savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

The moon has a very thin layer of gases on its surface

No, no it does not.

savman -3 points ago +2 / -5

Moon hoaxers are lazy and gay.

The reason is that the vibrations were conducted into his suit with each blow of the hammer, moving on up to his helmet similar, in a way, to sound vibrations on an old style Gramophone.

The microphone in Alan Bean's helmet picked up the sound and radioed it back to Mission Control on Earth.

So, the vibration from hammering was conducted into the suit and to the helmet and to the microphone.

savman -3 points ago +1 / -4

People who act like children deserve childish insults.

savman -4 points ago +1 / -5

Sitting in my $5mm house looking at my S class in the driveway, Imma gonna say you got me mostly wrong. SBF?

savman -4 points ago +1 / -5

if Elon said it.

This is the essence of a flat-earth conspiracy theorist. They talk but don't say anything.

savman -4 points ago +1 / -5

This post is a classic example of a low-IQ denier, who never invented anything, no formal education, has no sex (except with himself), has no real friends and can't comprehend new things. The type of person that would burn a witch at the stake and poo-poo anyone claiming they are going to sail to the new world to discover untold riches. This is the type of person that would rather live in the dark than to take chances.

There is an episode of Start Trek NG where Q gives Picard a second chance to avoid being stabbed through the heart. He trades his passion for life for easy comfort and is delegated to a second-class petty officer who never amounts to anything and one who is passed over.

This is you, GynaNumbaZero.

savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

takes 24 hours to get back to the place it started

Fuck wit, the SUN is hurtling through space, and we are being dragged along for the ride, SPINNING AROUND our axis. The sun (from our perspective) does not move back to the 'place it started', rather, WE move around, causing the sun to be perceived as moving when in fact, it is us that is moving. So you are claiming with your syntax a completely false narrative based on an earth-centric model that was debunked over 400 years ago. Please grow up and stop being a man-child.

savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ah, but does it really?

Yeah, based on the physics of parallax & trigonometry. Something your little brain did not study, so you think it's all fake. If you want to argue against the physics of light, you go right ahead.

BTW, odd that you should use the word matriculate since you are claiming things without any empirical evidence, which is the fundamental basis of science.

So sure, claim anything you want, but until you provide such evidence, you're just a wanker with a keyboard.

but never the thinker.

I don't argue with people who think rationally and can provide facts to support their claims. I argue with low-IQ morons who think they are smarter than those that matriculate. Lol.

savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is the best one that puts all you clowns to shame:

The idea of the Earth as a sphere has existed at least since the time of the ancient Greeks, long before NASA. What were their financial motives?

You claim a 'smoking gun' but you are simply biased and will accept no scientific explanation.

I find it exceedingly humourous to engage with flat earthers just like I play with my dog.

savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

get away from this hellish existence

The sad part is you'd be the first one to yell "Blaspheme" at Galileo and want his head chopped off. You think you're 'edgy' and claim a grand conspiracy, yet your tiny mind can't rationalize things you don't understand or support those that see greatness in exploration. See, it's people like you that don't want progress or enlightenment. You mistrust everything, so you spew hate and rhetoric and claim knowledge, yet you are uneducated, closed-minded and have no desire for mankind to excel.

savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

6 upvotes mean there are 6 other people equally as stupid as you. To try and put this is context to the photo, The sun is at 9 o'clock, the earth at 12 and the moon at 6. The video shows the craft coming around the moon (think 5 o'clock) so the sun is on the opposite side of where the craft is. Have you ever seen the moon during the day? Yes, why yes, you have. This is what you are seeing. Easily explainable except to you sorry ass low IQ morons. Jesus H Christ you're all seriously fucked.

savman -3 points ago +1 / -4

I don't accept anything from NASA

Let me guess your profile: closed-minded, low-IQ, never read a science book, never got past grade 10, rarely travels to foreign countries, never been successful in life, doesn't have many friends. Wife is ugly, drives an American car, complains about everything...

How many do I have right?

savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

Sort of funny how lazy you fuck wits are.


savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

Someone who has no clue about aperture and how cameras work fuels low-IQ conspiracy theorist morons like you.

If it were fake, why not just add a bunch of stars?

savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

the sun takes less time to travel around the earth

What makes a person this stupid?

savman -1 points ago +2 / -3

doctorate in photoshop

lol, ha ha, ho hee, that is rich.

savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Light from stars travels billions of years yet somehow people on the other side of your flat disc don't see the sun 24 hours a day.

You are seriously a fucking idiot.

savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

(he) let Nancy Pelosi and a cabal of lying jews like Nadler and Schiff impeach him twice.

No, that is a dumb thing to say. How did he 'let' them? He was extremely condescending and, time after time, called out the shit show that was the Demoncratic party.

Trump was also too pussy to ever take control over the DOJ

I don't know about pussy, but we can agree he hired the wrong loyalists. The deep state is a very real thing that can persuade presidents to act in certain ways.

You think Biden is in control? Not on your life.

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