turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude all of these countries are either co-opted long ago, destroyed or both.

-Egypt is run by an idiot who is either part Jew or cuck who has destroyed Egypt completely. He has destroyed Egypt more than if it had went to an all out war and lost.

-Saudi Arabia ruled by another imbecile who can barely read who spends his time splurging. He managed to waste away literal Trillions of dollars and put the world's top oil producing country in debt. If you say you support Palestine in Saudi lands he will put you in Jail or chop your head off.

-UAE is too busy destroying other countries like Sudan, Yemen and Syria.

-Iraq has long been destroyed and divided.

-Syria has been destroyed and divided and its ruling family was also working with them on some occasions (Sold the Golan heights).

-Jordan is run by a part Jew, half Brit drunkard.

-Oman a British colony with British bases. The previous Sultan was a known faggot.

-Qatar a British colony with a BIG US base.

-Bahrain is a tiny brothel for Saudis.

-Morocco is a large brothel for Jews and Saudis.

-Kuwait is a suburb.

-Libya has been divided and destroyed.

-Lebanon and Yemen are failed states but are trying to do something.

-Algeria recently made a statement against Jews so I guess it's still alright.

Most of the above are also supplying the Israelis with food and weapons and arresting anyone who supports Palestine.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0


Earlier I posted this article: How the CIA made Google.

To my surprise this guy just joined the Club of Rome. Not sure if he was just a normie/commie who is happy to work for them, if he sold out for money or if he was always working with them. Some of his earlier writings are not very encouraging.

Maybe his "How the CIA made Google" was a fluke.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

There seems to be an increase in floods. It's almost quite common to hear of several floods all over the world within the same week. Things may indeed be moving and it may accelerate exponentially.

I honestly would not consider Hong Kong to be an option at all. Really, it's high density. If anything really does happen forget about borders and state laws and such. Low density and high sea level near people you know and that's the best you could do.

If you forecast Alaska would be a good place just stay there. Do you think if anything even small happens that you will still be able to air travel? A lot of flights could be canceled if there is just a small missiles exchange.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bassem Youssef was deemed kosher and hosted on MSM shows because they thought he would toe the line. Couple of days ago he posted this video (Mirror).

I instantly knew that he will be deplatformed, later smeared or worst.

Note: I am not posting the link for the tweet because I am not sure if that new account is really related to him or not. But you can go to Twitter and just search for "Bassem Youssef" to get any info.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you are bored imagine what Jews are like who have been stockpiling food and doing non-stop shifts and air patrols are.

The last Iranian strike didn't deter the Jews. So they can't launch a similar one. It has to be something different. They are preparing for an all out war.

No one is worried about Jewish militias in the middle east. They are all worried about American nuclear weapons and American army. Saddam was the last real threat to Jews and you saw what they did there.

One third of American shabbos goy naval fleet is in the Persian gulf now. One American nuclear submarine can destroy all cities in Iran (Holds 24 Nuclear capable missiles with 8 warheads each I think)

A lot is going under the table. Lebanon government lost all electricity yesterday. (They had problems before but now even the airport and sewage treatment and water pumps are out). Pakistan giving nukes to Iran? Pakistan giving Iran an air force JF-17). Are they going to pit Afghanistan with or against Iran? Why did the American leave their forces there?

Turkiye makes statements against Israel and now have wild fires raging and engulfing a large area. Yemen kills a Jew with a drone and next has its port and electrical plants destroyed then huge floods destroy that city even more. Later Jews tried to infiltrate with commandos and then got all killed by Yemeni children.

I keep on eye on flight radar website and a lot of ammunition has been incoming to Israel and a lot of planes monitoring the Persian gulf and all around Israel.

They are going to have a show alright.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

That and also once you know about it all you find it difficult to do something meaningful. Many regress into the pursuit of shekels for the lack of better alternative.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suppose I wasn't accurate. By freedom I meant freedom from the small set of Jews who run the world for their mad schemes. I.e. Hitler's Germany was able to make a lot of inventions and nearly the impossible in a short period of time once they were free from Jewish banking control.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because there would be no freewill if he intervened. The image people have about God is probably not the right one. Perhaps this is in a way we cannot fathom the best of all worlds as Leibniz said or perhaps God is impartial where our souls are given free reign. Perhaps the same soul that would kill and do all that evil is the same soul being reincarnated into the victim.

But what I know for certain is that there is a form of justice regardless of your conception of God. Someone who commits wrong will have justice one way or another.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

let me ask you your take on this, If someone chooses to torture and murder a child, perhaps many, many children for the sole purpose of his enjoyment. What would happen to him after his death?

You may try to justify it by saying he had no choice in the matter because of their life circumstances or what not. But you know damn well there are moments when we consciously choose our decisions. Do you believe someone can knowingly commit evil and get away with it?

The same way energy and matter in the universe are simply transformed. Someone committing evil will not be able to get away with it. Regardless of any religious inclinations or rituals. There is right and there is wrong.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

If humanity is free they can do it. They may devise new technologies or methodologies along the way and spend many years longer. BUT if humanity was free they can a lot better things and transform the entire planet.

The problem is that we are not free and ruled by imbeciles whose main qualifications are obedience. This has trickled down to every aspect of life.

turtlebam 4 points ago +4 / -0

His family name is Drumpf (German) so it's a possibility. But like all shabbos goys, it reaches a point where it makes no difference if he is Jewish or not because he does everything he is told.

Also, like u/Redsky mentioned, it's also likely that he wasn't Jewish but later converted like his daughter.

To be honest I think it would be better if the USA had a Jewish president like Bernie Sanders. Cut the middleman. A Jew who is openly Jew might actually be able to say no to the mad schemes of his fellowmen.

turtlebam 6 points ago +8 / -2


Note: I slightly changed the title for dramatic effect but we all know that it means exactly my title. Jewish militias have had a hard time in tiny Gaza. To occupy that landmass they are going to need American blood. Thousands upon thousands of Americans are already deployed in Jordan BTW.

For those shills who will try to say it doesn't affect me what they do in the middle east ponder this: From this expanded Jewish militias headquarters and the projected vassal states around it. Jews will control the world's oil reserves and the most important waterways and straits (Suez Canal, Bab al-Mandab Strait, Straits of Hormuz, Strait of Gibraltar, Bosphorus strait). Just like the old Ottoman empire. The greater Israel project seeks to have a solid base to enslave the whole world as its choking point.

This is beyond the occupation of countries surrounding current Jewish militias headquarters. This entails the destruction of far off countries such as Turkey, Iran and Algeria.

Once completed, Europe and America will be discarded as they would have served their purpose the same way the British empire was discarded post WW2. You can already see signs of this happening.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are preparing all the chess pieces for war. This will go all the way from Bangladesh to Turkiye, China and Russia. But it looks like the military build up and arms manufacture is not complete yet.

One mind boggling fact is that Qatar (USA) is funding Afghanistan! Did the Americans leave their equipment there on purpose?

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually Singapore is itself a replacement immigration horde. It's full of Chinese and Indians while in fact it's Malay land. The Chinese immigrant hordes long ago replaced the native Malay.

In a twist of fate, Singaporeans are now being replaced by Filipinos. Singapore is a strong supporter of Israel and had its army trained by Jewish Israelis. They deserve what they get actually like all cucks to Israel.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Sanhedrin exists and that's the short version of how all conspiracies coalesce into one.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

This. She probably had an unhealthy life all around. Her son died of an overdose at 19 or something. She can't have been living a healthy life.

turtlebam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Several are starting to notice after the increase in cancers and heart conditions. But it's too late.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are you posting this? Why are you flooding the forum with similar posts? What is the revelation or conspiracy here?

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

AI is "Fake Intelligence". There's nothing intelligent about it. It will never come up with truly (I mean TRULY) novel creations. The human mind is not a machine. There is an important distinction between the words "mind" and "brain" BTW.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for resources. Much appreciated.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

True. Not to forget that the US army raped little girls everywhere they went.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perhaps. To be honest I can't make up my mind if they framed him with that one or if he was really involved.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

It could be natural and it could be caused by weaponized weather. I don't have enough data.

Interestingly enough a coup happened in Bangladesh which seems to have been backed by China. And another massive flood happened to hit Yemen at the same location the Israelis bombed: https://x.com/kollel_g/status/1821276197978030330

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