by pkvi
alien_observer 0 points ago +7 / -7

it is fucking communists you retard

alien_observer 2 points ago +2 / -0

not that atypical, they cover symbolism, but also all kinds of deep state fuckery

alien_observer 6 points ago +6 / -0

lmao i'm gonna hack a major piece of infrastructure and have them send the ransom to my coinbase

alien_observer 1 point ago +1 / -0

most of your examples aren't contradictory, though.

maybe there is no 'purpose' to life, and it is all 'illusion'.

but even then, the illusion is persistent, and if life on earth is an opportunity to expand your being and improve your experience, you might call that the 'purpose' of this life.

if attempting to resolve these discrepancies in communication makes you uncomfortable, isn't abandoning the research your own act of confirmation bias? not to mention claiming that you 'write your own gospel'?

jk, idc, go work for snopes

alien_observer 2 points ago +2 / -0

the truth is stranger than fan fiction ?

alien_observer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, Bashar the alien ? hence the downdoots... lotsa people triggered by that topic

alien_observer 1 point ago +2 / -1

So I've been uploading these files because I like them. I torrented them years ago, they are transcriptions of channelings made in the 80s and 90s. q and b are questioner and bashar.

I haven't known what to make of these weirdly titled ones, but it was close to the timestamp of the recent 'B' post, and the subject matter could be interpreted as similar.

Do I think its actually related? probably not. However, I absolutely do not believe in coincidence, so I provide it for others who may not either.

if you dont like it, thats fine, your downfoots give me power. I know some say channeled sources are 'contradictory', as if that somehow makes them less credible than human sources... :)

alien_observer 0 points ago +1 / -1

give an example of contradictory channeled material?

I have seen the proof myself. And I'm not sure how you find that more contradictory than human sources, who express the full range of opinions... from ETs as saviours, to ets as our enslavers or destructors. none of these are true.

There are phony channelings, and there are entities that would lie to you. But its quite simple to sort out who is telling the truth if you spend enough time with it, and prayer is enough to avoid the negative ones. I think the biggest point is that many things that seem contradictory to us actually aren't, they only seem that way from a 20th century human perspective. my point im asking for an example of a contradiction is not to assume that you can't provide one, but to work through the apparent contradiction and understand it.

believe whatever you want. I was skeptical too, until I spent over a decade investigating.

My intention is not to distract people away from more important things, so if you're not into it, go keep an eye on the audit efforts. but clearly we're going to need to talk about this stuff eventually, and I do have experience with it, so i feel compelled to share.

alien_observer -1 points ago +1 / -2

i'll take channeled over human speculation any day of the week, thanks. I've spent plenty of time with both. I've never encountered contradictory channelings, and I've been through lots. I have heard every speculation by a human, and they are far more contradictory. fun to read though... but ultimately unreliable.

alien_observer 1 point ago +1 / -0

if I give you the short answer, I'll sound real crazy :D

I feel like I've done my due diligence in research, and I'm not schizo, but I don't insist anyone believe me.

this series of communications is with a race that is closely related to us. they claim we are their ancestors, and they are communicating back in time. they require our assistance... although, at the moment, what they need is for us to secure our own freedom, hopefully peacefully. which is exactly what everyone on the win network is already striving for, so carry on.

fleshing out this story explains the greys, the abductions, annunaki, atlantis, etc.

there is a TON of material, and its very consistent, and not just with itself.

alien_observer 4 points ago +4 / -0

not really right wing conspiracies, considering how many leftists believe in them. anyone who does any honest investigation, really, unless it hurts them too much to not believe what the tv says.

username checks out

alien_observer 0 points ago +4 / -4

its a warning. I believe him in terms of his assessment of the threat. but sometimes making a prediction changes the future.

I tseem to trust musk more than most do, but im glad to hear him confirm his (informed) paranoia about these things.

alien_observer 1 point ago +1 / -0

sounds like you're letting dominion and the media set you against your countrymen. do you really think all californians are crackheads?

consider this... the light attracts the dark. that is why the catholic church is so thoroughly infiltrated. the forces of darkness hate things that are spiritually uplifting, and seek to control them. this applies to california in a similar way. it is a very sacred place that has had much effort put into corrupting it.

thanks for reading :)

alien_observer 2 points ago +2 / -0

im sure some are, lol

alien_observer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know, its a lot. not insisting that anyone believe this stuff, just passing on what has resonated with me. happy to answer questions.

note the human going on an sjw tirade as the first discussion with an alien race ? california. this is why they havent made contact. (of course the anger over abductions is understandable, if you don't fully understand that situation)

alien_observer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Darryl Anka is the channeler. He's been doing it for 40 years, and they put out a documentary recentlyish. its a little hard to find, but isnt all the best stuff.

I mean, I like it, that's why I post it. im sure some won't.

lots more where this came from, and ive been through lots of it, so AMA

alien_observer 1 point ago +1 / -0

So because that show says they do, you think they don't?

I guess I understand how that could be seen as evidence, but very far from conclusive.

agree to disagree, fren. for the record, i used to think that show was insane too... but I think it will go the way of Alex Jones

alien_observer 1 point ago +1 / -0

what is the root of that belief? it seems insane to me. who convinced you they are fake?

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