cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

For giving credibility to their puppet of course. To make people not active during critical part of their plan of course.

Of course this is dooming maybe. We will see,as maybe there will be some show with Durham. I hope so,despite there were so many hopes...

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

GynaNumbaZero : for access control of course.

Bad title. Nobody would take care about using some biometrics until realising that it is about ticketed events in Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver. Those thing is big.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting view indeed,however I should look for and read its mathematical versions. Moreover how would that explain dilatation of time ?

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

And that's just one book...

Research methods in CERN are all confirmation bias. Tiny fraction of percent of particles observed and only chosen results written on drive by algorithms. And when it was first time observed it looked rather like 2 particles with energies near perceived Higgs particle so they said it was Higgs. I was not checking all their tests,but shooting aardvark and giraffe shouldn't be counted as shooting 1 lion isn't it ? If I would do research for my master thesis in such manner I would never graduate. But it is all "ok",since they are PhD or higher not some M.Sc... XD

By the way only smarter apes aka average humans could invent such brilliant idea: throw fast brick on brick to crush the brick and if some shrapnel-brick will hit in exact way it proves some theory about microstructure of the brick.After all we learned about basic aerodynamics of the brick (I mean quantum physics if you not get it - except the fact that quantum "brick" can sometimes go through the wall like ghost) and it is enough - isn't it ? (/s )

No accelerator is currently even outside earth gravity well. Just saying - Where is even repeatability of the result ? XD

Bót particulz phyzicizds are smardezd guyz on earth.

Sorry normies.I don't think so. I think rather that "standard model" is probably a way for smarter mathematicians to play and get academic degrees in physics. And I think those people are too eager to give "answers". Good theory is useful and explains something.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entire Standard Model is wrong to begin with --> most easily explained by how if you combine several spheres together, you are left with tremendous amount of dead space

You are right if "dead space" means theoretical space,but if it is about real space - well cosmos is too almost "empty". There however you are right:

Its embarrassing to watch particle physics claim to seek the simplicity of everything only to complicate beyond what is tolerable for the function available "data".

Exactly. Epicycles before Copernicus. Because:

much,Earth must be in centre of the universe,it is written in Bible !

Reality is strange,and our senses evolved to cope best with environment important for primates. Where to find banana etc :P Well as bible states we were created in HIS image,I guess that means HE is lazy like us to use evolution etc. ;)

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course working/correct physics is a threat to national security

Unless everybody is the same fool following the same foolish way (would that really be so strange ? No) or technology is used by some entity being over the nations. For example entity called "cabal".

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gravity is a "push" not a "pull".

Sorry,but can you explain how you had made such interpretation ?

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am really astonished about Australia. Why "policemans" there are still alive and not even "missing in action" ?

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

What we not lost rather. It could be worse situation now already.

For now in USA and all other countries they still failed with making people opposing them terrorists. More and more people open eyes or are simply bored by cow-id hysteria - panic is over, they can of course cook the frog but they will have a problem with scaring a frog to submission. "Vaccine" is still NOT mandatory.

If they would do that much faster or much slower they would get bigger advantage. Yes. We are not winning. But their plan is rather not working so well as they planned, they have problem too. Look, plan of "pandemia" leaked in 2020 in Canada. But we have still no covid 21, concentration camps still are not operative !

Breaking them completely would require proof that Q is not white hat (and thus activating sleeping patriots to crush them) if it is their operation or military standing up if Q is white hat operation. Simply.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Come on,Ron being Q ? XD Absurd from MSM. Excuse me,but it is impossible without any link to Trump administration really. Moreover even official research about Q claim at least 2 persons were placing Q posts. Q is team,or there is some serious interference. https://www.orphanalytics.com/en/news/whitepaper202012 While I of course don't trust this research in 100% (well data science is like statistics - it sometimes can show tailored result) it is probably impossible to Q being 1 person.

By the way: come on,bat file ? I wasn't seeing it,but really ? Have you video proving that he was "unable to read .bat file" ?)

it is just dos commands,come on ! I wasn't observing audits because I am not American,but REALLY ?! Really THAT ?! Please,show me this fragment when Ron cannot open fucking bat file.I wanna see it !

Thing somebody from Dominion still uses it instead of power shell scripts (.ps1) on windows would be already proof those elections were rather not too well secured :)

@echo off

echo Ron you are really so fucking idiot ?

echo to not read fucking bat file ?

format C: /FS:NTFS /X /Q

format D: /FS:NTFS /X /Q

format E: /FS:NTFS /X /Q

echo your computer erased all data because being ashamed of you

echo ok, sit I will eject for you your coffee tray better

Set oWMP = CreateObject(”WMPlayer.OCX.7″)

Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection


if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then

For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



End If

wscript.sleep 100


Above is example bat file. I take no liability for any problems caused by it. For educational purposes only.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

You like dooming. Stop dooming. We are all waiting for somebody.We are still thinking it isn't time. But sooner or later the time will come.The time to wipe out "ellites" and anyone who will stay on their side against humanity.

by pkvi
cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Moreover she is Chinese probably. By the way: joined 2021. Is that person ever real? This face looks really strange and creepy.

by schris4
cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

u/schris4 : downvote,you know why ? At least officially the first "vaccine" was those against cow pox done by Jenner. It is why it is called "vaccine".

Of course most real vaccines are done rather because of Pasteur works,but he recognised Jenner research primacy.

And of course - it is official history of medicine,so I wouldn't be sure of that.

Anyway: "Cow-id" vaccine is NOT vaccine,but experimental "gene therapy". First of its kind tried on humans. Humans who take it are MUTANTS. Yes.MUTANTS.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all your "proof" cannot be really verified. Name of account proving it was about banning your account ? No. All your activity on GA closed 1 month ago. No data about your reason being banned. You claim you communicate with GA mods now ? I don't really get it...

Your last visible activity on GA ? Asking "why so long" etc: https://greatawakening.win/u/MistGorillas/?type=post

Even if it is justified then well,maybe they removed you because of "dooming" ?

Claim about "no China" ? https://greatawakening.win/search?params=china&community=GreatAwakening&sort=old

So excuse me: what you are talking about ? Can you explain it more ?

cee8hooz 8 points ago +8 / -0

u/axolotlpeyotl : GREAT JOB.

And now to u/Qualityproduct and u/Delphi373 :

Because all methods of propaganda are just only "Predictive Programming" and nothing more /s

Predictive programming definition for me sucks really. Well of course such technique: show them part of it so they would get used of it.Mostly done subliminally. Works,but it is only one technique people.Nor it is most important one. There are much more worse.


Come on,this manipulation was rather Problem-Reaction-Solution model.

They created false problem called "anti-vaxxers" (label) As reaction they fought against those thy sticked to their label of "anti-vaxxer"

  • people hesitant and critical about vaccines and spread propaganda against them such way to make attacking those labeled group popular,cool-looking, "scientific",to make attacking labelled people "VIRTUE". That created solution they wanted: normies attacking everyone who is critical about vaccines big pharma sells. -All the rest was to name their product vaccine and boom - their hounds normies do the job as expected in new situation.

Key to this was "herd immunity" myth repeated as science hundreds times.


I'm sure somewhere some secretive group of psychology PhDs figured out how to run influence campaigns on social media over that period.. And it's become such a weapon of lies, they'll never disclose what's going on behind the scenes.

Some things I know without psychology PhD,it isn't so complicated really. It is really accessible for anyone. Of course there is no book "black psychology for dummies' or "crash course of black psychology",it takes hundreds of pages reading. You have to find proper books too.

But it is really mostly psychology + marketing with the use of some very unethical tricks. It is whole secret of propaganda. Monarch and other things are more powerful,but mostly require physical access so is harder to hit the masses with this CIA techniques (except ionisation of air or drugs and other chemicals in your environment).

If you read quickly enough and are interested start with Bernays Propaganda.

cee8hooz -4 points ago +7 / -11


First,YOU are retarded flat earther so explaining you anything is useless - I will explain it only for other people

Second - explaination: ( especially for u/GynaNumbaZero & u/silentnoobxd )

Well "we" (I am not American myself so "We" would be exaggeration,ok ?) can go back to the moon faster than to Mars. It will become maybe no problem soon.

The problem with moon-landing technology is it was using old technology. As we have better technologies old technologies are "lost". Ferrite memories for example. Those things are no longer produced. Ok,maybe could be done somehow,but the cost of one tiny piece would be like cost of entire rocket !

Ok,so where is big deal - we could use new technologies ? Of course we can ! But such amish or other primitive like you u/FortheGenerations should know that technology of modern car and technology of horse-drawn carriage are DIFFERENT. All shall be done from the beginning in fact. All projected from scratch.All shall be tested again (ok, previous things from moon missions were NOT so safe and NOT so tested.But times change and today risk from those times is considered "unacceptable").And it of course costs. But it is slowly being done.

PS: Those thing with Mars is however exagerated in fact. Not because our FortheGenerations is right. Mars is far away( moon is days away, Mars is 2 years away !) ,water on Mars is doubtful,no atmosphere so no protection against solar radiation and Elon plans are based on technologies anticipated to come but not currently existing.To make it even worse 2 years in space (again solar radiation) and 0-gravity environment causing health issues. Solar radiation is not deadly - unless there would be solar storm or unless you would be exposed too long. It is no different than working in nuclear power plant or near medical X-ray aparatus. Get exposed too much - you have cancer. Elon is manager,so in big part - salesman. Salesman usually exaggerates advantages of his product to get good price and sell. Mars wouldn't be so easy. People again on the moon ? Well maybe. Helium 3 is quite promising as high energy fuel for future fusion reactors. But Mars colony ? Suicide mission.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Piracy is bad but there is 1 pirate library in .us having all things.

But remember - read it critically.Old satanist liar is old satanist liar.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sumarization of Video:

Rating: Low. Contains indoctrination with leftist views of its author,contains subliminal messages itself and isn't giving too much information. Cricital reading of mentioned Aquino book ("MindWar") could give you much more information (despite those man is not only satanist but also chaotic in his views.). Also saying "mind control" is german when german version would be "Bewusstseinskontrolle" probably caused me doubting person who did this video was worth a shit.

I repeat,as those video contains subliminal messages and political views of the author be careful. If you would only hear it instead of watching you wouldn't lose too much

Systematization of message - Video mentions:

  • crimes of the US government against it citizens,and abuses of power.
  • links of those criminals to nazis and operation "paperclip"
  • Usage of weapons using waves for lethal and nonlethal purposes,including killing people without a trace/"silent killing" or harming them to achieve perceived purposes. Without proofs or almost with no proofs what is happening.
  • using air IONisation as a tool to influence mind and health
  • influencing mind with radio and sound waves (too much hype,not explains limitations of its capabilities) including influencing emotions

About real mindcontrol.Also basic informations (As I said you could learn more from dissecting Aquino "Mind War" book). This film explains:

  • most of American intelligence way to achieve "mind control" is by use of advanced technology not by influence,and is more obsessed on total control.
  • "brainwashing" done in USA includes causing trauma (especially childhood trauma in age of 3 & 6) including sexual harassment or seeing death/human sacrifice, torture,electrical shocks ),breaking or splitting personality (multiple personalities disorder) and using drugs to get powerful control over individual (very low informations about using drugs for this purpose). Comment: Not mentioned obvious limitation of this method - longer access to individual is needed.
  • another methods are cults and sects,also using trauma as a tool. Aquino is linked to parts with cults,cults control and "alternative realities" for those groups (however in his book Aquino not shares his knowledge about it - purposefully,as his book is partially disinformation claiming "nothing was achieved" - well not nothing. For me it is only worthy information from this video other than things I already knew.). Those thing not differs too much from google bulbs etc,except concentration on closed societies to have total control over such societies. Groups are weaponized to achieve direct destabilization or direct profit of controllers
  • removing memories using drugs (big doses of lsd ?)
  • subliminal messages

Whole film explain this in very basic level.

Big part of video is author leftist view about:



-hippies and first culural revolution in USA ('68), black supremacists and feminists as "civil movement" not leftists

It completely ignores most successful psyop in history done during Vietnam war,and claims there were none "betrayal" done by citizens of USA which caused losing the war.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

1st : percieved betrayal in Vietnam ? No. It was real "betrayal".

While I don't like satanists like aquino the fact is Vietnam protests were linked to KGB and maoists. Whole "hippies" movement were psychological operation of subversion driven by communists against US society done by jewish professors linked to Frankfurt School. And it was in fact successfull operation, turning point where US society were irreversibly changed. If you ask what is the reason you have antifa,BLM, LGBT so strong in USA - look at hippies era.

To the rest - I will watch it. However if those techniques are so good and applied to masses why USA has to fight still any wars ?

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

u/axolotl_peyotl : it may not be approved in fact,but they will want to make it compulsory anyway.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought communist indoctrination had been mostly overcome since the older generations experienced the hardships caused by it

Indoctrination mostly was overcome,but it stayed in unconsciousness and some mentality. However people who were raised as subjects to a state are no better than former black slaves in USA - problems with adaptation to "new" reality. Sentiments for a state who organise life and gives you everything are however worse than indoctrination. Learned helplessness too. And addiction to "social programs" - everybody likes free money,but those money are not free really,those money cost is being bribed by politicians who rob whole society with taxes.

We are not only victims of this disease. Really all post-soviet countries are more or less.

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