will make people weep for old pedophile and senile Joe Biden.

turtlebam 1 point ago +4 / -3

And? No one in this forum thinks Obama is their savior but quite a few here still buy into Drumpf. Not that it matters much. Vote for him. Not gonna change your mind but be mentally prepared for what he's bringing into the table.

turtlebam 5 points ago +6 / -1

This combined with how blatant they were in the Olympics and not to mention Netanyahu's speech means if their system doesn't collapse soon. Maybe in our lifetime Jews would begin public child sacrifice rituals.

Whose gonna stop them? It's cucks all around.

turtlebam 1 point ago +4 / -3

Source: https://x.com/Partisangirl/status/1817218105531379872 (I added the text balloon.)

Some of you may say slip of a tongue. Well, I didn't meet any Christian who ever done such a slip.

Others will say he is atheist and he doesn't care. Well if he is atheist he wouldn't really announce it. Why lose Christian voters?

They are just prepping you. Next few years are going to get crazier! He converted to Judaism just like his daughter and he is going to announce it after taking office.

turtlebam 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry I read it in a twitter post that I can't find now. Will reply if I ever come across it again.

turtlebam 7 points ago +8 / -1

And the man who mocked Jesus Christ last supper (The fag painted blue and holding the mic) is also Jewish.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's one of their goals to also control Ukraine after emptying it out. They have a LONG grudge against the Ukrainians but I wouldn't count on them discarding their plans to control Palestine and the middle east and all moving there. They literally spent at least hundreds of years to steal Palestine.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the difference. I am not 100% certain they didn't but I realize that fact. There is no way changing your mind on this now. Reality is hard to accept. Very difficult to accept that you are enslaved by Jews and their shabbos goys like Trump. Here is the deal, a year from now after he wins. How do you expect him to really SAVE America? Do you think anyone even if he was good (Which he isn't) can easily clean the American establishment and ALL corporate and ALL the military industrial complex from Jewish infiltration?

Trump when he comes is going to take it against anyone who is anti-Jew. Probably Arabs/Muslims inside America first. Then he is going to take it against any white Christian Americans who made any posts against Israel or Jews all while supporting Israel and involving you in bigger wars and worst living standards and while at it he might even pull another pandemic hoax or CBDC all while everyone applauds because they think he is the white American who is gonna save them forgetting he is completely in bed with Jews.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not sure I would call 9/11 a failure for Jews. They made Christians turn on Muslims, further destroyed Iraq and the middle east and made a gigantic push in transforming society into a security apparatus.

Yes, the seed of the truth movement started there but on the ground Jews achieved a lot so far. They are not going to stop there. They are almost fully exposed but they are now turning into open tyranny mode.

Netanyahu's speech in congress had the feeling that we are at North Korea stage. Many of those congress members clapping for Bibi knew it was wrong but they had to do it. Just like any communist party member. Facades are off and its brute force tyranny and tyranny is not easy to break. Look at those in Bangladesh now trying to liberate themselves.

Jews will lose and I believe they have already reached the peak of their power. Only downhill for them now but don't expect it to be a walk in the park. Exposing them is the first step but not the last.

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