Used to be quite active on the reddit sub. I've been projecting for 25 years, the last 6 years with great frequency. I'm a spontaneous projector although over time I've learned to control it and initiate it.
Anyway just curious if there are any others here. My DMs don't seem to be working but if anyone has any questions I'm happy to try to answer. If I don't know an answer I'll be honest and say I don't know lol.
Hi, sorry for the delay. I think my post was initially taken down, so I stopped checking.
Basically the spiritual universe is comprised of infinite layers or realms. If you can imagine a stack of transparent maps with each layer adding more detail. The layers seem to look back. So if you're in the third layer you can see everything layer 1-3. But if you're in the first layer you can only see layer 1. I'm only using numbers and the term layers for convenience.
The soul and the spiritual world are absolutely real. I can't say which religion is 'the truth' but can generally say there is holiness and profanity regardless of what you might call yourself.