I have read his entire site. He is very fascinating. In a nutshell: He lives in England and is a tall, long-haired white man of European descent and is very spiritual. He was either visited by "aliens" or recalls past lives living off planet. His artwork is an interpretation of his visitations and/or life on other planets. The NS party under Hitler is alive and well and living off planet (mostly the "aliens" that are seen and reported, if not government's top secret programs). The earth is hollow. Meteors, or better, fireballs, are the German NS "aliens" thwarting bombs or other attacks. Almost everything you see, read and hear is a lie and controlled oppo is overwhelmingly everywhere (especially when it comes to ufology, ascension and other mechanisms of "awakening"). Jewry is the ultimate threat. He thinks the real awakening stems from HItler (whose main goal was to thwart Jewry and boost nationalism), National Socialism, Knowing Laws of Nature especially as it pertains to race, Hollow Earth, and is a big proponent of Europa: The Last Battle documentary (which is AWESOME, ngl)
There's a lot more there and I invite everyone to read the comments on all of the posts for great insight to his beliefs. He is CONSISTENT if nothing else.
Think about it. This is exactly why Twitter uses bots, YouTube bans content, Gofundme boosts certain campaigns and deletes others. Why Reddit is worthless, why transgenderism is a thing, why ANTIFA exists…all to “flood the town square with raw sewage”, as Obama so eloquently stated.
Good article, analysis
I exclusively used /r/conspiracy on Reddit until I was banned too when Trump went into office. After that, I said fuckem, deleted the app, and never looked back. Then used VOAT exclusively. Man, I sure do miss Voat.
I'm in FL. No chemtrails here at the moment either. But, give it a few days, they always come back.