Is anyone old enough to remember "Baghdad Bob"?
Looks like he must have been 'turned' to the dark-side after his 'capture'.
Do you believe that, without conscription, the demographics of the US military will continue to be sufficiently "working-class and Southern" for long?
never break apart...go to both sides
Now there's a rub, because I firmly believe that this country is already set against itself to the point where support for only two identifiable 'sides' (as in Civil War I) is impossible.
Try it yourself: Assemble the following factions, belief-systems and "movements" into anything resembling the 1860s alignment: two compact, unified belligerent forces, that held an identifiable land-mass with interior supply-lines:
- Nation of Islam
- LaRaza
- 'Antifa'
- "Open-Borders"
- Right-to-Life / Right-to-Choose, single-issue zealots
- Gun-Control / Gun Rights, single-issue zealots
- The amorphous blob of 'militias' and "hwite supremists"
- Socialists / Communists / Anarchists / Libertarians / 'Progressives'
I think it's far more likely the will collapse to the point where it can no longer control the territory. You'll know that's occurred when those troops' paychecks start bouncing or are converted to some digital Zimbabwe-scrip. THEN you'll see whole units deserting and setting up fiefdoms, and a short period of "Mad Max" anarchy.
But once the formerly-united-States falls below the critical mass necessary to repel invaders, a long line of older, harder cultures with centuries-old grudges will move in to pick up the pieces.
Outside right-wing fantasy fiction, nobody believes "DA TROOPZ" are going to join in some populist uprising, whether or not some of them refused the clot-shot.
Go ahead, someone: Post an instance of a single US military unit refusing an order to engage US citizens, ever.
On the other hand there are abundant examples of the opposite. Here are a couple:
George S. Patton, Dwight Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur "cleaned up" the Bonus Army. No record of desertions in those units. This probably had a great influence on the sheep-like behavior of the "greatest generation" when they were told to turn their gold over to the government.
Also, under Billy Mitchell the US Army Air Corps flew top-cover and surveillance for a corrupt sheriff who engaged in aerial chemical warfare on civilians with his "private air force". President Warren Harding then sent troops to disarm the "treasonous" coal miners.
Until and unless I can be shown a connection to this telepathy/astral stuff, I'm going to maintain my current views of the "deep-state's" relationship with social media, which is a more likely reason they 'aren't shutting it down'.
Consider the valuable "services" Current-year social media provides, that are illegal/unconstitutional for government to perform:
- Act as data-vacuum and honey-pot to attract 'troublemakers' and compile data on them.
- Perform Ministry-of-Truth thought-shaping, gatekeeping/filtering and propaganda-dissemination while posing as a "private companies"
- Now with more Memory-Holes® to 'keep us safe from misinformation'.
If government could legally do any of that directly, it would cost ten times as much and work one tenth as well. Which is why the recent Congressional and Executive-branch posturing (regulate! | break 'em up!) lately is just diversionary.
Oh boy! Another "about to...." [do something BIG] Real Soon Now!
So what's it going to be, a "random robbery gone wrong"? A drug-overdose 'suicide'? How about a malfunction of a "connected" vehicle?
Whatever it is, it'll be the last we ever hear of Ms. Ransome.
All these publicity-hounds (assuming they actually had any usable dirt) make the same basic error of telegraphing their moves, which:
- makes them look like dupes or shills
- gives the 'target' time to implement countermeasures
The future is assured. It's all in two books: Camp of the Saints vs. Lifeboat Ethics.
The betting on when (not 'if') each "western target nation" starts adopting the Israeli 'walls & guns' model ought to be a hot topic for the internet-gambling crowd.
Meanwhile, my damn CREDIT UNION is offering "100% mortgage financing" ($0 down) for the first time in its history. That was what it decided to trumpet on the front page of its quarterly newsletter.
That's really confidence-inspiring...
Personal storage has never been cheaper by any logical measure. Back up your computers and phones to your storage device, and if you're worried about "your house burning down" keep an offsite backup with parents/friends.
You don't "need" iCloud, One-Drive or Google Drive and they all send your stuff straight to Uncle Sam.
IMHO, this current kerfuffle is a honey-pot troll to make stupid criminals 'think' they can do shady shit on Apple Devices.
"Israel" is the premier "apartheid state". It embodies every attitude and behavior that its Diaspora Cheering-Section abhors in "our" captive media, to the point that those sentiments are all but illegal in much of the "West":
- Closed Borders and walls: Israel OK; everyplace else "xenophobia!"
- Rabid Ethno-Nationalism: Israel OK; everyplace else "OMG! Fascism!! Supremacists!!!"
Israel maintains "Purity of Blood" as official government policy.
"Billionaires" and their 'pRiVaTe CoMpAnIeS'.
Government is just fine with the way pRiVaTe CoMpAnIes perform with the "public's" internet. Look at all the valuable services Google/YT, Facebook/Instagram and Twitter perform:
- Acts as the premier data-vacuum and honey-pot to attract (and compile data on) 'troublemakers'.
- Performs Ministry-of-Truth thought-shaping, gatekeeping/filtering and propaganda-dissemination while immune from pesky Constitutional accountability.
- Now with more "Memory-Holes®" to 'keep us safe'.
- Rouses the 'rabble' upon command to agitate for and accept / support the whole CancelCulture™ "Un-Personing" program.
Even if those functions weren't illegal and/or Unconstitutional, the government would spend ten times as much to produce one-tenth the effects.
Time-machine fans: What if you could have gone back to the 1600s and deployed "the internet" during the Tulip Craze?
Typical shyster tactics. Like those criminals who say the security-cams "violated their privacy".