That wheel looks like the crossection of a fossilized plant to me, assuming the stories are true.
I agree there will be major consequences for the pole shift, especially solar radiation-wise, but I don't think humans will die off.
They've already been doing this. I think it's more to reduce American productivity. Notice the open jobs vs those preferring to stay home and avoid work.
They're destroying the American work ethic which has made us the most powerful country in the world.
1/6 has to be one of the weakest "coup" attempts in history.
The leftists literally got in the faces of sitting congressmen back in 2018 in relation to the Kavanagh hearings yet we heard nothing about a coup.
1/6 had the police standing down essentially allowing the "attackers" access to government buildings. The single supposed death by shooting looked like a setup situation. The other was from some underlying condition.
The entirety of 1/6 has been blown out or proportion for leftist political gain. It should be ignored.
Be proud you came from the deep end of the gene pool