andra88 1 point ago +1 / -0

You might be interested in the movie 'Wake Up.' It's a documentary about a cinematographer who starts having non stop, semi-psychic visions.

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha, well like I said my first projections were spontaneous. I was actually an atheist at the time.

When I have a slow period and I'm not projecting I do sometimes get sad, because it's nice to have a constant reassurance there is more to this world than day to day life, but I made a deal with myself early on that this was God's will and if I project it's to do God's will and not my own.

I have a few times done favors for people (like finding deceased loved ones) but typically leave it to the higher ups.

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have actually seen call centers, or what looked like call centers. The ones I have seen were benevolent and had angelic entities.

I don't have an answer to what degree of control the elite have via the spiritual world. I have encountered some of their number there and they appeared weak and confused. It's possible I was being 'used' to help them forward spiritually or energetically, but my intent is always benevolent.

I believe at least once I was offered a contract from the elite. They told me they could make me royalty. I declined.

I know it sounds completely nuts, but as you said, once you know AP is real, you have to wonder if the elite are skilled at it or exploiting it. As truth seekers have mentioned, they seem to think in terms of 500 year spans. So do they have an 'in' on reincarnation? Are they even human as we know it? I don't know the answer.

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hello, sorry again for late reply! My initial post was taken down or I was unable to see it.

Before this happened to me, I'm ashamed to say I was an atheist. Of course now I absolutely, 100%, 1000% believe in God.

Jesus is a real entity, the gospel story is largely true (I say largely because inevitably tweaks were made to the texts over time). He had tremendous spiritual ability and many of his miracles took place in the astral, or he was so powerful he was able to achieve a 'bleed through' experience for all souls around him.

I can tell you one thing, the demons or malevolent entities in the spiritual absolutely despise Jesus. That alone gives me reason to trust him. However he is not the only benevolent entity out there. If you are having difficulty connecting to him, don't be ashamed to try reaching out to another benevolent entity. Chances are they get their strength from Jesus anyway.

andra88 3 points ago +3 / -0

YES I have absolutely noticed this. Just watched the nimitz documentary, it was mentioned in an article about a different military encounter.

What people call abduction or contactee experiences are happening in the astral realm. The aliens are interdimensional beings. That's why they're so often a 'bleed through' of them being sighted in the physical. Same for ghosts, it's a similar 'bleed through.'

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes exactly. When Jesus mentions principalities he is referring to what I call layers, or realms, he also could be referring to factions of entities.

I'm always puzzled why Christians will diss astral projection so hard, when their religion is literally one of spiritual warfare.

I would agree that using drugs or wasting huge amounts of time and effort trying to project, is a bad idea.

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Again sorry for the late reply. My initial post was taken down (or a glitch on my end).

Anyway yes there are plenty of demons and evil entities over there. However they are not as all powerful as you might think. Your mistake (IMO) was going in their for power, espionage, and conquest. In that respect you were just joining their ranks. Of course they messed with you. Imagine a newbie deciding to infiltrate the mafia. You weren't prepared and got ripped to shreds.

I have a strict no spying policy, and generally I won't enter a home or dwelling without the ok of the 'higher ups.' But it can be easy to lose your bearings and end up in a dark spot.

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi, sorry for the delay. I think my post was initially taken down, so I stopped checking.

Basically the spiritual universe is comprised of infinite layers or realms. If you can imagine a stack of transparent maps with each layer adding more detail. The layers seem to look back. So if you're in the third layer you can see everything layer 1-3. But if you're in the first layer you can only see layer 1. I'm only using numbers and the term layers for convenience.

The soul and the spiritual world are absolutely real. I can't say which religion is 'the truth' but can generally say there is holiness and profanity regardless of what you might call yourself.

by kodama
andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

They could just be synchronicities. These happen a lot but if you put too much credence in them you'll drive yourself crazy. I don't know why they happen exactly. Maybe a matrix/ glitch in the matrix type thing. I also have had a handful of weird encounters in my life with CIA/ intelligence people. One was a guy I dated who was accepted by the CIA but developed a brain tumor. Another does AI research for military. Why on earth would I encounter these people? I'm pretty much a nobody.

And, of course, anyone with a device is being monitored non-stop by AI.

andra88 8 points ago +8 / -0

The lynchpin for me was Ronald Bernard's interviews. He basically confirmed all the 'ridiculous' rumors that had been flying around for at least a decade by that point.

andra88 19 points ago +19 / -0

Former skeptic here- but it's clear there is, and has been for a long time (going back at LEAST to 1970s), a relentless push from the satanic left to normalize pornography, homosexuality, hypersexuality and paedophilia.

As for why, I'm hazarding a guess it is part of their religion somehow. Maybe gays and pedos are seen as holy or chosen by them, or deviant sex acts are seen as an offering to their god.

andra88 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have seen a couple posts here I swear are AI. They sound exactly like the now defunct r/subredditimulator (which I think was a large scale trial run for that application of AI).

andra88 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know if she had a glass or two but she was mispronouncing half of what she was reading lol. Harris took it all in stride and was totally gracious towards her.

andra88 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting they both bring up the scope of time the cabal (for lack of a better term) thinks in. They make plans that span generations, plans that span 500 years. They act like they are immortal. So are they? Do they have some 'in' on reincarnation? Because they act like the decisions they make will continue to benefit them personally 100 years from now. Or as Harris posits, are they taking orders from an ET or divine/ demonic third hand. Sounds completely nuts but when you study this stuff long enough, you're repeatedly brought back to this question.

David Keys wrote a book called Catastrophe published 1999 about a climate or volcanic event in 535 AD that altered world history. Anyway he devotes a chapter to the conversion of the Khazars and how they adopted jewish surnames like Levine and Cohen, which was not allowed halachically. Well I remember shortly after the book was published I started seeing articles about discoveries and research that the 'khazar theory had been firmly debunked.' Which I found odd.

andra88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sadly it does appear he is or was part of the cabal. The question is has he gone off script. If you listen to ronald bernard's interviews, he says not all factions are malevolent.

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was on the podcast's homepage but is no longer there. Here is a bitchute link


andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

NWO types have always had it in for the Orthodox Church. In eyes wide shut during one of the more lurid scenes the soundtrack plays a divine liturgy in reverse.

andra88 1 point ago +1 / -0

I call it 'the gay train.' And it does seem MSM began going after Russia when they refused to get on it.

I don't fully understand the exact motivation but the gay stuff has- strangely IMO- been the lynchpin for so much of the NWO programming. As I pointed out in my post about the NELK interview, Archbishop Kirill flat out said the world is run by a group that uses gay pride parades as the price for admission. I don't think he was being metaphorical, he was stating a fact.

The predictive programming for this goes way back and has been relentless. I was watching taxi driver yesterday (1976 I believe) and there's a positive representation of gay marriage in the first convo the taxi drivers have in the diner. But I remember as recently as 2000ish gay marriage struck most people as preposterous and had little support.

I say 'strangely' because I don't think this is about trying to turn people gay (at least not primarily) but rather they found a social-psychological line in the sand that would be very effective at divide and conquer while wholly undermining traditionalism.

andra88 1 point ago +1 / -0

It won't load for me 😔

Predictive programming is one of the strangest conspiracy topics IMO. Do they enjoy flaunting it, or is there another agenda at play? Are they communicating with each other using media (as depicted in the short lived series Rubicon)?

andra88 4 points ago +4 / -0

I never knew what to make of this. So many of the people filmed were (literally) actors. Or behaving like actors. For example the guy who was laughing but as soon as he realized he was on film turned sad and somber... I saw that on YouTube ages ago before everything was censored.

But for this to have been pulled off would require a crazy number of people including children to stay silent. Doesn't seem feasible really.

The images of lanza look like something created on SIMS. IIRC he has different eye color in one picture.

The year this happened my daughter was in school with a girl who claimed her cousin was in the building and survived by playing dead. Take it for what it's worth obviously.

andra88 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes and to be fair this is probably why whitney is staying away from anything associated with it. She's already been deplatformed from patreon.

andra88 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is nothing more dangerous than personal initiative. If it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more harm to us than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord. - protocols of sion

andra88 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone interested in this should read The Secret Architecture of Out Nation's Capital by David Ovason. It's not even really a 'conspiracy' book but more of an art history book that goes into the heavy astrological influence on the urban planning and architecture. I believe Ovason may be a mason or at least mason friendly.

andra88 4 points ago +4 / -0

[Banks are operating skeleton services and the disappearance of branches and cash machines from the high street has accelerated during the lockdowns.]

We have experienced the same issue where I live. I thought it was just the particular bank we were using...

andra88 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of Ronald Bernard's interviews (I'm amazed they're still on youtube quite frankly). They should also be transcribed and kept in hard paper version.

All of Janet Ossebaard's work.

Out of shadows (it's not that great, but a good starting point, and the commentary from liz crokin is worth watching).

But I seriously think it may be time to go back to paper books and physical bookstores. Amazon needs to be bypassed completely.

Also, and I apologize if this is a stupid question, but what are our opinions for communication outside the regular internet? Places like this will be next on the chopping block.

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