meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's also the narrative being pushed by the press that Salvador Ramos was bullied in school because of his clothes, which lead to him withdrawing from school.

So apparently this kid can afford an F-250, weapons, and tactical gear at the age of 18, but the press wants us to believe he couldn't afford clothes which is what lead him on a murder spree.

meme_kat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Atrazine, look it up. University of California, Berkley did the study.

meme_kat 5 points ago +5 / -0

Here's the video



Someone should tweet that at @elonmusk even though she doesn't work at Twitter anymore.

Australian... makes sense now.

Most of the authoritarian wet dreams of the WEF and of five eyes surveillance state are pushed through Australia first.

Putting backdoors in encryption, requiring users give up passwords, geofencing lockdowns, covid camps.

It's an authoritarian state controlled by the WEF, just like New Zealand and Canada.

Australian eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman called for a “recalibration” of free speech while speaking on a panel during the opening day of the World Economic Forum, Monday.

Inman discussed the prospect of re-envisaging what freedom of speech means, while speaking on a May 23rd panel for the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting in Davos focused on “Ushering in a Safer Digital Future.”

Inman, who also served as the Director of Public Policy for Twitter in Australia and South East Asia, explained how “we’re going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights”:

“We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere, and everything feels binary when it doesn’t need to be – so I think we’re going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online – from freedom of speech, to be free from online violence. Or the right of data protection, to the right of child dignity.”

Prior to running Australia’s Office of the eSafety Commissioner, Inman worked for other big tech companies in addition to Twitter including Microsoft. From 2009 to 2012, she served as the Global Director of Privacy and Internet Safety for the company, which was founded by leading WEF participant Bill Gates.

meme_kat 12 points ago +12 / -0


Reddit has the thenationalpulse.com on a site wide filter.

The best you can do is take a screenshot and upload that if you intend to share over there.

Reddit banned submissions from thenationalpulse.com domain in the Fall of 2020 after they published leaked audio from Hunter Biden's laptop where he admitted he was in business deals with China


meme_kat 13 points ago +13 / -0


18 U.S. Code § 1507 - Picketing or parading

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

meme_kat 6 points ago +7 / -1

Democrats have been rigging elections for decades.

The question isn't whether they engage in it, the question is whether the level of fraud committed is enough to reach the desired outcome with a Democrat in office.. Democrats employ fraudulent election tactics especially at the national level.

Republicans have been known to engage in fraud too, but nowhere near the same level.

The only reason Trump won in 2016 is national Democrats, the DNC, and their financiers believed their own rigged polls and propaganda that Hillary would win while underestimating overwhelming public support behind Trump that was tired of warmonging psychopaths like Hillary Clinton.

Democrats did not rig the 2016 election enough through various means to compensate for the support behind Trump which lead to him winning followed by four years of establishment interference by way of leaks, 'investigations' and attacks to prevent his administration from being able to institute large changes. He couldn't be prevented from taking office, so the next best outcome was crippling his admin with manufactured attacks, distractions and innuendo from 'anonymous sources'.

meme_kat 5 points ago +6 / -1

Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party had 'Brown Shirts'

Mussolini's National Fascist Party had 'Black Shirts'

The Democrat Party has similar youth brigades used for intimidation and violent extremism except at this stage they are not directly funded by the government but by people pulling strings and financing behind the scenes like Soros

meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Disinformation Governance Board leader Jennifer Daskal has at least three connections to Soros. Daskal previously served as an Open Society Institute fellow “working on issues related to privacy and law enforcement access to data across borders.” Daskal also worked as senior counterterrorism counsel for the anti-Semitic Human Rights Watch. HRW received at least $32,106,746 from Soros between 2000 and 2014 alone. Daskal was also founding editor of the Just Security blog. Soros’ Open Society Foundations gave $675,000 to Just Security between 2017 and 2019.

Daskal’s involvement with the censorship board fits right in with the Soros agenda. Soros has been involved in funding a litany of so-called fact-checking operations, making the revelation of Daskal’s Soros-tie par for the course. Soros cash recipients includes The Poynter Institute’s left-wing International Fact-Checking Network, which decried YouTube’s “insufficient” censorship, and the U.K.-based Full Fact, which tried to swat down the idea of COVID-19 leaking from a lab in February, 2020 while knowledge of the pathogen was still rare.

by DrLeaks
meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0

This isn't mentioned nearly enough

meme_kat 9 points ago +9 / -0


  • State and municipal governments won't prosecute looters

  • Businesses and employees are liable if they 'harm' anyone in the act of theft

More and more businesses are forced to shutdown in large Democrat controlled cities as the cost of theft makes turning a profit impossible. Large corporate retail chains are pulling out of metro areas.

In response the looters have begun targeting retail stores in suburbs.


Shoplifters wipe out Walgreens in Millbrae, a safe and nice city near San Francisco. Exclusive video from Asian Crime Report and SFSTREETS415.

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