No shit, all you had to do was listen to them shill for a global financial system for them, shill for vax passes, and shill UN Agenda during BRICS.
Meanwhile, /k/ all thinks they are winning because drone videos and spamming vatnigger.
HeS tHe ReAl LiFe ToNy StArK!
Information is the new oil.
Forgot to post in Arabic?
Fake and gay
Cringe and bluepilled.
Ah the company who's boss shined a nigs shoe on tv.
Yep, many here and on /pol/ push it because nazi people got us to the moon therefore they must say it happened.
Doesn't mean shit when he started warp speed and people were out of their jobs.
Par the course for the original NWO.
Imagine having trannies loving rent free in your mind. Must spend hours """""researching""""" them.
Hope this fucks over WA state and their faggot AG. They are putting in capacity and what they call ghost guns aka said manufactured gun bans
Bio Leninism
It's all about profit so good luck.
And both sides upheld their support for the medical panopticon and Agenda 2030.
This machine fraud came out during Bush and Florida, yet people kept on going and vooooting.
years, no decades.
Perfect let's debate this bullshit instead of going after those pushing it, brilliant!
Sounds like a problem with the organization aka law enforcement. How's the leather taste?
Pointing out the false two party paradigm and how voting fits in that framework triggers people I this site to no end. They have to feel like something is being done all while only arguing for two dominant positions put forward by the very same people in control. For some reason nobody remembers the hacking that was testified to during Bush running and Florida.
Even if voting changed anything they can just tamper with it since the key is who is counting it:
Ah yes esoteric symbolism is never ever used ever.
It was real in my mind or the classic, it's hard to believe but it happened routine.