jubyeonin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Funny enough, it's actually (((Corporis))). He's been following me to downvote everything in my Overview for almost two months now. He did it before that but stopped after a while and came back to doing it.

jubyeonin 3 points ago +5 / -2

The New World Order is a jewish plan. It's in their genetics and religion. They can't resist projection, pretending to be human, and/or not harming or killing anyone.


I haven't seen Europa: The Last Battle, but everyone swears by it.

jubyeonin 0 points ago +2 / -2

Angry jew. You are all leftists. All you do is project.

jubyeonin 0 points ago +2 / -2

Retreat to your safe space, Shlomo!

jubyeonin 0 points ago +3 / -3

It's been nice knowing you. You're my favorite Democrat.

jubyeonin 1 point ago +2 / -1

It also becomes less effective with the hormone foods in hormone containers.

OP's point was that women now don't know the basics of birth control.

jubyeonin 0 points ago +3 / -3

There's usually some issue with this because there are some changes to the menstrual cycle. Birth control pills can correct it, but abortionists don't like using them. If the woman gives herself extra days just in case, it should decrease chances of pregnancy even more if they don't use the pills. It's just that some women are just whores that wouldn't be able to track it anyway or wouldn't add more days for precaution or they are abortionists looking to get pregnant so they can kill their children.

It doesn't help that women think this this is set and they have it under control and all the crap the NWO puts in food causes them to start early or late. Some of those women have some responsibility at first but it goes out the window once they start freaking out and the media tells them to have an abortion because "muh clump of cells".

jubyeonin 3 points ago +4 / -1

He has four accounts and spams blocks of his garbage. Any normie or smoothbrain upvoting any one of them will push it into Rising and Hot, so more normies and smoothbrains will upvote those posts. If he's desperate, he will use his other accounts to give himself a boost or delete and repost his blocks to bury the good posts. He also follows everyone who exposes him and downvotes all the posts and comments in the Overview.

The mods keep letting this jew control the stories here. This place is compromised.

jubyeonin 2 points ago +3 / -1

I can already tell (((Corporis))) doesn't like this nasty physical beast, dude.

jubyeonin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Then there is a problem with your browser formatting. The website works fine on mobile. Rotating on your profile moves the regular overview to the left side and brings up stats and your subscriptions on the right. Also try using communities.win without style and without the official mobile mode.

jubyeonin 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think he's just hedging his bets on when the vaxxers will start dying. Their organs are becoming mush.

jubyeonin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Rotate your phone to see it. (((Corporis))) has been caught deleting and reposting his posts to "reset" his points and bury stories. This makes a difference regardless of the karma points.

jubyeonin 1 point ago +2 / -1

You can see points, but they don't matter as much. I think these are spite downvotes. When he gets desperate, he does use his other accounts. He tries to bury the truth and promote whatever Zion tells him to promote.

jubyeonin 1 point ago +2 / -1

There's an account on TheDonald that has a similar name and spams this website. It's apparently delayed news to get clicks. The mods have pinned it repeatedly after users have reported it. They even activate their downvote bots if they see you call it out. They own a handful of sites that they spam. This one is also bundled with a few others. Known spam bots spam this one and a few other websites from the mod that owns them.

by xihg
jubyeonin 1 point ago +3 / -2

A 2.1 earthquake messes up my plates sometimes in California. That's some amazing technology they have other there in Ukraine. They should sell it so they won't need any more handouts.

jubyeonin 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not Barry. Barry was also a puppet. The guy is a retard but people are still somehow under the impression he is a genius.

by DrLeaks
jubyeonin 2 points ago +3 / -1

He went from a movie supervillain to a 90s Saturday morning cartoon villain.

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