B: All right, I'll say: question.

Q: I... I...

B: All right. All right. Yes?

Q: On alternate universes- - if I want to go my own way, I keep thinking that other people have to do it with me. I mean, it's like if I want to sell my house, for instance, which I'm trying to do right now... I want to get a certain price for it, say next week at a certain time. I want to set it up and run my whole universe that way...

B: One moment! Understand that I am not saying that that is not possible. But really, in the overall idea of experiencing that reality, as you stop to think about it, there is really no need for many of the specifics that you insist upon in order to still achieve the overall effect according to your own satisfaction. Understand that there may be many variables within that circumstance that will still lead to you feeling that you have created the situation in exactly the proper way for you. And as such simply 'tis not that you have to think about every specific idea or step or method within the overall idea of the situation. Many times even what you perceive to be an overall situation may in and of itself really be a method to an even greater idea that you are not allowing yourself simply to be.

Rather, then, understand that if you have as a single idea, as you say the idea of selling your house, and this is what excites you beyond any other idea that you could unfold within yourself at the time, then understand that if you simply become that idea, feel, be and act as if that idea has already taken place within your here and now present reality, you will attract exactly all those individuals and facets of those individuals within your reality that will be more than willing to share that reality with you, and allow you to experience that portion of your reality in that way for the best benefit of all concerned, and allow themselves to experience their reality in exactly the same way.

Now, understand that if the selling of your house, as you say is a step within the overall understanding of another even greater idea of which you are even more excited, then you do not have to be even concerned about the idea of needing to sell your house to achieve that idea. Realize that in the selling of your house (- -?) portion of the best possible way to achieve that even greater idea, then that is what will happen. But if it is not, if there is a better way in your terms to achieve the overall idea, then you will not necessarily need to sell your house. And if you simply focus upon the idea of only selling your house, in order to achieve the greater idea, you will be shutting the door on the better idea. Just as in the idea of selling your house, if that is the greatest idea, which attracts you at the time, then completely needing to orchestrate the exact method by which that takes place may be shutting the door on an even better method. You follow me?

Q: Yes. That doesn't answer my question about the fact that other people have to go along with it.

B: They do not have to go along with you. Understand that within the interaction of All That Is, all possibilities take place, and every individual contains all the facets necessary to interact within any reality of any one individual that can take place. Therefore understand that what you perceive as individuals who seem to be going along with your newly created reality are simply the facets of those individuals, which are already experiencing that reality with that facet of you that is creating that reality.

Tis not that they are going along with anything, except that they are also partaking of that reality, even as you allow your own consciousness to focus into that facet of yourself. They are already there, just as you are already there. And that is why it is only a matter of realigning your perspective and observing your reality through another facet of yourself in which you will find all the facets of all the other individuals already existing which need to accomplish that idea.

Realize that every idea, every situation, already contains all the ingredients necessary for the unfoldment of that idea, except when you step in and make the separation between yourself and that idea, and assume that you must struggle to create that idea, that you must build piece by piece exactly how that idea is to manifest. You are an automatic creator. You need not think about the path in order to achieve the effect. Cause and effect. You may simply create the effect, and nature, yourself as the automatic creator, will supply you with more than enough cause to support the effect. You will simply be in tune with All That Is, in terms of the facets of all the consciousness and all the individuals, which are already partaking of that idea into which you now find yourself tuning in.

Q: Mhmm.

B: You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you.

30 Points of View 12-19-97 Canoga Park, CA

All right, I'll say good day to you, this day of your time. How are you all? Once again, we take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for allowing this communication to occur, on this day and in this manner. We thank you for the gift that it affords our civilization in being allowed to experience all the different perspectives that your civilization has to offer, as we interact with each and every one of you individually and all of you together.

On the note of perspectives, we would like to begin this transmission with the following idea that we would like to entitle, "Thirty Points of View." Now, from time to time in these interactions, in these transmissions, we have described and explained to you that you are not always communicating with what might be considered exactly the same version of me from one moment to the next. In that our consciousness and our civilization has become, shall we say, less confined to time and space in our evolutionary state, you will find that sometimes an individual will communicate with a version of myself, of my personality structure that may be of a certain age and at other times may be communicating with a version of my personality structure that is another age altogether, somewhere else along the timeline of my entire physical life. From moment to moment, my consciousness will shift to and from, back and forth, up and down my own time line of life. Each discrete personality segment being called forth based upon the frequency and vibrations and needs and the necessities of the particular communication or question that is asked, and the particular kind of information that is required.

This sliding scale interaction, so to speak, is quite natural for my species, at this time. Many times, many of you, to some degree, are also doing this, though you may not necessarily be consciously aware that you are. But you may be dipping into versions of yourself along your timeline, to pull forth whatever the appropriate emotional state or mental state or spiritual state needs to be for the kind of interaction and communication you are having; whether it be communication with others outside yourself, so to speak, or communication within yourself. To put a linear framework on it, to some degree, for you you will find that in the average span of my physical life which we have labeled as approximately 300 years of counting, there will be 10 year time spans that will represent, more or less, discrete personality segments that are engaged in these communications, not only with your world, but with other worlds. In that each 10-year segment represents a particular level of understanding, a particular level of evolution, a particular level of growth, it is broken down that way for convenience.

And from time to time, therefore, you may be dealing with a version of my personality that comes from one or another of those 10-year spans. In that my entire life encompasses approximately 300 years, as you understand it, you will find that, therefore, in the course of these interactions you will generally be dealing with 30 different versions of my personality. All the way from what you might consider to be the 10 year old Bashar, to the 300 year old Bashar and anywhere in between. For the most part, on average, you will find that most of the interactions we have had with your society, since we have been communicating with your society in this fashion, have involved the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth versions of my personality; meaning in what you would consider to be the idea of a 130 years, 140 years and 150 years of my age.

We will, for this communication, from time to time, this day of your time, and for the sake of illustration and for a variety of other reasons, impose upon our overall consciousness further time line limitations and restrictions, so that it may be for the purpose of this conversation, this interaction, and this transmission, more evident and more obvious that you are dealing with discrete personality levels of my existence. Just to show you what the difference would be without the freedom to move up and down the timeline of my life, as is common for these interactions. So that you can begin to have a better sense, a stronger sense, of the discrete portions of the personality, that is me, that I call myself to be, as you are dealing with them in many of these interactions, but perhaps do not necessarily immediately sense, as discretely as you will, this day of you time. Because those limitations, those dividing lines, those 10 year segments are usually not enforced by my overall consciousness as strongly as they will be this day.

These 30 different perspectives, these 30 points of view collectively taken to be the personality I consider myself to be, each perform various functions, in that they each represent different stages of understanding and learning in my society, in my evolution, in my growth as a being. And by seeing these discrete compartments, these discrete 10 year compartments more strongly illustrated in this transmission, this day of your time, perhaps the resonance of each discrete personality segment, each discrete point of view, out of the 30, will help put you in touch with more and more of the segments that you have created within your own unique personality structure over the course of your entire lifetime. And by resonating to each of those discrete segments within me it might help you get more easily in touch with all the discrete segments within you, for the purpose of integrating and blending those segments within yourself and become a more holistic being, as we usually reflect to you in the normal course of these interactions.

So from time to time in this transmission you will experience this, not always, but from time to time. Therefore, let us begin, this day of your time, by once again, thanking each and every one of you for the gift you are giving to us, for allowing us to experience this interaction with you. And I ask, in return, in what way may I and all of us, all 30 of me, now be of service to you?

             *Global Unification and the New World Order*

Q: Can you give us an understanding of what is the New World Order - who founded it, where is it heading?

B: Are you talking about what many people on your planet refer to as the political concept?

Q: Yes.

B: It can be a variety of things and, of course, there are many different kinds of things, of interpretations, as we scan your collective consciousness for what that phrase might mean. Some individuals will find that a new world order will represent what might be called a strengthening or a reinforcement of actually quite an old world order; and that is the idea of domination and control. However, many individuals also recognize that there needs to be a new world in order for you to transcend and transform into a new understanding and a new way of being.

Now, paradoxically, the idea really of creating a new world order, so to speak, is actually one of creating less control, in the sense of domination and more in the sense of knowing that everything already works and flows effortlessly, smoothly. So that any so-called future, quote/unquote, government that needs to exist on your planet will not so much be a government, but the idea of an interactive networking organization for the purpose of making the connections between people that are necessary to allow what needs to be done, to be done. This is ultimately what your planet will evolve into.

Individuals who assume that a political new world order based, on old political ideas could even survive, are not understanding the nature of energy; for anything that rigid as has been purposed as a new world order, anything that is feared of that nature, if actually even begun to be realized would never be able to stand up under its own weight. It would be, in a sense, too top heavy.

The idea, therefore, is that this new world order idea is an opportunity now presented - you can look at it this way - an opportunity presented by your people to yourselves, to decide for yourself - what kind of future do you want? What kind of planet do you want? What kind of organization do you want? Do you want to be self-empowered beings and responsible for yourself? Or do you want to continue to allow other individuals to run your lives for you? You follow?

Q: Yes.

B: So look at it that way. In other words, really what it is all about is getting your own consciousness in order, in which you do not need anyone else to /order/ you around.

Q: Will this civilization, will this race finally solve its problems and move on to a more positive future?

B: Yes, or we would not be talking with you.

Q: Would we have a world headquarters? Will the world come together as one, and a certain city become the headquarters of this planet, like a world capital?

B: There is the possibility that you will allow yourself to let Geneva function in this manner, since it has always represented the concept of neutrality to your people. However, it will not be seen as a seat of power, but simply, again, as a nodular... or a nexus for a higher level of networking and organizational principles that allow for a free flow of exchange among all your people. And, ironically, also, it will be seen that the idea is that, while now your Swiss nation is seen as one of the economic hubs of your planet, monetarily speaking, when the time comes that you no longer need that particular medium of exchange, it will be an irony that the same place will also recognize that the true, true value on your planet is the people and all the things themselves of nature. And that will be the new economy, and it will be an irony that it will still be flowing through that nation on your planet, which now, in some senses, controls most of the actual monetary reserve. You follow?

Q: Yes.

B: Are you sure?

Q: Yes, I'm sure.

B: But the idea is that you really will have, in that sense, a global network, organization. It will not necessarily really be seated in one spot for too long. And in and around, as we scan you energy now, about your year of 2037 you will find that at that time there will be a sufficient amount of unification and understanding on your planet, so that your world will take your place among what we call the Association of Worlds. You understand?

Q: Yes.

B: There will be much contact before that but in and around your year of 2037 it will be, in that sense, quote/unquote, official. Does that help you?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you.


Q: And back in, I believe it was 1975, October or November in Northeast Canada and as far as Montana, several of our military bases were witness to a large football field sized UFO's that first appeared orange and then appeared to have red lights around its exterior and they were able to ... they came over some high security military bases and messed with the Sequence Codes to some of our nuclear missiles...

B: Yes.

Q: ...what were they showing us here?

B: That you would not be allowed to have a nuclear war. But, as we have already described, this was shown to you after you had already decided, really fundamentally on a collective consciousness level, that you would not. That is why it was possible that you could be shown this by reflection.

Q: Did we come to any kind of agreement with these aliens for any type of ... because there seems to be a disarmament going on now?

B: It is not that you have come to an agreement with any extraterrestrials over this, you simply came to an agreement within yourselves, which the extraterrestrial craft was willing to reflect to you.

Q: And this will be upheld by all the nations?

B: There, again, is now still the possibility, within your reality, for individuated and localized terrorist activity involving nuclear weapons, but in terms of the idea of your nations, yes, this will be upheld; you have simply passed the cycle where this is now a possibility.

              *The Fabric Of Existence Is Love And Light*

B: How are you all this day of your time, as you create time to exist?

AUD: Fine. Good. Etc.

B: In this way we shall recognize that you are, each and every one, spirits, who have chosen the idea of humaniform existence. But spirits you are. Even as physical beings - spirits you are. You are eternal, and you are quite magical. And in this way the universe that you perceive is made from you - it is the stuff, as you say, of your essence, of your being.

Now recognize that in this time of transformation upon your planet... you are beginning to perceive that things are shifting, moving, blurring in and out. Definitions, barriers, strata, are no longer so solidly defined. You will begin to find that, as you now accelerate in this time frame into fourth density, that the idea of one strata, what you had previously considered to be so separate from any other idea - so separate in fact that you did not even consider that it could be connected to something else

  • will begin to blend and blur. And your definitions, in your terms, may become a little bit indistinct.

You will find that this is your opportunity to understand that the idea of the shifting and the transformation and the initiation, in that way, of what you call your physical reality is now coming back under your ability to mold, to form, to fashion in the ways that are reflective of your imagination. Your imagination is becoming more palpable, more real, more solid; so that you find yourself beginning to live constantly in a dream state, where what was previously unreal now blends with what you have always known to be real - what you have created to be real, more real.

You will find that these distinctions will become hazy. Feel the energy of yourself at work, the energy of yourselves in action. You are creating yourselves to be /conscious/ spirit, and to become magical once again. Are you following along?

AUD: Yes.

B: Feel the acceleration, in that way, as events unfold. They are the unfolding of the petals that each and every one of you are. No longer being at the mercy of events, but being the events you are witnessing; being the acts of creation going on in your civilization, in your plane of existence, in your sphere of existence, of experience.

As you allow the ideas within you to /become/ you, as you allow yourselves to define yourselves in ways you have not defined yourselves for thousands upon thousands of your years, realize that you are recreating - because this is the time of transformation and transition - you are in a sense recreating the /very birth of yourselves/ upon your planet to begin with. For you are reassessing and re-evaluating and unlocking ALL that have you preconceived yourselves to be for tens of thousands of years; and now all definitions are created anew.

Your world will begin to blend all the ideas it has considered to be logic, mentality, emotionality, consciousness, science, philosophy, and religion. All of these ideas will form transformations in your political, economic, social and religious structures, so they diffuse, blend and interweave. So that you allow yourselves to see yourselves AS the tapestry in which they are interwoven. So that you can retrace the threads of your existence and discover that YOU are the weavers, and you may now weave a new pattern, a new structure, a new identification, a new definition, a new understanding, a new life, out of the very fabric of your existence.

I am not speaking in analogies. Your life, your physical reality is woven of the very fabric of your existence. It is you. It is YOU. It is made of you, of love and light; which is the substance that is your essence and your existence, and that grants you the knowledge, the assurity, the understanding, that you are ETERNAL. For you are created from existence itself, which is the All That Is that you refer to as Creation and the Creator. It is existence itself and always will be. And so you shall always exist.

Now give yourselves the opportunity, GRANT YOURSELVES THE RIGHT, to understand that within these interactions that take place between what seem to be different levels of consciousness - between yourselves and other consciousnesses, between yourselves and yourselves, other portions of your consciousness - grant yourselves the understanding that, if you are WILLING to create in the now moment an understanding of ALL that has ever been discussed, and bring ALL that has ever been discussed into play, regarding any question you might form, then you will understand you have not just the answers that you need, not just the answers that you seek, but the very ESSENCE to create the life you desire to be.

You are spirits! YOU ARE SPIRIT. You are magical. You are light. YOU ARE LIGHT ITSELF. FEEL the vibration of your being! FEEL the vibration of your essence! FEEL the action within you, the creation that you are. And give it BIRTH! Give it LIFE! Breathe life into it. Breathe. Breathe - of life, and add to life by being ALIVE.


Q: I would like to thank you for the laughter and love that you share with us. It is something very special.

B: Thank you for your co-creation of that particular facet of creation that you ALL are, individually and collectively. Understand that that is the very essence of what we are speaking of: your right to recognize your own ability to create the vibration within your life that represents that portion of your own creator-hood. Your willing ability to recognize that which IS in all of you: the spark and the flame of the essence of life, and laughter and love. I thank you.


Greys Speak

Q: Good evening, how are you?

B: Perfect. And you?

Q: I'm fine.

B: Oh, all right.

Q: I've been looking forward to this communication.

B: I have been looking backwards to it. (Audience laughter)

Q: Great, so we can meet in the middle.

B: Yes.

Q: Okay. When you defined Essassani the last time...

B: Our world.

Q: ...yes, your world. You are a combination of the Greys and human together?

B: Yes, genetically speaking, we are a hybrid species in, what you call, your future time frame, as a result of the genetic co-combination of the humans on your planet and the extraterrestrial society you call the Greys, yes.

Q: Right. Are you in contact with the Greys in our present time-continuum at the moment?

B: In your contemporary time-continuum, yes, they no longer exist in our time-continuum, they have all converted into hybrids.

Q: In ours?

B: In yours, yes.

Q: Is there a way we can communicate with one of the Greys through you, by this process?

B: Yes.

Q: In the mass-consciousness?

B: Yes. Do you want this now?

Q: Yes, I do.

B: One moment, we will see if this is allowed.

Greys: Speak!

Human: Greetings, we enjoy having you here.

Greys: Enjoy?

Human: Enjoy, you don't understand an emotion, I suppose? We understand you have a lack of emotion, and that's why you are inbreeding with our race. Is that correct?

Greys: We are blending...

Human: Blending

Greys: ... for our agenda of rectitude.

Human: Is your agenda going to be complete within this next short time span?

Greys: Your time span of a decade.

Human: A decade.

Greys: Complete.

Human: If it was not extended, if it was stopped short within this next month would that effect your future race, your Essassani race?

Greys: No stoppage is imminent. Therefore, no discussion is needed of this point.

Human: We feel that we /do/ need to discuss this. This abduction scenario is...

Greys: You may feel as you wish, no stoppage is imminent!

Human: This abduction scenario needs to end.

Greys: It will end when the agenda ends.

Human: Are you in enslavement of a Draconian race, as of this moment?

Greys: No, your information is erroneous.

Human: You do this only for your self-preservation, is that correct?

Greys: There are levels to our species, what you would call factions. Our faction is dying, our faction has need, our faction also recognizes that you are dying; our faction is attracted to your faction through death and resurrection of both species simultaneously, through the agreement of our simultaneously co-created agendas.

Human: This is against free will of human nature.

Greys: It is not. It is agreed, you have given your agreement on other levels.

Human: You have technologically manipulated our free will in order to accomplish this. This is not allowed!

Greys: You have emotionally usurped /our/ will.

Human: This is not allowed!

Greys: This is allowed because you have created it.

Human: And you have created your death scenario also.

Greys: And you are creating yours.

Human: We have passed that point.

Greys: You /have/ /not/!

Human: Your technology has put us to that point where we obviously became extinct a decade ago.

Greys: You have not, you still have not allowed your world the balance it needs for there to be the transition, as smoothly as it could.

Human: The transition is happening right now.

Greys: It is in process, and you see upheaval and what you call detrimental environmental impact around your planet.

Human: Well, we also see too that there's an abduction scenario that needs to stop and should not be continued any longer, it should be stopped at this present time. This is the mass consciousness of this planet of our free world.

Greys: What you are referring to as stoppage is not stoppage that you seek, what you seek is transformation and equality of terms. You do not seek stoppage; you seek conscious participation.

Human: Well, our negotiations need to be re-evaluated.

Greys: Then evaluate them.

Human: We are evaluating at the moment and this needs to cease.

Greys: You do not need to evaluate them with /us/; you need to evaluate them with /yourselves/.

Human: With /you.../because technologically you are at an advantage point at this moment.

Greys: You do not understand the concept of technology as we experience it.

Human: And you do not understand love emotion, the energy that you need to exist with, and that's why you are becoming extinct.

Greys: It is now through hybridization that we are beginning to connect to the understanding of what you experience and label as love energy, but you as species, do not exhibit love energy in the way you ask us to.

Human: We are being manipulated at this point and that's why we want our free will back, /we want it back!/

Grey: You have your free will; you have no manipulation of your will with regard to your ability to express, what you call, your emotional context.

Human: We do not want any more of your technology here on this planet; it is self-destructive.

Greys: You have no more of our technology.

Human: And it will be agreed upon.

Greys*: You have no more of our technology*. What you experience as the idea you refer to as our technology is not our technology any longer. It is /your/ technology. You have your FACTION, you have your structure, you have your military, you have your government. These are exploitations of your free will. We do not participate in that.

Human: Not at the present moment, but who has manipulated that to start that?

Greys: In time, agreements were made between what were deemed to be the representatives of your world. You still allow those individuals to represent, but we are no longer engaged.

Human: Well, we do understand what you are saying with our emotions as you look at it, as our shortcomings, but we do, as a mass-consciousness, want it to end.

Greys: It will change, and in that it will experience, what you call, an end, but you are required to change before it can be experienced as an equal transition.

Human: Well we are here and we know what is going on, and we do expect action and we expect you to keep hold up your end of the bargain.

Human: Our end is met; your end is within yourselves. End of transmission.

Human: Thank you.

B: One moment, one moment, one moment... did you have a satisfactory conversation with the entity?

Q: Pretty much, he's not very emotional but I knew that...

B: But you knew that.

Q: Yes, I knew that. I knew that I was dealing with a machine that...

B: Well, so to speak. You are dealing with a type of hive mentality.

Q: Right.

B: You are dealing with an entity that only experiences, shall we say, the closest approximation of what you would call an emotion: the sensation of irony.

Q: I see.

B: And that is all that they can experience in that state. Now understand that what you asked to converse with was one of the more primitive factions. We thought it best to simply start at the beginning with one of the older and more primitive factions. You must understand that there already are more evolved factions of, what you call, the Grey that do understand more concretely the blending and incorporation of the emotional body.

Q: And that is your future selves.

B: Yes, but in that sense, it is the idea that we gave you first as the opportunity to interact with, what you call, the foundation, so that the interactions could ripple upwards through the incorporation of the entities' hive mentality and have some kind of an effect, as you would say, up the line.

Q: Well, do you feel that I had an effect on him that you can see or feel at the moment?

B: I feel that you had an effect on /yourself/, and that will make all the difference in their capability of interacting or not interacting with you, in the way that they determine that they must. That's the difference.

Q: Well, I'm just concerned with the present time and what is going on here. That's why I'm here...

B: But watch you levels of fear, for you yourself are exhibiting some of that vibration still. And the idea is, that as much of that vibration of fear and anger as you, in yourself, experience, it only reinforces the idea of the agenda that you say you would like to transform.

Q: That is true...

B: So you yourself must come from UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, even as you state your preferences and stand your ground. That is what will create the equality of terminology that will allow conscious interaction and participation with the level of the Greys that ultimately does have the incorporation of the emotional body sufficiently to understand what you are saying, and interact with you on a more equal basis.

Q: If they were to end their agenda at the moment and be prematurely short for months instead of a decade... how would that effect the Essassani race?

B: It would not affect us since we are in, what you would call, a parallel reality time track. But, in terms of their reality time track, they would cease to exist. They would die.

Q: They would die at the present moment?

B: Yes.

Q: Is there any other way that you can salvage them or can save them in any other way, if they had to end it at this moment?

B: One moment...

Q: A cosmic reason?

B: One moment... one moment... one moment... there was an offer made by another species to them as an alternative that they rejected.

This offer, if it can be, perhaps, translated into your language, would be something as follows: it was likened to the idea of offering to render their essence down into a mathematical construct, and to be deposited in an artificially created matrix, until such time that evolution would allow there to be, incarnationally speaking, automatically bodies available for their constructs to evolve into, or incarnate into, that would allow them to express themselves and learn to express themselves in a more balanced way.

However, they rejected this because they feared, from their fear, in that sense, as best as they can experience fear, that it was a trap.

The idea being that they /reflect/ that aspect of /your/ civilization that does not trust itself, for they contain that idea of not trusting since they are not in balance with themselves, and therefore, only deem themselves to be capable of deciding how it is that they should allow this agenda to play out, and will not allow others to help them in that sense.

Q: Is there a way that we can have that negotiated?

B: Again, the idea is to keep it at home. Allow yourself to strengthen your own unconditional love for yourself, and allow yourself to make the changes that you need to make within your own society; for it is only the changes that you need to make within your own society that will allow your society to have the collective critical mass to be able to deal with them on a more equal and loving basis.

Q: Well, we also do have help from other entities from other sources...

B: Yes, of course. But help is not doing it for you. We cannot do that. It is in your hands. You have had, and always do have, the free will. But, again, it comes down to the fear that exists within your society, and it is that that needs to be transformed.

Q: Also, their fear of extinction.

B: Yes. But they are only reflecting and are attracted to your society because your society also contains that kind of vibrational resonance.

Q: I did understand that, yes.

B: So, work on that and that will help them as well as yourself.

Q: Okay, and tell them to work on theirs also.

B: We do not need to.

Q: I see, okay. Well, thank you for this communication.

B: Thank you.


Circa 1995

Questioner: You mentioned that the Anunnaki, when they originally came to our planet, were searching for gold.

B: It was one of the things that were part of the overall process of some of the things that they were doing. As we have all ready intimated, when you understand the concept of the element called gold and the energy that it really contains, you will see how strongly it is connected to the light force of your system and how it can actually be utilized in like force to imbue your genetic structure with a great longevity. You understand?

Q: I was...

B: This was part of the reason why they required it for the things that they were doing,

Q: Was it for their biological presence that they needed it?

B: To some degree, to exist within your particular dimensional reality, it assisted them by having this element around to stabilize their physicalized projections into your dimension. It allowed them to exist in that dimension to do what they needed to do and, at the same time, it was also an important ingredient, the energy of that element, in the utilization of the rearrangement of the genetic structures upon your planet for the purpose of the creation of the human form on your world.

Q: During those times were there any beings around who could alchemically produce it?

B: Yes and there always has been.

Q: And the Anunnaki weren't able to?

B: To some degree, but again, they simply relied upon the idea that they would find what they needed in the area in which they were going and knew that there was an abundance of it, they did not necessarily need to transmute at that time because it was readily available.

Q: And there's a procedure on our planet now know as low level nuclear reactions, or nuclear transmutations in which they are able take black sand and other elements and get a percentage of gold and other precious metals back.

B: Yes. But again, this is not an end all be all in and of itself. It is simple one more of the transmutational ideas that you're all learning as you discover the alchemical intuitions within each and everyone of you and, of course, as every good alchemist knows, it is not the matter of physiological transmutation but transmutational of the spirit.

Q: Is there a different vibratory quality of the earth's, let's say, resonance gold has than would be produced under one of these low level reaction?

B: There is a slightly different frequency but in most cases it would not be significant, except in certain very specific experiments where the additional frequency would be required of a more, shall we say, quote/unquote naturally formed elements.

Q: And back to precious metals, was there a group of individuals on the planet know as the, a.k.a., the Olympians or the Committee Of 300, who see as their right to have the authority over the mineral rights of earth?

B: No, there was ideas at certain times therein expressed by certain groups in certain civilizations now and then but it never actually became a true full fledge authority committee, and there really was no idea of that expression coming to absolute fruition. You follow along?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you.

            ET Impetus For Taking Back Individual Responsibility

Q:  In 1947 there was reported several alien craft in the New Mexico area that hit the ground.

B:  Yes.

Q:  And one of the reasons for that occurrence was of our government's testing of radar.

B:  Yes.

Q:  And we supposedly gave them 30 to 40 seconds to correct, or they would impact the ground.  And this is what purportedly happened in the Roswell incident.

B:  Along with other things, yes; there was also a high degree of electrical activity in your skies that night, which also aided and amplified the interference.

Q:  The question is, is this one of the incidents that caused our government's involvement with some of the extraterrestrial civilizations?

B:  Yes, it is one.

Q:  In the sense that their crew was captured and...

B:  So to speak, yes.

Q:  ... and it demanded that some negotiations take place.

B:  Eventually, some negotiations took place as a result of that incident... so no negotiations took place at /that/ time.

Q:  And the other incident was in July 19th and 20th of 1952, over Washington D. C.

B:  Yes.

Q:  In which several ships were...

B:  Buzzing around your Capital, yes.

Q:  Can you comment on that situation and who that might have been?

B:  I will not tell you whom that might have been, what I will tell you is this: one moment... you were being shown, in no uncertain terms, by the fact that a fleet of craft passed over your government's Capital at that time, you were being shown, in no uncertain terms, exactly who knew what was going on.  It was, in that sense, a signal for your society to begin to do your /real/ homework in allowing yourself to /destructurize/ the government you have created, that was designed to keep information from you, and is doing its job very well.

It was the beginning signal to create the impetus for many of the things and rearrangements of the society of your planet that are going on now, in the destructurization, of the taking back of personal responsibility, and so on and so forth, that you are experiencing in your society now.  That was the beginning signal, which was the indication of the beginning of the shift, when you would no longer rely so strongly on the idea of your government to take responsibility for what you know and don't know.  All right?

Q:  And there have recently been some Texans that have had some small BB like objects removed.  One from, I believe, the toe and the other from the hand.

B:  Yes.

Q:  And they give off a twelve-inch magnetic resonance...

B:  We understand this.

Q:  What type of material can do this?

B:  Superconductors... of a different nature than you understand, that are polarized and regulated with "polaric" energy in a very specific way.  They are constantly collapsing the field, what you call the superconductive field, or the hyperconductive field, to generate what you perceive in your reality to be a magnetic field, which is different than the field around the superconductor.

Q:  Is it radiating in the magnetic frequency?

B:  When the field collapses, yes, of course.  But it collapses many million of times a second, that's why you only perceive it as a magnetic field instead of a superconductive field.  Nevertheless it is a superconductive field as well.

Q:  Is this for assisting an individual and amplifying their energy, or tracking and finding the individual?

B:  It is for the idea of tracking, of recording and storing information, and also for inducing the state that individuals call the /alteration/ or /paralysis/ state that helps shift them from one dimension to another.  It shifts their frequency so that contact can be made.

Q:  And can you give us the name of those who did the contacting?

B:  In this case, as it is being identified now, specifically, generally again, the species you understand as the Greys, Reticulum.

Q2:  Was it meant to create a psychological state?

B:  It was meant to cause a diversion of the field to some degree, yes. But not to any great significant amount, just enough so that the individual who was involved could also add their energy in such a way as to know they have commandment of the situation, which is what they did.  It was enough to trip the circuit, but not enough to do it for them completely.

Q:  Two last things.  Did Nicola Tesla work on the Philadelphia Experiment, or were his coils only used?

B:  His information was to some degree utilized, he did not have direct involvement.

Q:  Thank you for that clarification.  And the last thing: can a monatomic substance be both in the low and the high spin state?  I mean not simultaneously, but does the monatomic always, by definition, reside in the high spin state?

B:  High spin.  It can have low spin side effects and manifestations, but in its natural monatomic state, always in the high spin.

Q:  Thank you very much.

B:  Thank you.

                    * You Are Your Government * 

Q: You mentioned that this was activity month. (April)

B: Oh, did you bring your pen and paper?

Q: That I've got.

B: All right.

Q: What would you like me to do?

B: I would suggest - you do not have to do anything - I would suggest that each and every one of you now begin the idea of knowing that you are your government: your political institutions, your social institutions, your religious institutions, your economic institutions. You /are/ these ideas; and that, without admonitions, without accusations, without demands - but from complete and total unconditional love - that you communicate with them every single day.

And let them know that you prefer peace. Let them know. Talk to them. Send them a letter every single day. For are you not alive every single day?

Q: Mhmm.

B: Then communicate every single day. They will get the message. If all of you do that every single day, they will get the message. If all of you do that every single day, they will begin to think that that is truly what you want. And they may allow themselves to go along and co-create the idea that they, too, can let it be all right for them to also prefer peace.

Share with whatever your imagination allows you to share. Allow it to come from you - not from us, from you. No accusations. But if you are willing to understand that you know that they know that there are interactions with other civilizations - simply let them know that you know. And that it is all right for them to let you know - so that you can share the experience together. They do not have to take responsibility for your fear anymore; you are now beyond panic. You are "big children."

Q: (Inaudible.)

B: If you say so.

Q: Would telepathic dialogues not be effective?

B: You can do this as well. But we are speaking of action on every level; and since you obviously allow yourselves to master physiological action, the rest of it will take care of itself. The willingness to /do,/ is now what you are going to be willing to exemplify - or not. Is it not worth the small amount of time it takes to sit down and express - in a very brief and loving statement - "I prefer peace. Thank you very much. Your loving equal."

Q: Do you have a suggestion as to which level of government?

B: Level! You are your own governments!

Q: I mean in physical terms, since we are communicating in physical terms.

B: All of them, then. If you are choosing to see more than one level, write to all of them - cover them all. Why leave any of them out?

Q: It's a lot.

B: A lot! Do you not understand that individuals who are willing to /be/ peace would not care if they had to write to every single individual on the planet? For them it would be an act of joy and love to share the peace that they have within them with everyone. Why not allow everyone to get a letter? Do they not deserve it?

Send them where you will - whatever feels right for you - knowing that however you do it, is perfect. Thank you.

Q: There are those in this world that, let's say, have irrational behavior...

B: I am hearing a belief system coming up. I am hearing an excuse.

Q: No. There are those who...

B: Uh, uh, uh, uh! Who are you speaking for?

Q: Well, in reality, only for myself.

B: Thank you. End of conversation. Your reality is your reality. If you insist on believing that, "there are those who," then you are saying that is the reality you experience. And will continue to experience, because that is the reality you believe in.

Again: if you are willing to know you are the reality of peace, define that reality for yourself. If, in your reality of peace, there are no longer "those who," then don't continue to act as if there are "those who" anymore.

Q: Mhmm.

B: All right. Treat them as if they are "those who do not." And then you will be acting as if you are the one who does. Do you follow me?

Q: Sure.

B: Well, thank you very much.

Q: Thank you very much.

Change my mind?