redwhiteblue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soros only has a net worth of $6.7B and the supposed dead billionaire would have had to have had a net worth of $35B.

redwhiteblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe. They also might be "culling the herd" of old people because of their demographic and supply chain issues. Lots of people are convinced the CCP is going to collapse this decade because they don't have enough young people to take care of an aging population . They seam to completely ignore the fact that it's totalitarian regime that doesn't have an issue genociding their own people I could also see them simply letting the elderly escape to become a burden on Western countries.

redwhiteblue 9 points ago +9 / -0

I ran the photo through photo forensics tools and the sores don't appear to have been added via photoshop. If it's shopped, somebody took a lot of time trying to make it look like it wasn't. Your typical meme maker doesn't have the skills or interest to hide their editing this well. In my non-profession opinion, it looks like he has cold sores, not monkeypox.

redwhiteblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

They claim he hit is head, said he was fine, and died unexpectedly from CTE days later Sooo? Covid Vax? CIA/Mossad killed him because he was an Epstein loose end? That picture is of four comics and Jess Ross, the worst comic of the bunch, is the only one still alive. Coincidence or clue?

redwhiteblue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many in the libertarian party are wishy-washy on this issue too. Once a company gets so big that has to effectively bribe government officials to stay in business, it has become part of the corporatocracy that is our government. Forcing publishers to publish content they don't believe in is idiotic and wrong. Forcing a large mega-corporation platform with a de facto monopoly that gets CDA 230 protection to not censor speech, is recognizing the fact government and megacorps are very intertwined in the US. Politically, I am closest to libertarian but disagree with caucuses that push the idea that corporations like Google and Twitter should be free to censor. I believe Twitter is only free to censor if it gives up its platform status and the CDA 230 protection it provides. If Twitter did that, it would quickly be sued out of existence because it was used to coordinate violent riots that killed people and did billions of dollars of damage. The only way we should let businesses get CDA 230 protection is if they are held to the same requirements the US government has to not restrict speech.

redwhiteblue 3 points ago +3 / -0

It can be used for food. Most field or dent corn is used for animal feed and ethanol. We do eat a small percentage after it has been processed (unedible raw). We turn it into foods like corn syrup, tortillas, chips, cereals, and grits/polenta.

by pkvi
redwhiteblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, they could make the error on the calculation zero. However, they would have to count 100 million-plus cases instead of 32K. That is much more expensive and time-consuming and completely unnecessary. The slightly better result doesn't change what you learn from the calculation. 95.5% is basically the same result as 94.5% and that's the worst case. Most of the time it will be much closer to the result you would get if you count every case. I am only debating your assertion that the 32K sample is a red flag to fuckery. The actual study could be complete garbage. I don't know. However, they did have the good sense to use a sample size calculation that has been widely understood by scientists to be acceptable for hundreds of years.

by pkvi
redwhiteblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Why only 32867"

The sample size is big enough to get the error down to +/-.5%. That is, they are certain with 99% confidence that the actual value is between 94.5% and 95.5% for the Modern vax. If they doubled the sample size to 64K, it would only reduce the error to +/- .25% Being within half a percent is good enough.

Explanation of how statisticians calculate sample size ->
