scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

third grade definition warning: Energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared. This means that mass (like a hydrogen atom) X 299,792,458 m/s = the amount of energy in the atom. The chair you are sitting on (if you happen to be seated) has tremendous energy stored in it. The trick is trying to get it back out.

The atmosphere rotates with the planet. Kind of like the air in a car when you drive. Clouds are not dense, and they are very spread out. The terminal velocity of the tiny water droplets of water vapor is very low, allowing it to generally move with the atmosphere.

Anyone who has ever laid on their back and watched the clouds know that they dissipate, change and reform due to atmospheric winds.

How this would differ on a flat earth is scientifically mystifying.

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

He may have pushed to have a vaccine manufactured, in his mind. He is not a scientist...not even close. No one needed to push these massive pharmaceutical companies to capitalize on billions of dollars in profit.

The more important question would be: Did Trump know about the global agenda to push a subversive injection on the population. It is more apparent that Biden knows (or his handler know, I'm not convinced he knows where he is most of the time).

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tiktok? Like I am going to listen to a thirteen year old girl.

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trying to place blame on the, then, sitting president is the resort of the rank incompetent.

Try looking a little deeper who mandated the vaccines and tried to get OSHA to enforce them? What specific group pushed the narrative relentlessly through media?

Trump fucked up a lot of things, but I think you are being a silly inane ass.

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think he is boring and unoriginal. Back in the 70's the Jew band Kiss put their blood into comic book ink. Just another sad attempt to sell product and attract more mindless consumers of shit music to feel edgy.

scaornedandhated 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, relativity (& special) works at a macro scale. E=MC2. We proved that when we unleashed the energy in the humble hydrogen atom. For all I know Einstein stole the theory, but at the end of the day it works.

If someone has a more accurate theory, I am listening.

scaornedandhated 7 points ago +7 / -0

Damn, finally she's a man, and doesn't have the arm strength to properly masturbate her numb, unfeeling, worthless skin tag. What a shame.

Look for ((hiim))) in the hardware store in the rope and razor blades aisle.

Joking aside, the depth of depravity that liberal idealism has sunk to, is that this person never got the help (or allowed to get the help) they needed when they were at an age where this mental damage was reversible.

They will keep cheering on the "bold" and "daring" pioneers who are role models for the next sexually confused and groomed kid found swinging from the ceiling fan.

by pkvi
scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well for what it's worth they look pretty gay here.

by pkvi
scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember when crazy rightees siad that Pelosi was corrupt? Pshaw, that was plain cukoo!

scaornedandhated 0 points ago +1 / -1

Someone is ignoring every statistic known to mankind.

scaornedandhated 10 points ago +10 / -0

"You son of a bitch! Look at my perfectly healthy children! Did you know they are picked on in school because they do not suffer from myocarditis, like all the other kids!!!???"

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aristotle has a fascinating view on 'diversity'. The truth is that ethnocentric societies tend to be stronger, and more unified. Take some time to visit different cities and you will find that most immigrants prefer to live in areas with similar cultural ideals. (They all live together in one area). This behavior goes back to tribal instincts and the comfort that a shared sociopolitical philosophy offers.

I don't believe it is racist to entertain the idea that, in general, people want to be around others that are like them. I also don't believe that is is far fetched to think that there is a tremendous concerted effort (both financially and politically) to mix races in any area where there is white ethnocentrism.

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am a blue colored triangle that lives in the wood. He tried to kill me too!

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +4 / -3

Stop with this childish ranting.

Who implementation vaccine mandates? That is the question.

I don't care who helped bring the genetic mutation injection to market, I care about all the assholes who forced people to take it...Going so far as to try to get OSHA to enforce workplace compliance.

Yes, that's your liberal crime syndicate.

by DrLeaks
scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what (((they))) want. Stupid, servile, masses that are fascinated by the latest media trends and fads.

Stupid girls doing tik tok dances. Grown men playing with toys. Women who are 'empowered' through promiscuity and polyamory.

College degrees that are worthless.

Leftism is a mental disorder. Fuck them all.

by DrLeaks
scaornedandhated 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they all quit, it would have no impact at all, except there would be less (((propaganda))) in the world.

by DrLeaks
scaornedandhated 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welcome to the Weimar Republic. Then one day, for no reason at all....

scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh, go fuck off somewhere else. Insulting everyone on a board is typical glowie behavior.

scaornedandhated 2 points ago +2 / -0

Quantum physics is the most accurate mathematical science ever developed. Nothing even comes close.

by DrLeaks
scaornedandhated 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't wait for M. A. P. book reading sessions at the libraries.

Oh wait, they already have that.

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