The difference is correspondence.
I see your gist, here, but the STRONGEST certainty admits of all manner of disagreement. It just engenders a view askance of whew boy!, or even a certain contempt for the errant ... occassionally, a kinder "let me keep you from killing yourself with that wrongness". It's only fragile indoctrinated-certainty, "wrong but d*mn sure", that permits no interrogation.
Truth bears ALL examination, because it corresponds with reality. Constructions, even congruent ones - all of the various postmodernisms, for instance - bear progressively no examination as they "congrue" less and less. They do not correspond to reality, so critically looking them over undoes them; thus "DON'T LOOK!" (=Science!).
Pseudobio-psyop inside-job terrorism: when intelligence agencies convince the world, that injecting a bioweapon protects against Doom; which was a cold, all along... all for the sake of Regime Change, away from representative government.
The dialogue falsedo, and the narrator explication. This seems gay.