Used to be quite active on the reddit sub. I've been projecting for 25 years, the last 6 years with great frequency. I'm a spontaneous projector although over time I've learned to control it and initiate it.
Anyway just curious if there are any others here. My DMs don't seem to be working but if anyone has any questions I'm happy to try to answer. If I don't know an answer I'll be honest and say I don't know lol.
Hello, sorry again for late reply! My initial post was taken down or I was unable to see it.
Before this happened to me, I'm ashamed to say I was an atheist. Of course now I absolutely, 100%, 1000% believe in God.
Jesus is a real entity, the gospel story is largely true (I say largely because inevitably tweaks were made to the texts over time). He had tremendous spiritual ability and many of his miracles took place in the astral, or he was so powerful he was able to achieve a 'bleed through' experience for all souls around him.
I can tell you one thing, the demons or malevolent entities in the spiritual absolutely despise Jesus. That alone gives me reason to trust him. However he is not the only benevolent entity out there. If you are having difficulty connecting to him, don't be ashamed to try reaching out to another benevolent entity. Chances are they get their strength from Jesus anyway.