i'll take channeled over human speculation any day of the week, thanks. I've spent plenty of time with both. I've never encountered contradictory channelings, and I've been through lots. I have heard every speculation by a human, and they are far more contradictory. fun to read though... but ultimately unreliable.
"I've never encountered contradictory channelings"
You clearly have not read enough. Plenty of channelled material that are contradictory with each other and blaming this faction as good, that faction as bad - and then the reverse in another channelling.
And there's still no proof (tangible, shared) for me for any of the channelled material.
Until there is, I'll withhold my judgment and keep them in the "maybe" pile.
Look, I don't owe you shit. You could google this yourself in 20 minutes, if you wanted. Why didn't you? Because you didn't WANT to find the answer.
If you claim you have read the materials for 10 years, you should have come across plenty already.
I've been reading that shit on and off since the 80s (that's 20+ years on you, mate), but granted, gave up more than 15 years ago already.
It doesn't matter what I'll throw at you, you are clearly already a believer and nothing will change your beliefs, not even facts. You'll just end up moving goals posts.
But I'll humour you with some examples:
Jesus was an ascended master send from galactics (Starfleet messages)
Christ Entity was John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth and Paul of Tarsus (Seth)
Jesus was Creator Son (Urantia)
Jesus lived 600 years before his time, resurrected and went to North America to teach baptism (The Book of the Mormon)
Earth is under a quarantine (Urantia)
Earth is a paradise with an inner earth (Agartha book)
Earth is a prison planet (Sherry Wilde's books)
Earth is about to get reaped (Hilarion books)
You are born on earth out of your own free will (too many to mention)
You are born here against your free will through soul recycling (Wes Penre material)
You reincarnated on earth to elevate it to a higher density (Ra material)
You are not here at all, it's all just an illusion (conversations with Krishna, lots of Eastern channeled texts)
Pleiadeans created the earth (Marciniak books)
Brahma created earth (Krishna)
The Orions created earth (Wes Penre)
Yaldabaoth created the earth (Gnostic scriptures)
Your purpose here is to suffer to produce loosh (book of Shi-Ji)
... is to ascend to love
...is to learn different lessons (Lyra and tons of others)
... is just to experience all/anything/everything
.... there is no purpose
Arcturian Space brothers are here to help you (David Miller)
Arcturians are deceitful appearing as angelic, but will just use you (left as an exercise for you)
Pleiadean Space brothers come in many guises and are good/evil (as above)
Reptilians from Rigel are evil (find it) , no they are here to help you (find it)
Chamelons from Orion are good (find it), no, they are the evil and deceitful (find it)
... you can basically find ANYTHING about any of the multitude "space brothers", all from channeled texts, if you just dig.
I could go on.... it gets boring.
Many people fill their existential void an inability to deal with life's unanswerable questions by going to channeled texts to find definitive answers and certainty to their life. That's ok, but that doesn't make it objectively true.
If you really study, go way back to oral traditions, you will find out that most of these are recycled crap from old traditions, way before Sumerian, Akkadian, pre-dynastic Egyptian and Babylonian traditions. Way before Hebrews and Persians totally mixed everything up, co-opted them and re-wrote them (not to mention christians, islamists and new-agers after them).
My recommendation to you, is to educate yourself and read stuff that goes against the stuff you already know (don't just confirm your biases). Your education is your duty, not mine or anyone else's.
Believe what you want. Hopefully it will work out for your in your life.
most of your examples aren't contradictory, though.
maybe there is no 'purpose' to life, and it is all 'illusion'.
but even then, the illusion is persistent, and if life on earth is an opportunity to expand your being and improve your experience, you might call that the 'purpose' of this life.
if attempting to resolve these discrepancies in communication makes you uncomfortable, isn't abandoning the research your own act of confirmation bias? not to mention claiming that you 'write your own gospel'?
give an example of contradictory channeled material?
I have seen the proof myself. And I'm not sure how you find that more contradictory than human sources, who express the full range of opinions... from ETs as saviours, to ets as our enslavers or destructors. none of these are true.
There are phony channelings, and there are entities that would lie to you. But its quite simple to sort out who is telling the truth if you spend enough time with it, and prayer is enough to avoid the negative ones. I think the biggest point is that many things that seem contradictory to us actually aren't, they only seem that way from a 20th century human perspective. my point im asking for an example of a contradiction is not to assume that you can't provide one, but to work through the apparent contradiction and understand it.
believe whatever you want. I was skeptical too, until I spent over a decade investigating.
My intention is not to distract people away from more important things, so if you're not into it, go keep an eye on the audit efforts. but clearly we're going to need to talk about this stuff eventually, and I do have experience with it, so i feel compelled to share.
i'll take channeled over human speculation any day of the week, thanks. I've spent plenty of time with both. I've never encountered contradictory channelings, and I've been through lots. I have heard every speculation by a human, and they are far more contradictory. fun to read though... but ultimately unreliable.
"I've never encountered contradictory channelings"
You clearly have not read enough. Plenty of channelled material that are contradictory with each other and blaming this faction as good, that faction as bad - and then the reverse in another channelling.
And there's still no proof (tangible, shared) for me for any of the channelled material.
Until there is, I'll withhold my judgment and keep them in the "maybe" pile.
no example to provide? anyone?
Look, I don't owe you shit. You could google this yourself in 20 minutes, if you wanted. Why didn't you? Because you didn't WANT to find the answer.
If you claim you have read the materials for 10 years, you should have come across plenty already.
I've been reading that shit on and off since the 80s (that's 20+ years on you, mate), but granted, gave up more than 15 years ago already.
It doesn't matter what I'll throw at you, you are clearly already a believer and nothing will change your beliefs, not even facts. You'll just end up moving goals posts.
But I'll humour you with some examples:
Jesus was an ascended master send from galactics (Starfleet messages)
Christ Entity was John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth and Paul of Tarsus (Seth)
Jesus was Creator Son (Urantia)
Jesus lived 600 years before his time, resurrected and went to North America to teach baptism (The Book of the Mormon)
Earth is under a quarantine (Urantia)
Earth is a paradise with an inner earth (Agartha book)
Earth is a prison planet (Sherry Wilde's books)
Earth is about to get reaped (Hilarion books)
You are born on earth out of your own free will (too many to mention)
You are born here against your free will through soul recycling (Wes Penre material)
You reincarnated on earth to elevate it to a higher density (Ra material)
You are not here at all, it's all just an illusion (conversations with Krishna, lots of Eastern channeled texts)
Pleiadeans created the earth (Marciniak books)
Brahma created earth (Krishna)
The Orions created earth (Wes Penre)
Yaldabaoth created the earth (Gnostic scriptures)
Your purpose here is to suffer to produce loosh (book of Shi-Ji)
... is to ascend to love
...is to learn different lessons (Lyra and tons of others)
... is just to experience all/anything/everything
.... there is no purpose
Arcturian Space brothers are here to help you (David Miller)
Arcturians are deceitful appearing as angelic, but will just use you (left as an exercise for you)
Pleiadean Space brothers come in many guises and are good/evil (as above)
Reptilians from Rigel are evil (find it) , no they are here to help you (find it)
Chamelons from Orion are good (find it), no, they are the evil and deceitful (find it) ... you can basically find ANYTHING about any of the multitude "space brothers", all from channeled texts, if you just dig.
I could go on.... it gets boring.
Many people fill their existential void an inability to deal with life's unanswerable questions by going to channeled texts to find definitive answers and certainty to their life. That's ok, but that doesn't make it objectively true.
If you really study, go way back to oral traditions, you will find out that most of these are recycled crap from old traditions, way before Sumerian, Akkadian, pre-dynastic Egyptian and Babylonian traditions. Way before Hebrews and Persians totally mixed everything up, co-opted them and re-wrote them (not to mention christians, islamists and new-agers after them).
My recommendation to you, is to educate yourself and read stuff that goes against the stuff you already know (don't just confirm your biases). Your education is your duty, not mine or anyone else's.
Believe what you want. Hopefully it will work out for your in your life.
I write my own gospel and live my own myth.
most of your examples aren't contradictory, though.
maybe there is no 'purpose' to life, and it is all 'illusion'.
but even then, the illusion is persistent, and if life on earth is an opportunity to expand your being and improve your experience, you might call that the 'purpose' of this life.
if attempting to resolve these discrepancies in communication makes you uncomfortable, isn't abandoning the research your own act of confirmation bias? not to mention claiming that you 'write your own gospel'?
jk, idc, go work for snopes
give an example of contradictory channeled material?
I have seen the proof myself. And I'm not sure how you find that more contradictory than human sources, who express the full range of opinions... from ETs as saviours, to ets as our enslavers or destructors. none of these are true.
There are phony channelings, and there are entities that would lie to you. But its quite simple to sort out who is telling the truth if you spend enough time with it, and prayer is enough to avoid the negative ones. I think the biggest point is that many things that seem contradictory to us actually aren't, they only seem that way from a 20th century human perspective. my point im asking for an example of a contradiction is not to assume that you can't provide one, but to work through the apparent contradiction and understand it.
believe whatever you want. I was skeptical too, until I spent over a decade investigating.
My intention is not to distract people away from more important things, so if you're not into it, go keep an eye on the audit efforts. but clearly we're going to need to talk about this stuff eventually, and I do have experience with it, so i feel compelled to share.