savman 0 points ago +1 / -1


Could be anything from bad film, processing, compression, decompression, loss in photoshop, or 1,000 more ways. Then again, it could be reflections off Kubrick's glasses.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don't exist. You are nothing. You are a loser. You are pathetic. You are dumb as a rock.

savman -2 points ago +1 / -3

you don't know it's speed, altitude, size or shape.

No, YOU don't know because you're a fucking idiot. The rest of the world knows ya fucking loser.

Just because you are an idiot, does not make the rest of the world one too. You live in a fantasy camp for idiots.

Kill yourself now.

savman 0 points ago +2 / -2

oceanic cables versus satellites.

Jesus christ, you guys are fucking dumb. Have you no comprehension of how slow satellite internet is? Have you not researched the COST and the SPEED????

99.999% of all communications are using undersea cables because it's a fraction of the cost of launching and maintaining a satalight.

Fuck, you guys are beyond pathetic. Just lazy dolts who don't know shit.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

11:10 - yeah fuck wits - if the earth were flat, radio signals would prevail since it would be far cheaper than laying cables. They just detected radio signals from a distant galaxy, so we know radio signals travel extremely far -especially in a vacuum of space.

But since there is this annoying curve in the earth, radio signals have to bounce off the stratosphere to get around the earth, which is hit-and-miss. Any amateur radio operator will tell you such.

Sometimes you just have to face the facts that flat earthers are the biggest fucking douchbags out there. Completely incompetent shit for brains, morons.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lol, you idiot. You can't name on scientist, so you just ignore my challenge. I win, you lose. Moron. Get a fucking life or at least know when the entire educated world is on my side, and you have no one except a bunch of children in their mommies' basement poo pooing things you are too ignorant to understand. Fucking cow pattie.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe just consider the mere possibility

No, reality does not work that way. You'll need to do better than filibuster false claims. Equally stupid is you and me arguing. So just tell me one accredited scientist that supports your claims, and I will take a look. Very simple.

Global warming has actual climate scientists as anthropogenic skeptics.

Medical doctors with degrees in medicine have vaccine skeptics.

Who are the scientists that support flat earth?

savman -1 points ago +1 / -2


savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your claims are laughable and cannot be proven whatsoever. Just give up, you are embarrassing yourself.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

there are no probes that orbited saturn or jupiter

Simpleton. What motivates you to claim such nonsense? You got high and watched some other low-IQ jackass tell you so?

I suppose there is no Hubble telescope, either.

If you idiots only had ONE person of science to support you, you might have a case. Still, seriously, you don't have one person who has a degree in physics, astronomy, earth sciences or any other such degree, claim you are correct. You only have uneducated Youtubers.

savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

So let's just ignore all the planetary probes like Voyager we have sent, and they have all sent back thousands of photos. Oh, what's the fucking point, you'll just claim it's all CGI or some other low IQ stuff.

What's it like to be a moron?

savman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Jesus christ you fucking idiots are like children. WE HAVE SEEN THE OTHER SIDE!!! it is 100% mapped, cataloged and readily available to view anytime you want. We just sent Armatis and for the first time the moon and earth are in the same image!!

For fuck sake.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

who has watched it

Just for giggles, I clicked your video and the first thing I see is at: 56:45

"The simulator is so close to the real thing there is no way...."

When the reality is that while Apollo 11 landed on the moon, there were 10 earlier Apollos and in fact Apollo 10 filmed the exact track 11 landed on. The film was used in the simulator and gave them ample time to practice.

So, once again, people like you and the fuck sticks that make these videos are working on a fraction of information and are in fact 1000% incorrect because they just do not have the intelligence to know how we got to and landed on the moon.

savman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, cause they don't fuck wit.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

So how do you know its massive gas giant?

If you had an education, you would know what spectroscopy is. But because you are old, stupid and unwilling to read challenging books above a great 5 level, you cower in the corner, afraid of the unknown because your brain is too smooth to understand it. You simply cannot understand the size and magnitude of the ball upon which you sit, so your limited IQ resorts to only understanding what you can see instead of what others have gone on to learn. I am sad for you. To go through your entire life thinking the only plausible explanation is in fact, wholly and undeniably incorrect simply because you are too lazy and dumb to do anything but validate your ego with other equally dumb people.

savman 0 points ago +1 / -1

You'll never know for sure.

savman 18 points ago +19 / -1

You just figured out Reddit is a communist cesspool just now?

Sorry it took you so long. I gave up years ago.

savman -5 points ago +1 / -6

Considering you think this post is somehow nefarious or wrong, I'd say you were the puppet. Your strings are people that push conspiracy theories where none exist.

savman -6 points ago +1 / -7

Yeah, so brave of you to chastise her as a puppet considering 1) it is against the rules for someone not recognized to shout at another representative and 2) the guy saying this to her is standing right beside her. 3) the woman is a temporary chairperson receiving instructions on house rules.

What you are advocating for is a house of parliament rules where members can shout at their counterparts.

Learn the rules and then make an informed statement.

savman 1 point ago +7 / -6

Another fucking moronic post by an OP who does not know shit.

This video only shows the woman who is an ACTING chair. The male speaking is NOT on an earpiece, he is standing RIGHT BESIDE HER!! He is the Sergeant-at-Arms and is there to push the rules.

You guys are fucking idiots.

savman 1 point ago +4 / -3

Machines do not have opinions or create facts from thin air. The chat AI rewrites content that it collects and disseminates. It may appear to be smart, but it just extracts contents from various sources, knows regular expressions and language and then re-writes things, so it avoids plagiarizing.

The above content is nothing new.


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