The thread you wish to debate is if man has the intelligence to invent rockets that can propel people into low earth orbit
i sincerely have no wish to debate anything, ever. i only seek discussion and the earnest and collaborative pursuit of truth. if i am wrong, i should like to know it and how to demonstrate it; how about yourself?
i do not doubt that man has the intelligence to invent rockets (thousands of years old). i doubt the existence of orbit, writ large, and hence no rocket - no matter how sophisticated or intelligent the inventor - can ever achieve it. it is not coincidence that orbit began, historically, as contrived fiction and today can ONLY be seen on television.
If you do not have such faith, then you are of low intelligence
it's quite the opposite! those of low intelligence and knowledge are the most likely to rely on superstition/belief/faith/mythology/religion. they do this precisely because they lack the knowledge and/or ability to understand (“low intelligence” as you put it). only a fool believes what they ought to know! faith/belief is the enemy of all knowledge and objective study of any kind (it’s called bias).
The thread you wish to debate is if man has the intelligence to invent rockets that can propel people into low earth orbit.
If you do not have such faith, then you are of low intelligence and, therefore, a waste of time. Refer to my last post as to why.
Hes not debating you.
i sincerely have no wish to debate anything, ever. i only seek discussion and the earnest and collaborative pursuit of truth. if i am wrong, i should like to know it and how to demonstrate it; how about yourself?
i do not doubt that man has the intelligence to invent rockets (thousands of years old). i doubt the existence of orbit, writ large, and hence no rocket - no matter how sophisticated or intelligent the inventor - can ever achieve it. it is not coincidence that orbit began, historically, as contrived fiction and today can ONLY be seen on television.
it's quite the opposite! those of low intelligence and knowledge are the most likely to rely on superstition/belief/faith/mythology/religion. they do this precisely because they lack the knowledge and/or ability to understand (“low intelligence” as you put it). only a fool believes what they ought to know! faith/belief is the enemy of all knowledge and objective study of any kind (it’s called bias).