dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

propaganda, repeating the big lie.

dodgy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Germany gave jews free passage to leave to Palestine, and take their wealth with them. The jews that refused to take that offer had work camps.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure there are some tolerable jews, but it is like pit bulls; we have all known some good dogs, but you aren't going to let them all near your children.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

There lies the jews problem. They immigrate to a country, refuse to assimilate, destabilize at every opportunity, and then hide behind the countries laws and say 'I have rights'. The evictions will continue until the uppity attitude changes.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you tell degenerate trash they are not welcome and they need to leave, and you give them a deadline, and free passage to safety, is it really genocide, or more like a Jonestown experience where they mass suicide?

[edit] My bad, that was a poor response. It is not on me to judge if people are trash. That is dehumanising language. I get those people had families and might have built businesses, much like the whites in South Africa right now, they have roots and do not want to leave, but are in a perilous situation. The problem with jews is they think they are better than everybody else, and look down on us as goyem to be exploited like farm animals.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the figure is 90% less (or any other percent)than six million, perhaps this should be talked about, not made illegal to discuss.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The lack of bodies is one aspect that brings doubt to the official numbers. We see some huge pits filled with bodies, but nowhere near six million. And why bury some and cremate others. Why use resources to cremate remains when mass burial would be sufficient? A nation at war and having difficulties maintaining supply lines to their troops would go to so much effort for people they wished to genocide?

The census numbers of jews in Europe before and after the war do not add up to a genocide.

The main campaign commanders Churchill, Patton and de Gaulle wrote books after the war and did not mention genocide.

So for me there is no gotcha moment , just enough doubt to counter the accepted story that I think that jews exploited the fog of war and peoples good will and naivety to craft a story that they could milk for advantages.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't keep sources and infograms as evidence personally, it just isn't that important to me. You have free will, you can believe what you like and I have no urge to convince you to think like I do.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

You didn't form a proper question. "So what's the evidence then?' has no context.

Ask a complete question and myself or someone else may be able to answer it for you.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

you disprove a negative with evidence

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is funny that we are arguing the semantics of gas properties, when the reality is that there was no euthanasia by gas in the German camps, the rooms were used for delousing just like a modern prison or boot camp, to stop the spread of disease.

Just clever jewish lies to garner sympathy, power and a homeland.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get you, but there are other factors at play. At a pig abattoir the pigs are in revolving gondolas and lowered into an unsealed pit of carbon dioxide to get rendered unconscious. That only works because CO2 is denser than air, if it was lighter than air it would float away and disperse.

dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tricksy jews! That video made the deception so much clearer, thanks.

dodgy 2 points ago +2 / -0

The shower block at Auschwitz-Birkenau camp had wooden doors. Jews say the showers pumped poisonous gas and not water through the pipes. Wooden doors are not air tight and would allow poisonous gas to leak out and kill guards and staff.

dodgy 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you consider that the virus was made in a lab, then most likely the people were working on a vaccine as well.

The whole purpose was to sell a vaccine, and that the virus was no worse than the flu does not change the fact that almost every country in the world bought a shit load of vaccine and made big pharma a fortune.

The vaccine was ready to be produced, the companies just needed the go ahead. Whether Trump is just a braggart that wanted to take credit for a vaccine that was ready to roll off the production line, or he was shown another angle of the JFK assassination and told to play ball or he was next, it doesn't matter, it was going to happen anyway.

dodgy 6 points ago +6 / -0

The 'safe and effective' campaign got my senses tingling. Firstly that we all heard it so many more times than was natural, and second that you can not possibly call a new drug safe when it hasn't completed its human trials.

I was at wait and see, but when I got bombarded with safe and effective I knew that shit was never going to enter my body willingly.

dodgy 3 points ago +3 / -0

In their communist utopia, sex work is the only way they can put food ion the table so it is good training.

by DrLeaks
dodgy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Low IQ freaks. This guy could have cleaned up with insider trading tips, but instead acts like a common thief

dodgy 3 points ago +4 / -1


dodgy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anybody naming the jew and disrupting their business is putting the message out there. I think too many people are chasing dopamine hits on social media to pay attention to the message.

Kanye dropped a truth bomb, but the jew apparatus is so good at lighting spot fires to take attention away.

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