intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +2 / -0

My best friend in high school was Navajo. When the topic of skinwalkers came up, he went from chill to dead serious / nervous - and he wouldn’t talk about them.

Video lines up with what I understand from the Book of Enoch.

intellectual-darkweb 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I show you what look like big bones and tell you they’re from giant lizards called dinosaurs, and you believe me, there is a lot of fun I can have with you.

intellectual-darkweb 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is it that the Biden admin withholding weapons from Israel is a campaign ad for Trump? Sounds more like a campaign ad for Biden.

More people waking up to the shadow of Zionism.

intellectual-darkweb 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think the community interpretation is what got off the rails. “Trust the plan” was never meant to make us sit around. It was meant to motivate people to (peaceful, investigative) action. But everyone wanted some hero, and they tried to one-up each other by datefagging etc.

intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +3 / -1

I get on GAW frequently. It has become a place for memes and one-ups. I remember when the Isaac Kappy dead man switch was released. There was a flurry of research, etc. Digging unit rabbit holes and investigating threads. That sort of behavior is mostly gone.

I generally agree with your assessment here.

intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +3 / -1

What Q is/was and what the community think it is/was are two very different things. If you look at just what Q said, it makes sense and I think it’s possibly a white-hat operation. To be honest, several recent events only make sense to me through that lense.

“Trust the plan” never meant “sit by and do nothing.” Multiple times Q instructs or implies that anons are super important for ‘the plan’. “Military is the only way” got interpreted as “the military will save us all.” I don’t think that’s what Q meant. I think the context for several statements became corrupted by the community.

I’m open to the possibility of feuding factions within the black hats - with Trump/Q being a lesser evil black hat or something, but besides those two possibilities no other theory makes sense to me.

Why would globohomos expose themselves as Luciferians? How would waking up a bunch of people serve their agenda? If you say, “It’s too late and they’re toying with us,” then I would say these black hats have a huge weakness: arrogance (which I know they already have in spades). If this is the explanation then it’s not too late. Either way our enemy has a huge weakness.

God wins.

intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +2 / -0

Back when comedy could be comedy

intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you live in the desert, like me, store water.

intellectual-darkweb 4 points ago +4 / -0

The lesson every kid learns on day 1 of school, regardless of who is teaching or what is being taught: “I’m forced to do something I don't like for 8 hours every day for the rest of my life. I’m a slave of the system.” A consumer-slave is born.

“Unschooling” is the natural way of learning. See John Taylor Gatto, John Holt.

intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was this a prank someone from this forum played on TIME?

by pkvi
intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. The atonement is deeply ingrained in the Bible, even if it doesn’t call it that in the Old Testament. Paul did not invent the concept.

intellectual-darkweb 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree - at least in the beginning. Reading about their rituals, some accounts make it sound like they get off on this stuff - blood, gore, brutality, severe abuse … I think not understanding makes you a regular human.

That’s the one thing about psychopaths: by definition, they will never understand us - and by definition we will never understand them …

intellectual-darkweb 1 point ago +1 / -0

How did pre-1990’s humans get the GPS coordinates so perfect on Stonehenge? Whoever built it was very precise - and they did it decades before we had GPS.

intellectual-darkweb 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who constructed Stonehenge then, with GPS accuracy we didn't acquire until the 1990's? The quarry, monument and an associated structure (forgot the name) form a perfect 5/12 triangle miles in length. This is just one example of intra- and inter-continent alignment with precise GPS coordinates - constructed well before the 1990's.

The great tomb inside the Giza pyramid has GPS coordinates that are precisely the speed of light.

There are what appear to be nano machines found several feet underneath a lake in Russia.

We still don't understand how some of the Romans; technology, like certain aqueducts, worked.

Why is this so? None of this raises any skepticism about textbook history?

intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anons are meant to think critically.

Are some lemmings that latch on to every date thrown around by the community? Yes.

Are some independent thinkers who dig, dig, and dig some more for information, and at least attempt to sift through it critically? Yes.

by pkvi
intellectual-darkweb 2 points ago +2 / -0

Revelations is right again.

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