by DrLeaks
glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

>“Black and Brown people” (sic) are way overrepresented as bike thieves



glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, i thought conspiracists had figured out she died in December '21.

glownigger8675309 13 points ago +13 / -0

yep. i've been physically attacked twice by covidiots' and lost dozens of friends, some I;ve known since the 80's. there's a whole industry I spent 15 years in that is now closed to me because of the prevalence of covidiots.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

i'm glad i scrolled down to the bot notification on the tmor post. those people are nuts.

good job for triggering them, OP.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

liposomal C and intra-venous vit C are supposed to have anti-cancer effects

iirc, NAC also has anti-cancer effects. probably anything that helps cellular repair fights cancer by default.

iirc, earthing. lol, probably the sheer amount of joy from squeezing dirt between one's toes simply overwhelms tumours with positive energy :)

not really a cure, and there's a surprising lack of studies on this approach, but dying often stops cancer from spreading.

by pkvi
glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

hiring 87,000 traitorous parasites willing to become armed agents of the state acting against their fellow Citizens is prep for the arrival of this in the U.S.

by pkvi
glownigger8675309 -1 points ago +1 / -2

"we have to balkanize"

no, Patriotic Americans need to get their shit together and deal with the parasites causing all this.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

even Jesus had a point where His righteous anger boiled over.

though, in our society, moneychangers are worshipped, so the fact even Jesus had a line that could be crossed doesn't get focused on too much.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

works down the hall from me :)

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +4 / -0

those kind of statements are outright irresponsible if true. if one has information that is immediately relevant to people's safety, YOU DON'T FUCKING SIT ON IT FOR A WEEK!!!!!

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been sober for about 5 years now

congrats on finding a better path :)

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

this is not normal

the death of a 30-something or that face?

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

>Tann had designs on a career in the law, but her father deemed that profession too “masculine” for his only daughter.

>Tann had designs on a career in the law

...but went into kidnapping children instead. Apparently, those aren't dissimilar professions. After my personal xp with both cops and DA's, I'm unironically not surprised.

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +4 / -0

>Zombie world approaches?

I believe this could be a mechanism for such a thing to happen. I theorized a bit here:

I'd be curious to know how the not-clot structures/proteins interact with different fungii.

by pkvi
glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

If residents of border states aren't going to be allowed to do what it takes to stop a goddamn INVASION, then send those immigrants to the fucks who want "diversity". Let those mo-fo's pay for the services and put up with the health needs and/or criminal behavior.

The gas money the local/state govt spends is significantly less than the cost of letting those INVADERS stay in our communities.

and some of those dumbasses who voted for and/or support this shit are waking up.

glownigger8675309 4 points ago +4 / -0

no punishment great enough for those that knowingly pushed the false covid narrative and/or the harmful vaccines.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

i can't sit thru hollywood/MSM entertainment anymore. once one starts to wake up, it really feels like programming.

glownigger8675309 3 points ago +3 / -0

i would be thoroughly unsurprised if all the screencaps i post are LARPs. however, it would surprise me even less if the LARPs were uncannily accurate descriptions of stuff actually going on, or at the very least, nibbling around the edges of actual stuff.

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

tbh, whether or not Kyrie knows he's being allowed to speak such, the media's [[[owners]]] are allowing such speech

glownigger8675309 2 points ago +2 / -0

doctors and nursing staff gonna have a bad time when the covid narrative corrodes so far it catastrophically fails under the weight of blind trust willful ignorance, and NPC's find themselves falling into the sea of reality.

NPC's will react as [[[TPTB]]] expect, and a solution will be presented.

glownigger8675309 1 point ago +1 / -0

the students aren't ok with it. there's a twitter thread from one saying how no one wants to call bullshit because whoever speaks up will be hassled by admin.

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